diff --git a/km3io/tools.py b/km3io/tools.py
index c42841919e0a5265aee6d41276f1ed65a7358e03..5d0ab67596a374f98d6ef0d41da73adb61771fed 100644
--- a/km3io/tools.py
+++ b/km3io/tools.py
@@ -263,222 +263,75 @@ def best_track(tracks, startend=None, minmax=None, stages=None):
     return _max_lik_track(_longest_tracks(selected_tracks))
-def _longest_tracks(tracks):
-    """Select the longest reconstructed track"""
-    if tracks.is_single:
-        stages_nesting_level = 1
-        tracks_nesting_level = 0
-    else:
-        stages_nesting_level = 2
-        tracks_nesting_level = 1
-    len_stages = count_nested(tracks.rec_stages, axis=stages_nesting_level)
-    longest = tracks[len_stages == ak.max(len_stages, axis=tracks_nesting_level)]
-    return longest
-def _max_lik_track(tracks):
-    """Select the track with the highest likelihood """
-    if tracks.is_single:
-        tracks_nesting_level = 0
-    else:
-        tracks_nesting_level = 1
-    return tracks[tracks.lik == ak.max(tracks.lik, axis=tracks_nesting_level)]
-def mask(tracks, stages=None, startend=None, minmax=None):
-    """Create a mask for tracks.rec_stages.
+def mask(arr, sequence=None, startend=None, minmax=None, atleast=None):
+    """Return a boolean mask which check each nested sub-array for a condition.
-    tracks : km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        tracks, or one track, or slice of tracks, or slice of one track.
-    stages : list or set
-        reconstruction stages of interest:
-        - list: the order of rec_stages in respected.
-        - set: the order of rec_stages in irrelevant.
+    arr : awkward.Array with ndim>=2
+        The array to mask.
     startend: tuple(int, int), optional
-        The required first and last stage in tracks.rec_stages.
+        True for entries where the first and last element are matching the tuple.
     minmax: tuple(int, int), optional
-        The range (minimum and maximum) value of rec_stages to take into account.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1.Array(bool)
-        an awkward1 Array mask where True corresponds to the positions
-        where stages were found. False otherwise.
-    Raises
-    ------
-    ValueError
-        - too many inputs specified.
-        - no inputs are specified.
+        True for entries where each element is within the min-max-range.
+    sequence : list(int), optional
+        True for entries which contain the exact same elements (in that specific
+        order)
+    atleast : list(int), optional
+        True for entries where at least the provided elements are present.
-    inputs = (stages, startend, minmax)
-    if all(v is None for v in inputs):
-        raise ValueError("either stages, startend or minmax must be specified.")
-    if stages is not None and (startend is not None or minmax is not None):
-        raise ValueError("Please specify either a range or a set of rec stages.")
-    if stages is not None and startend is None and minmax is None:
-        if isinstance(stages, list):
-            # order of stages is conserved
-            return _mask_explicit_rec_stages(tracks, stages)
-        if isinstance(stages, set):
-            # order of stages is no longer conserved
-            return _mask_rec_stages_in_set(tracks, stages)
-    if startend is not None and minmax is None and stages is None:
-        return _mask_rec_stages_between_start_end(tracks, *startend)
-    if minmax is not None and startend is None and stages is None:
-        return _mask_rec_stages_in_range_min_max(tracks, *minmax)
-def _mask_rec_stages_between_start_end(tracks, start, end):
-    """Mask tracks.rec_stages that start exactly with start and end exactly
-    with end. ie [start, a, b ...,z , end]"""
     builder = ak.ArrayBuilder()
-    if tracks.is_single:
-        _find_between_single(tracks.rec_stages, start, end, builder)
-        return (builder.snapshot() == 1)[0]
-    else:
-        _find_between(tracks.rec_stages, start, end, builder)
-        return builder.snapshot() == 1
-def _find_between(rec_stages, start, end, builder):
-    """Find tracks.rec_stages where rec_stages[0] == start and rec_stages[-1] == end."""
