diff --git a/km3io/definitions/__init__.py b/km3io/definitions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..430a8773f2d943cbbfe1e8a991f33a6cbfcf7a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/km3io/definitions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from .mc_header import data as mc_header
+from .trigger import data as trigger
+from .fitparameters import data as fitparameters
+from .reconstruction import data as reconstruction
diff --git a/km3io/definitions/mc_header.py b/km3io/definitions/mc_header.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28e2d1fb939c75319f9941bbde562d5df3b8aa36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/km3io/definitions/mc_header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+data = {
+    "DAQ": "livetime",
+    "seed": "program level iseed",
+    "PM1_type_area": "type area TTS",
+    "PDF": "i1 i2",
+    "model": "interaction muon scattering numberOfEnergyBins",
+    "can": "zmin zmax r",
+    "genvol": "zmin zmax r volume numberOfEvents",
+    "merge": "time gain",
+    "coord_origin": "x y z",
+    "translate": "x y z",
+    "genhencut": "gDir Emin",
+    "k40": "rate time",
+    "norma": "primaryFlux numberOfPrimaries",
+    "livetime": "numberOfSeconds errorOfSeconds",
+    "flux": "type key file_1 file_2",
+    "spectrum": "alpha",
+    "fixedcan": "xcenter ycenter zmin zmax radius",
+    "start_run": "run_id",
+for key in "cut_primary cut_seamuon cut_in cut_nu".split():
+    data[key] = "Emin Emax cosTmin cosTmax"
+for key in "generator physics simul".split():
+    data[key] = "program version date time"
+for key in data.keys():
+    data[key] = data[key].split()
diff --git a/km3io/offline.py b/km3io/offline.py
index 82f48c0eccdd9aa179dab4841def3964bd2fd052..14043bc88432082b4e7dcf3dfe741ae71e617f96 100644
--- a/km3io/offline.py
+++ b/km3io/offline.py
@@ -1,209 +1,188 @@
+from collections import namedtuple
 import uproot
-import numpy as np
 import warnings
-import km3io.definitions.trigger
-import km3io.definitions.fitparameters
-import km3io.definitions.reconstruction
+from .definitions import mc_header
+from .tools import Branch, BranchMapper, cached_property, _to_num, _unfold_indices
+EXCLUDE_KEYS = ["AAObject", "t", "fBits", "fUniqueID"]
 # 110 MB based on the size of the largest basket found so far in km3net
 BASKET_CACHE_SIZE = 110 * 1024**2
-class cached_property:
-    """A simple cache decorator for properties."""
-    def __init__(self, function):
-        self.function = function
-    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
-        if obj is None:
-            return self
-        prop = obj.__dict__[self.function.__name__] = self.function(obj)
-        return prop
-class OfflineKeys:
-    """wrapper for offline keys"""
-    def __init__(self, tree):
-        """OfflineKeys is a class that reads all the available keys in an offline
-        file and adapts the keys format to Python format.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        tree : uproot.TTree
-            The main ROOT tree.
-        """
-        self._tree = tree
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '\n'.join([
-            "Events keys are:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(self.events_keys),
-            "Hits keys are:\n\t" + '\n\t'.join(self.hits_keys),
-            "Tracks keys are:\n\t" + '\n\t'.join(self.tracks_keys),
-            "Mc hits keys are:\n\t" + '\n\t'.join(self.mc_hits_keys),
-            "Mc tracks keys are:\n\t" + '\n\t'.join(self.mc_tracks_keys)
-        ])
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__)
-    def _get_keys(self, tree, fake_branches=None):
-        """Get tree keys except those in fake_branches
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        tree : uproot.Tree
-            The tree to look for keys
-        fake_branches : list of str or None
-            The fake branches to ignore
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            The keys of the tree.
