diff --git a/km3io/offline.py b/km3io/offline.py
index 9026e684b9cafe7f2d4dac233123545634927bee..fe9794d563fe84b0c567779e12c7a6d0b84d1768 100644
--- a/km3io/offline.py
+++ b/km3io/offline.py
@@ -21,158 +21,6 @@ def _nested_mapper(key):
     return '_'.join(key.split('.')[1:])
-def rec_types():
-    """name of the reconstruction type as defined in the official
-    KM3NeT-Dataformat.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    dict_keys
-        reconstruction types.
-    """
-    return reconstruction.keys()
-def fitinf(fitparam, tracks):
-    """Access fit parameters in tracks.fitinf.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    fitparam : str
-        the fit parameter name according to fitparameters defined in
-        KM3NeT-Dataformat.
-    tracks : class km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        the tracks class. both full tracks branch or a slice of the
-        tracks branch (example tracks[:, 0]) work.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward array
-        awkward array of the values of the fit parameter requested.
-    """
-    fit = tracks.fitinf
-    index = fitparameters[fitparam]
-    try:
-        params = fit[count_nested(fit, axis=2) > index]
-        return ak1.Array([i[:, index] for i in params])
-    except ValueError:
-        # This is the case for tracks[:, 0] or any other selection.
-        params = fit[count_nested(fit, axis=1) > index]
-        return params[:, index]
-def fitparams():
-    """name of the fit parameters as defined in the official
-    KM3NeT-Dataformat.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    dict_keys
-        fit parameters keys.
-    """
-    return fitparameters.keys()
-def count_nested(Array, axis=0):
-    """count elements in a nested awkward Array.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    Array : Awkward1 Array
-        Array of data. Example tracks.fitinf or tracks.rec_stages.
-    axis : int, optional
-        axis = 0: to count elements in the outmost level of nesting.
-        axis = 1: to count elements in the first level of nesting.
-        axis = 2: to count elements in the second level of nesting.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1 Array or int
-        counts of elements found in a nested awkward1 Array.
-    """
-    if axis == 0:
-        return ak1.num(Array, axis=0)
-    if axis == 1:
-        return ak1.num(Array, axis=1)
-    if axis == 2:
-        return ak1.count(Array, axis=2)
-def _find(rec_stages, stages, builder):
-    """construct an awkward1 array with the same structure as tracks.rec_stages.
-    When stages are found, the Array is filled with value 1, otherwise it is filled
-    with value 0.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1 Array
-        tracks.rec_stages .
-    stages : awkward1 Array
-        reconstruction stages of interest.
-    builder : awkward1.highlevel.ArrayBuilder
-        awkward1 Array builder.
-    """
-    for s in rec_stages:
-        builder.begin_list()
-        for i in s:
-            num_stages = len(i)
-            if num_stages == len(stages):
-                found = 0
-                for j in range(num_stages):
-                    if i[j] == stages[j]:
-                        found += 1
-                if found == num_stages:
-                    builder.append(1)
-                else:
-                    builder.append(0)
-            else:
-                builder.append(0)
-        builder.end_list()
-def mask(rec_stages, stages):
-    """create a mask on tracks.rec_stages .
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    rec_stages : awkward1 Array
-        tracks.rec_stages .
-    stages : list
-        reconstruction stages of interest.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    awkward1 Array
-        an awkward1 Array mask where True corresponds to the positions
-        where stages were found. False otherwise.
-    """
-    builder = ak1.ArrayBuilder()
-    _find(rec_stages, ak1.Array(stages), builder)
-    return builder.snapshot() == 1
-def best_track(tracks, strategy="first", rec_type=None, rec_stages=None):
-    """best track selection based on different strategies
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tracks : class km3io.offline.OfflineBranch
-        the tracks branch.
-    strategy : str
-        the trategy desired to select the best tracks.
-    """
-    if strategy == "first":
-        return tracks[:, 0]
-    if strategy == "rec_stages" and rec_stages is not None:
-        return tracks[mask(tracks.rec_stages, rec_stages)]
-    if strategy == "default" and rec_type is not None:
-        return tracks[tracks.rec_type == reconstruction[rec_type]][
-            tracks.lik == ak1.max(tracks.lik, axis=1)][:, 0]
 EVENTS_MAP = BranchMapper(name="events",