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        builder.begin_list()
-        for i in s:
-            num_stages = len(i)
-            if num_stages != 0:
-                if (i[0] == start) and (i[-1] == end):
-                    builder.append(1)
+    _mask(arr, builder, sequence, startend, minmax, atleast)
+    return builder.snapshot()
+#nb.njit  # TODO: not supported in awkward yet
+#                 see https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward-1.0/issues/572
+def _mask(arr, builder, sequence=None, startend=None, minmax=None, atleast=None):
+    if arr.ndim == 2:  # recursion stop
+        if startend is not None:
+            start, end = startend
+            for els in arr:
+                if ak.count(els) > 0 and els[0] == start and els[-1] == end:
+                    builder.boolean(True)
-                    builder.append(0)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        builder.end_list()
-def _find_between_single(rec_stages, start, end, builder):
-    """Find tracks.rec_stages where rec_stages[0] == start and
-    rec_stages[-1] == end in a single track."""
-    builder.begin_list()
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        num_stages = len(s)
-        if num_stages != 0:
-            if (s[0] == start) and (s[-1] == end):
-                builder.append(1)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        else:
-            builder.append(0)
-    builder.end_list()
-def _mask_explicit_rec_stages(tracks, stages):
-    """Mask explicit rec_stages .
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tracks : km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        tracks or one track, or slice of tracks.
-    stages : list
-        reconstruction stages of interest. The order of stages is conserved.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1.Array
-        an awkward1 Array mask where True corresponds to the positions
-        where stages were found. False otherwise.
-    """
-    builder = ak.ArrayBuilder()
-    if tracks.is_single:
-        _find_single(tracks.rec_stages, ak.Array(stages), builder)
-        return (builder.snapshot() == 1)[0]
-    else:
-        _find(tracks.rec_stages, ak.Array(stages), builder)
-        return builder.snapshot() == 1
-def _find(rec_stages, stages, builder):
-    """construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When stages are found, the Array is filled with value 1, otherwise it is filled
-    with value 0.
+                    builder.boolean(False)
+        elif minmax is not None:
+            min, max = minmax
+            for els in arr:
+                for el in els:
+                    if el < min or el > max:
+                        builder.boolean(False)
+                        break
+                else:
+                    builder.boolean(True)
+        elif sequence is not None:
+            n = len(sequence)
+            for els in arr:
+                if len(els) != n:
+                    builder.boolean(False)
+                else:
+                    for i in range(n):
+                        if els[i] != sequence[i]:
+                            builder.boolean(False)
+                            break
+                    else:
+                        builder.boolean(True)
+        elif atleast is not None:
+            for els in arr:
+                for e in atleast:
+                    if e not in els:
+                        builder.boolean(False)
+                        break
+                else:
+                    builder.boolean(True)
+        return
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages from multiple events.
-    stages : awkward1.Array
-        reconstruction stages of interest.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    for s in rec_stages:
+    for subarray in arr:
-        for i in s:
-            num_stages = len(i)
-            if num_stages == len(stages):
-                found = 0
-                for j in range(num_stages):
-                    if i[j] == stages[j]:
-                        found += 1
-                if found == num_stages:
-                    builder.append(1)
-                else:
-                    builder.append(0)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
+        _mask(subarray, builder, sequence, startend, minmax, atleast)
-def _find_single(rec_stages, stages, builder):
-    """Construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When stages are found, the Array is filled with value 1, otherwise it is filled
-    with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages from a SINGLE event.
-    stages : awkward1.Array
-        reconstruction stages of interest.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    builder.begin_list()
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        num_stages = len(s)
-        if num_stages == len(stages):
-            found = 0
-            for j in range(num_stages):
-                if s[j] == stages[j]:
-                    found += 1
-            if found == num_stages:
-                builder.append(1)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        else:
-            builder.append(0)
-    builder.end_list()
 def best_jmuon(tracks):
     """Select the best JMUON track.
@@ -560,211 +413,6 @@ def best_dusjshower(tracks):
     return _max_lik_track(_longest_tracks(tracks[mask]))
-def _mask_rec_stages_in_range_min_max(tracks, min_stage=None, max_stage=None):
-    """Mask tracks where rec_stages are withing the range(min, max).