-        """
-        keys = []
-        for key in tree.keys():
-            key = key.decode('utf-8')
-            if fake_branches is not None and key in fake_branches:
-                continue
-            keys.append(key)
-        return keys
+BASKET_CACHE = uproot.cache.ThreadSafeArrayCache(BASKET_CACHE_SIZE)
+def _nested_mapper(key):
+    """Maps a key in the ROOT file to another key (e.g. trks.pos.x -> pos_x)"""
+    return '_'.join(key.split('.')[1:])
+EVENTS_MAP = BranchMapper(name="events",
+                          key="Evt",
+                          extra={
+                              't_sec': 't.fSec',
+                              't_ns': 't.fNanoSec'
+                          },
+                          exclude=EXCLUDE_KEYS,
+                          update={
+                              'n_hits': 'hits',
+                              'n_mc_hits': 'mc_hits',
+                              'n_tracks': 'trks',
+                              'n_mc_tracks': 'mc_trks'
+                          },
+                          attrparser=lambda a: a,
+                          flat=True)
+    BranchMapper(name="tracks",
+                 key="trks",
+                 extra={},
+                 exclude=EXCLUDE_KEYS +
+                 ['trks.usr_data', 'trks.usr', 'trks.fUniqueID', 'trks.fBits'],
+                 update={},
+                 attrparser=_nested_mapper,
+                 flat=False),
+    BranchMapper(name="mc_tracks",
+                 key="mc_trks",
+                 extra={},
+                 exclude=EXCLUDE_KEYS + [
+                     'mc_trks.usr_data', 'mc_trks.usr', 'mc_trks.rec_stages',
+                     'mc_trks.fitinf', 'mc_trks.fUniqueID', 'mc_trks.fBits'
+                 ],
+                 update={},
+                 attrparser=_nested_mapper,
+                 flat=False),
+    BranchMapper(name="hits",
+                 key="hits",
+                 extra={},
+                 exclude=EXCLUDE_KEYS + [
+                     'hits.usr', 'hits.pmt_id', 'hits.origin', 'hits.a',
+                     'hits.pure_a', 'hits.fUniqueID', 'hits.fBits'
+                 ],
+                 update={},
+                 attrparser=_nested_mapper,
+                 flat=False),
+    BranchMapper(name="mc_hits",
+                 key="mc_hits",
+                 extra={},
+                 exclude=EXCLUDE_KEYS + [
+                     'mc_hits.usr', 'mc_hits.dom_id', 'mc_hits.channel_id',
+                     'mc_hits.tdc', 'mc_hits.tot', 'mc_hits.trig',
+                     'mc_hits.fUniqueID', 'mc_hits.fBits'
+                 ],
+                 update={},
+                 attrparser=_nested_mapper,
+                 flat=False),
+class OfflineBranch(Branch):
-    def events_keys(self):
-        """reads events keys from an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all events keys found in an offline file,
-            except those found in fake branches.
-        """
-        fake_branches = ['Evt', 'AAObject', 'TObject', 't']
-        t_baskets = ['t.fSec', 't.fNanoSec']
-        tree = self._tree['Evt']
-        return self._get_keys(self._tree['Evt'], fake_branches) + t_baskets
+    def usr(self):
+        return Usr(self._mapper, self._branch, index_chain=self._index_chain)
-    @cached_property
-    def hits_keys(self):
-        """reads hits keys from an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all hits keys found in an offline file,
-            except those found in fake branches.
-        """
-        fake_branches = ['hits.usr', 'hits.usr_names']
-        return self._get_keys(self._tree['hits'], fake_branches)
-    @cached_property
-    def tracks_keys(self):
-        """reads tracks keys from an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all tracks keys found in an offline file,
-            except those found in fake branches.
