diff --git a/src/graphnet/models/gnn/__init__.py b/src/graphnet/models/gnn/__init__.py
index 2abe3d358e6abeb9750ac2c6554d8a05f605099b..55a181400069dd3d2761d9270824c8759549b445 100644
--- a/src/graphnet/models/gnn/__init__.py
+++ b/src/graphnet/models/gnn/__init__.py
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ from .convnet import ConvNet
 from .dynedge import DynEdge
 from .dynedge_jinst import DynEdgeJINST
 from .dynedge_kaggle_tito import DynEdgeTITO
+from .odynedge import ODynEdge
diff --git a/src/graphnet/models/gnn/odynedge.py b/src/graphnet/models/gnn/odynedge.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..901fd153d88f52bda52748efb574fd08128c3576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/graphnet/models/gnn/odynedge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+"""Optimized implementation of the DynEdge GNN model architecture."""
+from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
+import torch
+from torch import Tensor, LongTensor
+from torch_geometric.data import Data
+from torch_scatter import scatter_max, scatter_mean, scatter_min, scatter_sum
+from graphnet.models.components.layers import DynEdgeConv
+from graphnet.utilities.config import save_model_config
+from graphnet.models.gnn.gnn import GNN
+from graphnet.models.utils import calculate_xyzt_homophily
+    "min": scatter_min,
+    "max": scatter_max,
+    "sum": scatter_sum,
+    "mean": scatter_mean,
+class ODynEdge(GNN):
+    """DynEdge (dynamical edge convolutional) model."""
+    @save_model_config
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        nb_inputs: int,
+        *,
+        nb_neighbours: int = 8,
+        features_subset: Optional[Union[List[int], slice]] = None,
+        dynedge_layer_sizes: Optional[List[Tuple[int, ...]]] = None,
+        post_processing_layer_sizes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
+        readout_layer_sizes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
+        global_pooling_schemes: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
+        add_global_variables_after_pooling: bool = False,
+    ):
+        """Construct `DynEdge`.
+        Args:
+            nb_inputs: Number of input features on each node.
+            nb_neighbours: Number of neighbours to used in the k-nearest
+                neighbour clustering which is performed after each (dynamical)
+                edge convolution.
+            features_subset: The subset of latent features on each node that
+                are used as metric dimensions when performing the k-nearest
+                neighbours clustering. Defaults to [0,1,2].
+            dynedge_layer_sizes: The layer sizes, or latent feature dimenions,
+                used in the `DynEdgeConv` layer. Each entry in
+                `dynedge_layer_sizes` corresponds to a single `DynEdgeConv`
+                layer; the integers in the corresponding tuple corresponds to
+                the layer sizes in the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) that is
+                applied within each `DynEdgeConv` layer. That is, a list of
+                size-two tuples means that all `DynEdgeConv` layers contain a
+                two-layer MLP.
+                Defaults to [(128, 256), (336, 256), (336, 256), (336, 256)].
+            post_processing_layer_sizes: Hidden layer sizes in the MLP
+                following the skip-concatenation of the outputs of each
+                `DynEdgeConv` layer. Defaults to [336, 256].
+            readout_layer_sizes: Hidden layer sizes in the MLP following the
+                post-processing _and_ optional global pooling. As this is the
+                last layer(s) in the model, the last layer in the read-out
+                yields the output of the `DynEdge` model. Defaults to [128,].
+            global_pooling_schemes: The list global pooling schemes to use.
+                Options are: "min", "max", "mean", and "sum".
+            add_global_variables_after_pooling: Whether to add global variables
+                after global pooling. The alternative is to  added (distribute)
+                them to the individual nodes before any convolutional
+                operations.
+        """
+        # Latent feature subset for computing nearest neighbours in DynEdge.