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tracks : km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        tracks, or one track, or slice of tracks, or slices of tracks.
-    min_stage : int
-        minimum value of rec_stages.
-    max_stage : int
-        maximum value of rec_stages.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1.Array
-        an awkward1 Array mask where True corresponds to the positions
-        where stages were found. False otherwise.
-    """
-    if (min_stage is not None) and (max_stage is not None):
-        builder = ak.ArrayBuilder()
-        if tracks.is_single:
-            _find_in_range_single(tracks.rec_stages, min_stage, max_stage, builder)
-            return (builder.snapshot() == 1)[0]
-        else:
-            _find_in_range(tracks.rec_stages, min_stage, max_stage, builder)
-            return builder.snapshot() == 1
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("please provide min_stage and max_stage.")
-def _find_in_range(rec_stages, min_stage, max_stage, builder):
-    """Construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When stages are within the range(min, max), the Array is filled with
-    value 1, otherwise it is filled with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages of MULTILPLE events.
-    min_stage: int
-        minimum value of rec_stages.
-    max_stage: int
-        minimum value of rec_stages.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        builder.begin_list()
-        for i in s:
-            num_stages = len(i)
-            if num_stages != 0:
-                found = 0
-                for j in i:
-                    if min_stage <= j <= max_stage:
-                        found += 1
-                if found == num_stages:
-                    builder.append(1)
-                else:
-                    builder.append(0)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        builder.end_list()
-def _find_in_range_single(rec_stages, min_stage, max_stage, builder):
-    """Construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When stages are within the range(min, max), the Array is filled with
-    value 1, otherwise it is filled with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages of a SINGLE event.
-    min_stage: int
-        minimum value of rec_stages.
-    max_stage: int
-        minimum value of rec_stages.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    builder.begin_list()
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        num_stages = len(s)
-        if num_stages != 0:
-            found = 0
-            for i in s:
-                if min_stage <= i <= max_stage:
-                    found += 1
-            if found == num_stages:
-                builder.append(1)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        else:
-            builder.append(0)
-    builder.end_list()
-def _mask_rec_stages_in_set(tracks, stages):
-    """Mask tracks where rec_stages are withing the range(min, max).
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tracks : km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        tracks, or one track, or slice of tracks, or slices of tracks.
-    stages : set
-        set of stages to look for in tracks.rec_stages.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1.Array
-        an awkward1 Array mask where True corresponds to the positions
-        where stages were found. False otherwise.
-    """
-    if isinstance(stages, set):
-        builder = ak.ArrayBuilder()
-        if tracks.is_single:
-            _find_in_set_single(tracks.rec_stages, stages, builder)
-            return (builder.snapshot() == 1)[0]
-        else:
-            _find_in_set(tracks.rec_stages, stages, builder)
-            return builder.snapshot() == 1
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("stages must be a set")
-def _find_in_set(rec_stages, stages, builder):
-    """Construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When all stages are found in rec_stages, the Array is filled with
-    value 1, otherwise it is filled with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages of MULTILPLE events.
-    stages : set
-        set of stages.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    n = len(stages)
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        builder.begin_list()
-        for i in s:
-            num_stages = len(i)
-            if num_stages != 0:
-                found = 0
-                for j in i:
-                    if j in stages:
-                        found += 1
-                if found == n:
-                    builder.append(1)
-                else:
-                    builder.append(0)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        builder.end_list()
-def _find_in_set_single(rec_stages, stages, builder):
-    """Construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When all stages  are found in rec_stages, the Array is filled with
-    value 1, otherwise it is filled with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1.Array
-        tracks.rec_stages of a SINGLE event.
-    stages : set
-        set of stages.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    n = len(stages)
-    builder.begin_list()
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        num_stages = len(s)
-        if num_stages != 0:
-            found = 0
-            for j in s:
-                if j in stages:
-                    found += 1
-            if found == n:
-                builder.append(1)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        else:
-            builder.append(0)
-    builder.end_list()
 def is_cc(fobj):
     """Determin if events are a result of a Charged Curent interaction (CC)
     or a Neutral Curent interaction (NC).