-        """
-        # a solution can be tree['trks.usr_data'].array(
-        # uproot.asdtype(">i4"))
-        fake_branches = ['trks.usr_data', 'trks.usr', 'trks.usr_names']
-        return self._get_keys(self._tree['Evt']['trks'], fake_branches)
+class Usr:
+    """Helper class to access AAObject `usr` stuff"""
+    def __init__(self, mapper, branch, index_chain=None):
+        self._mapper = mapper
+        self._name = mapper.name
+        self._index_chain = [] if index_chain is None else index_chain
+        self._branch = branch
+        self._usr_names = []
+        self._usr_idx_lookup = {}
-    @cached_property
-    def mc_hits_keys(self):
-        """reads mc hits keys from an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all mc hits keys found in an offline file,
-            except those found in fake branches.
-        """
-        fake_branches = ['mc_hits.usr', 'mc_hits.usr_names']
-        return self._get_keys(self._tree['Evt']['mc_hits'], fake_branches)
+        self._usr_key = 'usr' if mapper.flat else mapper.key + '.usr'
-    @cached_property
-    def mc_tracks_keys(self):
-        """reads mc tracks keys from an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all mc tracks keys found in an offline file,
-            except those found in fake branches.
-        """
-        fake_branches = [
-            'mc_trks.usr_data', 'mc_trks.usr', 'mc_trks.usr_names'
+        self._initialise()
+    def _initialise(self):
+        try:
+            self._branch[self._usr_key]
+            # This will raise a KeyError in old aanet files
+            # which has a different strucuter and key (usr_data)
+            # We do not support those (yet)
+        except (KeyError, IndexError):
+            print("The `usr` fields could not be parsed for the '{}' branch.".
+                  format(self._name))
+            return
+        if self._mapper.flat:
+            self._initialise_flat()
+    def _initialise_flat(self):
+        # Here, we assume that every event has the same names in the same order
+        # to massively increase the performance. This needs triple check if
+        # it's always the case.
+        self._usr_names = [
+            n.decode("utf-8")
+            for n in self._branch[self._usr_key + '_names'].lazyarray()[0]
-        return self._get_keys(self._tree['Evt']['mc_trks'], fake_branches)
+        self._usr_idx_lookup = {
+            name: index
+            for index, name in enumerate(self._usr_names)
+        }
-    @cached_property
-    def valid_keys(self):
-        """constructs a list of all valid keys to be read from an offline event file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all valid keys.
-        """
-        return (self.events_keys + self.hits_keys + self.tracks_keys +
-                self.mc_tracks_keys + self.mc_hits_keys)
+        data = self._branch[self._usr_key].lazyarray()
-    @cached_property
-    def fit_keys(self):
-        """constructs a list of fit parameters, not yet outsourced in an offline file.
+        if self._index_chain:
+            data = _unfold_indices(data, self._index_chain)
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of all "trks.fitinf" keys.
-        """
-        return sorted(km3io.definitions.fitparameters.data,
-                      key=km3io.definitions.fitparameters.data.get,
-                      reverse=False)
+        self._usr_data = data
-    @cached_property
-    def cut_hits_keys(self):
-        """adapts hits keys for instance variables format in a Python class.
+        for name in self._usr_names:
+            setattr(self, name, self[name])
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of adapted hits keys.
-        """
-        return [k.split('hits.')[1].replace('.', '_') for k in self.hits_keys]
+    # def _initialise_nested(self):
+    #     self._usr_names = [
+    #         n.decode("utf-8") for n in self.branch['usr_names'].lazyarray(
+    #             # TODO this will be fixed soon in uproot,
+    #             # see https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/issues/465
+    #             uproot.asgenobj(
+    #                 uproot.SimpleArray(uproot.STLVector(uproot.STLString())),
+    #                 self.branch['usr_names']._context, 6),
+    #             basketcache=BASKET_CACHE)[0]
+    #     ]
-    @cached_property
-    def cut_tracks_keys(self):
-        """adapts tracks keys for instance variables format in a Python class.
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        if self._mapper.flat:
+            return self.__getitem_flat__(item)
+        return self.__getitem_nested__(item)
+    def __getitem_flat__(self, item):
+        if self._index_chain:
+            return _unfold_indices(
+                self._usr_data, self._index_chain)[:,
+                                                   self._usr_idx_lookup[item]]
+        else:
+            return self._usr_data[:, self._usr_idx_lookup[item]]
+    def __getitem_nested__(self, item):
+        data = self._branch[self._usr_key + '_names'].lazyarray(
+            # TODO this will be fixed soon in uproot,
+            # see https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/issues/465
+            uproot.asgenobj(
+                uproot.SimpleArray(uproot.STLVector(uproot.STLString())),
+                self._branch[self._usr_key + '_names']._context, 6),
+            basketcache=BASKET_CACHE)
+        return _unfold_indices(data, self._index_chain)
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of adapted tracks keys.
-        """
-        return [
-            k.split('trks.')[1].replace('.', '_') for k in self.tracks_keys
-        ]
+    def keys(self):
+        return self._usr_names
-    @cached_property
-    def cut_events_keys(self):
-        """adapts events keys for instance variables format in a Python class.
+    def __str__(self):
+        entries = []
+        for name in self.keys():
+            entries.append("{}: {}".format(name, self[name]))
+        return '\n'.join(entries)
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list of str
-            list of adapted events keys.
-        """
-        return [k.replace('.', '_') for k in self.events_keys]
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<{}[{}]>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name)
 class OfflineReader:
     """reader for offline ROOT files"""
-    def __init__(self, file_path=None, fobj=None, data=None):
+    def __init__(self, file_path=None):
         """ OfflineReader class is an offline ROOT file wrapper
@@ -213,681 +192,67 @@ class OfflineReader:
             path-like object that points to the file.
-        if file_path is not None:
-            self._fobj = uproot.open(file_path)
-            self._tree = self._fobj[MAIN_TREE_NAME]
-            self._data = self._tree.lazyarrays(
-                basketcache=uproot.cache.ThreadSafeArrayCache(
-                    BASKET_CACHE_SIZE))
-        else:
-            self._fobj = fobj
-            self._tree = self._fobj[MAIN_TREE_NAME]
-            self._data = data
+        self._fobj = uproot.open(file_path)
+        self._tree = self._fobj[MAIN_TREE_NAME]
-    @classmethod
-    def from_index(cls, source, index):
-        """Create an instance with a subtree of a given index
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        source: ROOTDirectory
-            The source file.
-        index: index or slice
-            The index or slice to create the subtree.
-        """
-        instance = cls(fobj=source._fobj, data=source._data[index])
-        return instance
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return OfflineReader.from_index(source=self, index=index)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._data)
+    @cached_property
+    def events(self):
+        """The `E` branch, containing all offline events."""
+        return OfflineBranch(self._tree,
+                             mapper=EVENTS_MAP,
+                             subbranchmaps=SUBBRANCH_MAPS)
     def header(self):
+        """The file header"""
         if 'Head' in self._fobj:
             header = {}
             for n, x in self._fobj['Head']._map_3c_string_2c_string_3e_.items(
                 header[n.decode("utf-8")] = x.decode("utf-8").strip()
-            return header
+            return Header(header)
             warnings.warn("Your file header has an unsupported format")
-    @cached_property
-    def keys(self):
-        """wrapper for all keys in an offline file.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineKeys.
-        """
-        return OfflineKeys(self._tree)
-    @cached_property
-    def events(self):
-        """wrapper for offline events.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineEvents.
-        """
-        return OfflineEvents(
-            self.keys.cut_events_keys,
-            [self._data[key] for key in self.keys.events_keys])
-    @cached_property
-    def hits(self):
-        """wrapper for offline hits.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineHits.
-        """
-        return OfflineHits(self.keys.cut_hits_keys,
-                           [self._data[key] for key in self.keys.hits_keys])
-    @cached_property
-    def tracks(self):
-        """wrapper for offline tracks.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineTracks.
-        """
-        return OfflineTracks(
-            self.keys.cut_tracks_keys,
-            [self._data[key] for key in self.keys.tracks_keys])
-    @cached_property
-    def mc_hits(self):
-        """wrapper for offline mc hits.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineHits.
-        """
-        return OfflineHits(self.keys.cut_hits_keys,
-                           [self._data[key] for key in self.keys.mc_hits_keys])
-    @cached_property
-    def mc_tracks(self):
-        """wrapper for offline mc tracks.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Class
-            OfflineTracks.
-        """
-        return OfflineTracks(
-            self.keys.cut_tracks_keys,
-            [self._data[key] for key in self.keys.mc_tracks_keys])
-    @cached_property
-    def usr(self):
-        return Usr(self._tree)
-    def get_best_reco(self):
-        """returns the best reconstructed track fit data. The best fit is defined
-        as the track fit with the maximum reconstruction stages. When "nan" is
-        returned, it means that the reconstruction parameter of interest is not
-        found. for example, in the case of muon simulations: if [1, 2] are the
-        reconstruction stages, then only the fit parameters corresponding to the
-        stages [1, 2] are found in the Offline files, the remaining fit parameters
-        corresponding to the stages 3, 4, 5 are all filled with nan. 
-        Returns
-        -------
-        numpy recarray
-            a recarray of the best track fit data (reconstruction data).
-        """
-        keys = ", ".join(self.keys.fit_keys[:-1])
-        empty_fit_info = np.array(
-            [match for match in self._find_empty(self.tracks.fitinf)])
-        fit_info = [
-            i for i, j in zip(self.tracks.fitinf, empty_fit_info[:, 1])
-            if j is not None
-        ]
-        stages = self._get_max_reco_stages(self.tracks.rec_stages)
-        fit_data = np.array([i[j] for i, j in zip(fit_info, stages[:, 2])])
-        rows_size = len(max(fit_data, key=len))
-        equal_size_data = np.vstack([
-            np.hstack([i, np.zeros(rows_size - len(i)) + np.nan])
-            for i in fit_data
-        ])
-        return np.core.records.fromarrays(equal_size_data.transpose(),
-                                          names=keys)
-    def _get_max_reco_stages(self, reco_stages):
-        """find the longest reconstructed track based on the maximum size of 
-        reconstructed stages. 
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        reco_stages : chunked array 
-            chunked array of all the reconstruction stages of all tracks.
-            In km3io, it is accessed with
-            km3io.OfflineReader(my_file).tracks.rec_stages .
-        Returns
-        -------
-        numpy array
-            array with 3 columns: *list of the maximum reco_stages
-                                  *lentgh of the maximum reco_stages
-                                  *position of the maximum reco_stages
-        """
-        empty_reco_stages = np.array(
-            [match for match in self._find_empty(reco_stages)])
-        max_reco_stages = np.array(
-            [[max(i, key=len),
-              len(max(i, key=len)),
-              i.index(max(i, key=len))]
-             for i, j in zip(reco_stages, empty_reco_stages[:, 1])
-             if j is not None])
-        return max_reco_stages
-    def get_reco_fit(self, stages, mc=False):
-        """construct a numpy recarray of the fit information (reconstruction
-        data) of the tracks reconstructed following the reconstruction stages
-        of interest.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stages : list
-            list of reconstruction stages of interest. for example
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
-        mc : bool, optional
-            default is False to look for fit data in the tracks tree in offline files
-            (not the mc tracks tree). mc=True to look for fit data from the mc tracks
-            tree in offline files.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        numpy recarray
-            a recarray of the fit information (reconstruction data) of
-            the tracks of interest.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        ValueError
-            ValueError raised when the reconstruction stages of interest
-            are not found in the file.
