FROM MAINTAINER Vladimir Kulikovskiy <> RUN yum install -y log4cpp log4cpp-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel gsl gsl-devel #lhapdf RUN cd / && curl -L\?f\=lhapdf-5.9.1.tar.gz > lhapdf-5.9.1.tar.gz && \ tar xzvf lhapdf-5.9.1.tar.gz && cd lhapdf-5.9.1 && \ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && make install #Pythia 6.4.28 (using script in GENIE) # RUN cd / && wget && \ tar zxvf pythia6.tar.gz && rm -rf pythia6.tar.gz && \ wget --no-check-certificate && \ gzip -d pythia-6.4.28.f.gz && mv pythia-6.4.28.f pythia6/pythia6428.f && rm -rf pythia6/pythia6416.f && \ mv pythia6 pythia6428 && cd pythia6428 && \ ./makePythia6.linuxx8664 && echo "export PYTHIA6=/pythia6428" > /etc/profile.d/ #ROOT with PYTHIA (Pythia libs need to be compiled) #remove existing ROOT installation #ROOT5 RUN source /etc/profile.d/ && cd / && rm -rf /usr/local/root && \ curl -L > root.tar.gz && \ tar xvf root.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ && rm root.tar.gz && cd /usr/local/root && \ ./configure --fail-on-missing --with-pythia6-libdir=$PYTHIA6 --enable-pythia6 --enable-cxx11 && \ make && \ echo "cd /usr/local/root && source bin/ && cd -" >> /etc/profile.d/ && cd #GENIE #it looks for libgfortran in /usr/lib64, otherwise linking will fail RUN ln -s /lib64/ /usr/lib64/ RUN cd / && mkdir genie && cd genie && git clone genie_generator && \ cd genie_generator && git checkout R-3_00_02 && \ echo "export GENIE=/genie/genie_generator" >> /etc/profile.d/ && \ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$GENIE/bin" >> /etc/profile.d/ && \ echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GENIE/lib" >> /etc/profile.d/ && \ source /etc/profile.d/ && source /etc/profile.d/ && cd $GENIE && \ ./configure && make && make install #GENIE REWEIGHT RUN cd /genie && git clone genie_reweight && \ cd genie_reweight && git checkout R-1_00_00 && \ echo "export GENIE_REWEIGHT=/genie/genie_reweight" >> /etc/profile.d/ && \ source /etc/profile.d/ && source /etc/profile.d/ && cd /genie/genie_reweight \ ./configure && make && make install