+        if features_subset is None:
+            features_subset = slice(0, 3)
+        # DynEdge layer sizes
+        if dynedge_layer_sizes is None:
+            dynedge_layer_sizes = [
+                (
+                    128,
+                    256,
+                ),
+                (
+                    336,
+                    256,
+                ),
+                (
+                    336,
+                    256,
+                ),
+                (
+                    336,
+                    256,
+                ),
+            ]
+        assert isinstance(dynedge_layer_sizes, list)
+        assert len(dynedge_layer_sizes)
+        assert all(isinstance(sizes, tuple) for sizes in dynedge_layer_sizes)
+        assert all(len(sizes) > 0 for sizes in dynedge_layer_sizes)
+        assert all(
+            all(size > 0 for size in sizes) for sizes in dynedge_layer_sizes
+        )
+        self._dynedge_layer_sizes = dynedge_layer_sizes
+        # Post-processing layer sizes
+        if post_processing_layer_sizes is None:
+            post_processing_layer_sizes = [
+                336,
+                256,
+            ]
+        assert isinstance(post_processing_layer_sizes, list)
+        assert len(post_processing_layer_sizes)
+        assert all(size > 0 for size in post_processing_layer_sizes)
+        self._post_processing_layer_sizes = post_processing_layer_sizes
+        # Read-out layer sizes
+        if readout_layer_sizes is None:
+            readout_layer_sizes = [
+                128,
+            ]
+        assert isinstance(readout_layer_sizes, list)
+        assert len(readout_layer_sizes)
+        assert all(size > 0 for size in readout_layer_sizes)
+        self._readout_layer_sizes = readout_layer_sizes
+        # Global pooling scheme(s)
+        if isinstance(global_pooling_schemes, str):
+            global_pooling_schemes = [global_pooling_schemes]
+        if isinstance(global_pooling_schemes, list):
+            for pooling_scheme in global_pooling_schemes:
+                assert (
+                    pooling_scheme in GLOBAL_POOLINGS
+                ), f"Global pooling scheme {pooling_scheme} not supported."
+        else:
+            assert global_pooling_schemes is None
+        self._global_pooling_schemes = global_pooling_schemes
+        if add_global_variables_after_pooling:
+            assert self._global_pooling_schemes, (
+                "No global pooling schemes were request, so cannot add global"
+                " variables after pooling."
+            )
+        self._add_global_variables_after_pooling = (
+            add_global_variables_after_pooling
+        )
+        # Base class constructor
+        super().__init__(nb_inputs, self._readout_layer_sizes[-1])
+        # Remaining member variables()
+        self._activation = torch.nn.LeakyReLU()
+        self._nb_inputs = nb_inputs
+        self._nb_global_variables = 5 + nb_inputs
+        self._nb_neighbours = nb_neighbours
+        self._features_subset = features_subset
+        self._construct_layers()
+    def _construct_layers(self) -> None:
+        """Construct layers (torch.nn.Modules)."""
+        # Convolutional operations
+        nb_input_features = self._nb_inputs
+        if not self._add_global_variables_after_pooling:
+            nb_input_features += self._nb_global_variables
+        self._conv_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList()
+        self._first_post_processing = torch.nn.ModuleList(
+            [
+                torch.nn.Linear(
+                    nb_input_features, self._post_processing_layer_sizes[0]
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        nb_latent_features = nb_input_features
+        for sizes in self._dynedge_layer_sizes:
+            layers = []
+            layer_sizes = [nb_latent_features] + list(sizes)
+            for ix, (nb_in, nb_out) in enumerate(
+                zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:])
+            ):
+                if ix == 0:
+                    nb_in *= 2
+                layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(nb_in, nb_out))
+                layers.append(self._activation)
+            conv_layer = DynEdgeConv(
+                torch.nn.Sequential(*layers),
+                aggr="add",
+                nb_neighbors=self._nb_neighbours,
+                features_subset=self._features_subset,
+            )
+            self._conv_layers.append(conv_layer)
+            nb_latent_features = nb_out
+            self._first_post_processing.append(
+                torch.nn.Linear(
+                    nb_out, self._post_processing_layer_sizes[0], bias=False
+                )
+            )
+        # Post-processing operations
+        post_processing_layers = []
+        layer_sizes = list(self._post_processing_layer_sizes)
+        for nb_in, nb_out in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:]):
+            post_processing_layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(nb_in, nb_out))
+            post_processing_layers.append(self._activation)
+        self._post_processing = torch.nn.Sequential(*post_processing_layers)
+        # Read-out operations
+        nb_poolings = (
+            len(self._global_pooling_schemes)
+            if self._global_pooling_schemes
+            else 1
+        )
+        nb_latent_features = nb_out * nb_poolings
+        if self._add_global_variables_after_pooling:
+            nb_latent_features += self._nb_global_variables
+        readout_layers = []
+        layer_sizes = [nb_latent_features] + list(self._readout_layer_sizes)
+        for nb_in, nb_out in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:]):
+            readout_layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(nb_in, nb_out))
+            readout_layers.append(self._activation)
+        self._readout = torch.nn.Sequential(*readout_layers)
+    def _global_pooling(self, x: Tensor, batch: LongTensor) -> Tensor:
+        """Perform global pooling."""
+        assert self._global_pooling_schemes
+        pooled = []
+        for pooling_scheme in self._global_pooling_schemes:
+            pooling_fn = GLOBAL_POOLINGS[pooling_scheme]
+            pooled_x = pooling_fn(x, index=batch, dim=0)
+            if isinstance(pooled_x, tuple) and len(pooled_x) == 2:
+                # `scatter_{min,max}`, which return also an argument, vs.
+                # `scatter_{mean,sum}`
+                pooled_x, _ = pooled_x
+            pooled.append(pooled_x)
+        return torch.cat(pooled, dim=1)
+    def _calculate_global_variables(
+        self,
+        x: Tensor,
+        edge_index: LongTensor,
+        batch: LongTensor,
+        *additional_attributes: Tensor,
+    ) -> Tensor:
+        """Calculate global variables."""
+        # Calculate homophily (scalar variables)
+        h_x, h_y, h_z, h_t = calculate_xyzt_homophily(x, edge_index, batch)
+        # Calculate mean features
+        global_means = scatter_mean(x, batch, dim=0)
+        # Add global variables
+        global_variables = torch.cat(
+            [
+                global_means,
+                h_x,
+                h_y,
+                h_z,
+                h_t,
+            ]
+            + [attr.unsqueeze(dim=1) for attr in additional_attributes],
+            dim=1,
+        )
+        return global_variables
+    def forward(self, data: Data) -> Tensor:
+        """Apply learnable forward pass."""
+        # Convenience variables
+        x, edge_index, batch = data.x, data.edge_index, data.batch
+        global_variables = self._calculate_global_variables(
+            x,
+            edge_index,
+            batch,
+            torch.log10(data.n_pulses),
+        )
+        # Distribute global variables out to each node
+        if not self._add_global_variables_after_pooling:
+            distribute = (
+                batch.unsqueeze(dim=1) == torch.unique(batch).unsqueeze(dim=0)
+            ).type(torch.float)
+            global_variables_distributed = torch.sum(
+                distribute.unsqueeze(dim=2)
+                * global_variables.unsqueeze(dim=0),
+                dim=1,
+            )
+            x = torch.cat((x, global_variables_distributed), dim=1)
+        # DynEdge-convolutions
+        out = self._first_post_processing[0](x)
+        for conv_layer, linear_layer in zip(
+            self._conv_layers, self._first_post_processing[1:]
+        ):
+            x, edge_index = conv_layer(x, edge_index, batch)
+            out += linear_layer(x)
+        # Post-processing
+        x = self._post_processing(self._activation(out))
+        # (Optional) Global pooling
+        if self._global_pooling_schemes:
+            x = self._global_pooling(x, batch=batch)
+            if self._add_global_variables_after_pooling:
+                x = torch.cat(
+                    [
+                        x,
+                        global_variables,
+                    ],
+                    dim=1,
+                )
+        # Read-out
+        x = self._readout(x)
+        return x