-        """
-        keys = ", ".join(self.keys.fit_keys[:-1])
-        if mc is False:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=False)])
-            fitinf = self.tracks.fitinf
-        if mc is True:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=True)])
-            fitinf = self.mc_tracks.fitinf
-        mask = rec_stages[:, 1] != None
-        if np.all(rec_stages[:, 1] == None):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The stages {} are not found in your file.".format(
-                    str(stages)))
-        else:
-            fit_data = np.array(
-                [i[k] for i, k in zip(fitinf[mask], rec_stages[:, 1][mask])])
-            rec_array = np.core.records.fromarrays(fit_data.transpose(),
-                                                   names=keys)
-            return rec_array
-    def get_reco_hits(self, stages, keys, mc=False):
-        """construct a dictionary of hits class data based on the reconstruction
-        stages of interest. For example, if the reconstruction stages of interest
-        are [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], then get_reco_hits method will select the hits data 
-        from the events that were reconstructed following these stages (i.e 
-        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).
+class Header:
+    """The header"""
+    def __init__(self, header):
+        self._data = {}
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stages : list
-            list of reconstruction stages of interest. for example
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
-        keys : list of str
-            list of the hits class attributes.
-        mc : bool, optional
-            default is False to look for hits data in the hits tree in offline files
-            (not the mc_hits tree). mc=True to look for mc hits data in the mc hits
-            tree in offline files.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict
-            dictionary of lazyarrays containing data for each hits attribute requested.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        ValueError
-            ValueError raised when the reconstruction stages of interest
-            are not found in the file.
-        """
-        lazy_d = {}
+        for attribute, fields in header.items():
+            values = fields.split()
+            fields = mc_header.get(attribute, [])
-        if mc is False:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=False)])
-            hits_data = self.hits
+            n_values = len(values)
+            n_fields = len(fields)
-        if mc is True:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=True)])
-            hits_data = self.mc_hits
-        mask = rec_stages[:, 1] != None
-        if np.all(rec_stages[:, 1] == None):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The stages {} are not found in your file.".format(
-                    str(stages)))
-        else:
-            for key in keys:
-                lazy_d[key] = getattr(hits_data, key)[mask]
-        return lazy_d
-    def get_reco_events(self, stages, keys, mc=False):
-        """construct a dictionary of events class data based on the reconstruction
-        stages of interest. For example, if the reconstruction stages of interest
-        are [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], then get_reco_events method will select the events data 
-        that were reconstructed following these stages (i.e [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stages : list
-            list of reconstruction stages of interest. for example
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
-        keys : list of str
-            list of the events class attributes.
-        mc : bool, optional
-            default is False to look for the reconstruction stages in the tracks tree
-            in offline files (not the mc tracks tree). mc=True to look for the reconstruction
-            data in the mc tracks tree in offline files.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict
-            dictionary of lazyarrays containing data for each events attribute requested.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        ValueError
-            ValueError raised when the reconstruction stages of interest
-            are not found in the file.
-        """
-        lazy_d = {}
-        if mc is False:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=False)])
-        if mc is True:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=True)])
-        mask = rec_stages[:, 1] != None
-        if np.all(rec_stages[:, 1] == None):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The stages {} are not found in your file.".format(
-                    str(stages)))
-        else:
-            for key in keys:
-                lazy_d[key] = getattr(self.events, key)[mask]
-        return lazy_d
-    def get_reco_tracks(self, stages, keys, mc=False):
-        """construct a dictionary of tracks class data based on the reconstruction
-        stages of interest. For example, if the reconstruction stages of interest
-        are [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], then get_reco_tracks method will select tracks data 
-        from the events that were reconstructed following these stages (i.e 
-        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stages : list
-            list of reconstruction stages of interest. for example
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
-        keys : list of str
-            list of the tracks class attributes.
-        mc : bool, optional
-            default is False to look for tracks data in the tracks tree in offline files
-            (not the mc tracks tree). mc=True to look for tracks data in the mc tracks
-            tree in offline files.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict
-            dictionary of lazyarrays containing data for each tracks attribute requested.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        ValueError
-            ValueError raised when the reconstruction stages of interest
-            are not found in the file.
