diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index 35ad0d2b9e2f926495bcad42e0a736dbfc58d67c..6d9c2818701a5fe9b10882d6b1d2a658f7ff6e59 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ makedocs(;
     warnonly = [:missing_docs],
     pages = [
         "Home" => "index.md",
-        "Examples" => Any[
-            "examples/an_example.md",
-        ],
         "API" => "api.md"
     repo = Documenter.Remotes.URL(
diff --git a/docs/src/api.md b/docs/src/api.md
index 8aec9366c72e9add75961265fb66b3b001e63888..01dbe66160563bc49996498a456ccf5df791df9c 100644
--- a/docs/src/api.md
+++ b/docs/src/api.md
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
diff --git a/docs/src/examples/an_example.md b/docs/src/examples/an_example.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8804da780c533203d35dc4a3c36377d2f4aaf514..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/src/examples/an_example.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# An example
-The following function determines the meaning of life.
-```@example usage
-using KM3Aux
-Examples with the same "tag" (like `usage` above) share the same Julia
-process, so that everything is in the same scope. The package is therefore already
-imported, so we can determine the meaning of life again `;)`
-```@example usage
diff --git a/docs/src/index.md b/docs/src/index.md
index dbe07c80eade2394d894968b650603f0270cd4fa..a1ca5031068b48459411ff25069200e7a4a2b552 100644
--- a/docs/src/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/index.md
@@ -1,29 +1,48 @@
-# KM3Aux.jl
+# KM3Aux
-This is the documentation of the awesome `KM3Aux.jl` Julia package.
+[![Build Status](https://git.km3net.de/common/KM3Aux.jl/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://git.km3net.de/common/KM3Aux.jl/pipelines)
-!!! note
+Welcome to the `KM3Aux.jl` repository! Your partner for accessing files from the
+legendary [KM3NeT Auxiliary Files Archive](https://git.km3net.de/auxiliary_data/calibration)
+for calibration data.
+## Documentation
+Check out the **[Latest Documention](https://common.pages.km3net.de/KM3Aux.jl/dev)**
+which also includes tutorials and examples.
-    This package is still under development!
 ## Installation
-`KM3Aux.jl` is **not an officially registered Julia package** but it's available on
-the **[KM3NeT Julia registry](https://git.km3net.de/common/julia-registry)**. To add
+`KM3Aux.jl` is not an officially registered Julia package but it's available via
+the [KM3NeT Julia registry](https://git.km3net.de/common/julia-registry). To add
 the KM3NeT Julia registry to your local Julia registry list, follow the
 instructions in its
 [README](https://git.km3net.de/common/julia-registry#adding-the-registry) or simply do
     git clone https://git.km3net.de/common/julia-registry ~/.julia/registries/KM3NeT
-After that, you can instal `KM3Aux.jl` just like any other Julia package:
+After that, you can add `KM3Aux.jl` just like any other Julia package:
     julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("KM3Aux")
 ## Quickstart
+Make sure to clone the [KM3NeT Auxiliary Files Archive](https://git.km3net.de/auxiliary_data/calibration)
+to a folder and set the environment variable `KM3AUX_CALIB_PATH` to that path:
+    git clone git@git.km3net.de:auxiliary_data/calibration.git /path/to/the/archive
+    export KM3AUX_CALIB_PATH=/path/to/the/archive
 ``` julia-repl
 julia> using KM3Aux
+julia> fpath = filepath(160, 19468, "pmt")