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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • ICRC2019_v2
    ICRC2019 results. Physics exactly the same as tag ICRC2019_v1, but minor modifications to make the plots nicer.
  • ICRC2019_v1
    58a8ea75 · Update doc. ·
    ICRC2019 results with minor updates compared to the tag orca20vs23_v2 for the NMO analysis with the full ORCA detector. I've added one additional systematic for ORCA 20x9 (cos-theta tilt) to be concise with respect to the ORCA7 analysis. Also added checks for fits where delta-cp ended up on a boundary. Also added scripts to simplify the running of the analysis pipeline for ORCA 20x9. Results produced by this state were sent out as a draft to Jurgen on the 4th of June 2019
  • orca20vs23_v2
    ORCA 20 vs 23 analysis for MC summary tags 190222 (20x9 and 23x9 geometries) and 180401 (23x9). This version of the code was used for the results shown at the ICRC2019 public plot candidates meeting.
  • orca20vs23_v1
    88f0bf00 · Updated doc. ·
    A simple version of ORCA20x9 vs ORCA23x9 comparison, based on the PID tag 190222. No muons nor noise are used, oscillation parameters at NuFit3.2, 2 PID bins, track reco uses gandalf only
  • nantes_2019
    3c32be6e · Added ·
    7-line ORCA analysis public plot candidates as presented in the Nates collaboration meeting