-        """
-        lazy_d = {}
-        if mc is False:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=False)])
-            tracks_data = self.tracks
-        if mc is True:
-            rec_stages = np.array(
-                [match for match in self._find_rec_stages(stages, mc=True)])
-            tracks_data = self.mc_tracks
-        mask = rec_stages[:, 1] != None
-        if np.all(rec_stages[:, 1] == None):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The stages {} are not found in your file.".format(
-                    str(stages)))
-        else:
-            for key in keys:
-                lazy_d[key] = np.array([
-                    i[k] for i, k in zip(
-                        getattr(tracks_data, key)[mask], rec_stages[:,
-                                                                    1][mask])
-                ])
-        return lazy_d
-    def _find_rec_stages(self, stages, mc=False):
-        """find the index of reconstruction stages of interest in a
-        list of multiple reconstruction stages.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        stages : list
-            list of reconstruction stages of interest. for example
-            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
-        mc : bool, optional
-            default is False to look for reconstruction stages in the tracks tree in
-            offline files (not the mc tracks tree). mc=True to look for reconstruction
-            stages in the mc tracks tree in offline files.
-        Yields
-        ------
-        generator
-            the track id and the index of the reconstruction stages of
-            interest if found. If the reconstruction stages of interest
-            are not found, None is returned as the stages index.
-        """
-        if mc is False:
-            stages_data = self.tracks.rec_stages
-        if mc is True:
-            stages_data = self.mc_tracks.rec_stages
-        for trk_index, rec_stages in enumerate(stages_data):
-            try:
-                stages_index = rec_stages.index(stages)
-            except ValueError:
-                stages_index = None
-                yield trk_index, stages_index
+            if n_values == 1 and n_fields == 0:
+                self._data[attribute] = _to_num(values[0])
-            yield trk_index, stages_index
+            n_max = max(n_values, n_fields)
+            values += [None] * (n_max - n_values)
+            fields += ["field_{}".format(i) for i in range(n_fields, n_max)]
-    def _find_empty(self, array):
-        """finds empty lists/arrays in an awkward array
+            Constructor = namedtuple(attribute, fields)
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        array : awkward array
-            Awkward array of data of interest. For example:
-            km3io.OfflineReader(my_file).tracks.fitinf .
-        Yields
-        ------
-        generator
-            the empty list id and the index of the empty list. When
-            data structure (list) is simply empty, None is written in the
-            corresponding index. However, when data structure (list) is not
-            empty and does not contain an empty list, then False is written in the
-            corresponding index.
-        """
-        for i, rs in enumerate(array):
-            try:
-                if len(rs) == 0:
-                    j = None
-                if len(rs) != 0:
-                    j = rs.index([])
-            except ValueError:
-                j = False  # rs not empty but [] not found
-                yield i, j
+            if not values:
-            yield i, j
-class Usr:
-    """Helper class to access AAObject usr stuff"""
-    def __init__(self, tree):
-        # Here, we assume that every event has the same names in the same order
-        # to massively increase the performance. This needs triple check if it's
-        # always the case; the usr-format is simply a very bad design.
