diff --git a/publish_images.py b/publish_images.py
index 1fc002acb40668defa6fd592b87b8755a83ffa01..f148baefb6d0419aad9695b07acf5826c2371d4f 100755
--- a/publish_images.py
+++ b/publish_images.py
@@ -4,16 +4,22 @@ import subprocess as sp
 import sys
 import time
-import git
 REGISTRY_URL = 'docker.km3net.de'
+def get_changed_dockerfiles():
+    """Checks the last Git commit and returns a list of changed Dockefiles"""
+    diff_cmd = "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD"
+    child = sp.Popen(diff_cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
+    out, _ = child.communicate()
+    changed_files = [l.decode().rstrip() for l in out.split(b'\n')]
+    changed_dockerfiles = [f for f in changed_files if f.startswith("base/")]
+    return changed_dockerfiles
 def main():
-    changed_dockerfiles = [
-        f.a_path for f in git.Repo('.').index.diff("HEAD~1")
-        if f.a_path.startswith("base/")
-    ]
+    changed_dockerfiles = get_changed_dockerfiles()
     n_files = len(changed_dockerfiles)
     if n_files == 0: