diff --git a/km3io/rootio.py b/km3io/rootio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a52758e653ed4a1a5a6e523a049e4bb60c6b695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/km3io/rootio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import awkward1 as ak
+import uproot
+from .tools import unfold_indices
+# 110 MB based on the size of the largest basket found so far in km3net
+BASKET_CACHE_SIZE = 110 * 1024**2
+BASKET_CACHE = uproot.cache.ThreadSafeArrayCache(BASKET_CACHE_SIZE)
+class BranchMapper:
+    """
+    Mapper helper for keys in a ROOT branch.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    name: str
+        The name of the mapper helper which is displayed to the user
+    key: str
+        The key of the branch in the ROOT tree.
+    exclude: ``None``, ``list(str)``
+        Keys to exclude from parsing.
+    update: ``None``, ``dict(str: str)``
+        An update map for keys which are to be presented with a different
+        key to the user e.g. ``{"n_hits": "hits"}`` will rename the ``hits``
+        key to ``n_hits``.
+    extra: ``None``, ``dict(str: str)``
+        An extra mapper for hidden object, primarily nested ones like
+        ``t.fSec``, which can be revealed and mapped to e.g. ``t_sec``
+        via ``{"t_sec", "t.fSec"}``.
+    attrparser: ``None``, ``function(str) -> str``
+        The function to be used to create attribute names. This is only
+        needed if unsupported characters are present, like ``.``, which
+        would prevent setting valid Python attribute names.
+    toawkward: ``None``, ``list(str)``
+        List of keys to convert to awkward arrays (recommended for
+        doubly ragged arrays)
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 name,
+                 key,
+                 extra=None,
+                 exclude=None,
+                 update=None,
+                 attrparser=None,
+                 flat=True,
+                 interpretations=None,
+                 toawkward=None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.key = key
+        self.extra = {} if extra is None else extra
+        self.exclude = [] if exclude is None else exclude
+        self.update = {} if update is None else update
+        self.attrparser = (lambda x: x) if attrparser is None else attrparser
+        self.flat = flat
+        self.interpretations = {} if interpretations is None else interpretations
+        self.toawkward = [] if toawkward is None else toawkward
+class Branch:
+    """Branch accessor class"""
+    def __init__(self,
+                 tree,
+                 mapper,
+                 index_chain=None,
+                 subbranchmaps=None,
+                 keymap=None):
+        self._tree = tree
+        self._mapper = mapper
+        self._index_chain = [] if index_chain is None else index_chain
+        self._keymap = None
+        self._branch = tree[mapper.key]
+        self._subbranches = []
+        self._subbranchmaps = subbranchmaps
+        self._iterator_index = 0
+        if keymap is None:
+            self._initialise_keys()  #
+        else:
+            self._keymap = keymap
+        if subbranchmaps is not None:
+            for mapper in subbranchmaps:
+                subbranch = self.__class__(self._tree,
+                                           mapper=mapper,
+                                           index_chain=self._index_chain)
+                self._subbranches.append(subbranch)
+        for subbranch in self._subbranches:
+            setattr(self, subbranch._mapper.name, subbranch)
+    def _initialise_keys(self):
+        """Create the keymap and instance attributes for branch keys"""
+        # TODO: this could be a cached property
+        keys = set(k.decode('utf-8')
+                   for k in self._branch.keys()) - set(self._mapper.exclude)
+        self._keymap = {
+            **{self._mapper.attrparser(k): k
+               for k in keys},
+            **self._mapper.extra
+        }
+        self._keymap.update(self._mapper.update)
+        for k in self._mapper.update.values():
+            del self._keymap[k]
+        for key in self._keymap.keys():
+            setattr(self, key, None)
+    def keys(self):
+        return self._keymap.keys()
+    def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+        if attr.startswith("_"):  # let all private and magic methods pass
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
+        if attr in self._keymap.keys():  # intercept branch key lookups
+            return self.__getkey__(attr)
+        return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
+    def __getkey__(self, key):
+        out = self._branch[self._keymap[key]].lazyarray(
+            interpretation=self._mapper.interpretations.get(key),
+            basketcache=BASKET_CACHE)
+        if self._index_chain is not None and key in self._mapper.toawkward:
+            out = ak.from_iter(out)
+        return unfold_indices(out, self._index_chain)
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        """Slicing magic"""
+        if isinstance(item, str):
+            return self.__getkey__(item)
+        if item.__class__.__name__ == "ChunkedArray":
+            item = np.array(item)
+        return self.__class__(self._tree,
+                              self._mapper,
+                              index_chain=self._index_chain + [item],
+                              keymap=self._keymap,
+                              subbranchmaps=self._subbranchmaps)
+    def __len__(self):
+        if not self._index_chain:
+            return len(self._branch)
+        elif isinstance(self._index_chain[-1], int):
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return len(
+                unfold_indices(
+                    self._branch[self._keymap['id']].lazyarray(
+                        basketcache=BASKET_CACHE), self._index_chain))
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self._iterator_index = 0
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        idx = self._iterator_index
+        self._iterator_index += 1
+        if idx >= len(self):
+            raise StopIteration
+        return self[idx]
+    def __str__(self):
+        length = len(self)
+        return "{} ({}) with {} element{}".format(self.__class__.__name__,
+                                                  self._mapper.name, length,
+                                                  's' if length > 1 else '')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        length = len(self)
+        return "<{}[{}]: {} element{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
+                                               self._mapper.name, length,
+                                               's' if length > 1 else '')