-        try:
-            self._usr_names = [
-                n.decode("utf-8") for n in tree['Evt']['usr_names'].array()[0]
-            ]
-        except (KeyError, IndexError):  # e.g. old aanet files
-            self._usr_names = []
-        else:
-            self._usr_idx_lookup = {
-                name: index
-                for index, name in enumerate(self._usr_names)
-            }
-            self._usr_data = tree['Evt']['usr'].lazyarray(
-                basketcache=uproot.cache.ThreadSafeArrayCache(
-                    BASKET_CACHE_SIZE))
-            for name in self._usr_names:
-                setattr(self, name, self[name])
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return self._usr_data[:, self._usr_idx_lookup[item]]
-    def keys(self):
-        return self._usr_names
-    def __str__(self):
-        entries = []
-        for name in self.keys():
-            entries.append("{}: {}".format(name, self[name]))
-        return '\n'.join(entries)
-class OfflineEvents:
-    """wrapper for offline events"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for offline events.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of valid events keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting events data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return OfflineEvent(self._keys, [v[item] for v in self._values])
-    def __len__(self):
-        try:
-            return len(self._values[0])
-        except IndexError:
-            return 0
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Number of events: {}".format(len(self))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<{}: {} parsed events>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
-                                               len(self))
-class OfflineEvent:
-    """wrapper for an offline event"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for one offline event.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of valid events keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting event data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "offline event:\n\t" + "\n\t".join([
-            "{:15} {:^10} {:>10}".format(k, ':', str(v))
-            for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values)
-        ])
-class OfflineHits:
-    """wrapper for offline hits"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for offline hits.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of cropped hits keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting hits data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return OfflineHit(self._keys, [v[item] for v in self._values])
-    def __len__(self):
-        try:
-            return len(self._values[0])
-        except IndexError:
-            return 0
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Number of hits: {}".format(len(self))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<{}: {} parsed elements>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
-                                                 len(self))
-class OfflineHit:
-    """wrapper for an offline hit"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for one offline hit.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of cropped hits keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting hit data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "offline hit:\n\t" + "\n\t".join([
-            "{:15} {:^10} {:>10}".format(k, ':', str(v))
-            for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values)
-        ])
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return self._values[item]
-class OfflineTracks:
-    """wrapper for offline tracks"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for offline tracks
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of cropped tracks keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting tracks data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return OfflineTrack(self._keys, [v[item] for v in self._values])
-    def __len__(self):
-        try:
-            return len(self._values[0])
-        except IndexError:
-            return 0
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Number of tracks: {}".format(len(self))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<{}: {} parsed elements>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
-                                                 len(self))
+            self._data[attribute] = Constructor(
+                **{f: _to_num(v)
+                   for (f, v) in zip(fields, values)})
-class OfflineTrack:
-    """wrapper for an offline track"""
-    def __init__(self, keys, values):
-        """wrapper for one offline track.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys : list of str
-            list of cropped tracks keys.
-        values : list of arrays
-            list of arrays containting track data.
-        """
-        self._keys = keys
-        self._values = values
-        for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values):
-            setattr(self, k, v)
+        for attribute, value in self._data.items():
+            setattr(self, attribute, value)
     def __str__(self):
-        return "offline track:\n\t" + "\n\t".join([
-            "{:30} {:^2} {:>26}".format(k, ':', str(v))
-            for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values) if k not in ['fitinf']
-        ]) + "\n\t" + "\n\t".join([
-            "{:30} {:^2} {:>26}".format(k, ':', str(
-                getattr(self, 'fitinf')[v]))
-            for k, v in km3io.definitions.fitparameters.data.items()
-            if len(getattr(self, 'fitinf')) > v
-        ])  # I don't like 18 being explicit here
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return self._values[item]
+        lines = ["MC Header:"]
+        keys = set(mc_header.keys())
+        for key, value in self._data.items():
+            if key in keys:
+                lines.append("  {}".format(value))
+            else:
+                lines.append("  {}: {}".format(key, value))
+        return "\n".join(lines)
diff --git a/km3io/tools.py b/km3io/tools.py
index 8def8ee42a080fb0b7669d6b45ce4f1e75a23fa4..e443357aa1ec72278b7e44bc9f14ccc4175d0728 100644
--- a/km3io/tools.py
+++ b/km3io/tools.py
@@ -19,6 +19,21 @@ class cached_property:
         return prop
+def _unfold_indices(obj, indices):
+    """Unfolds an index chain and returns the corresponding item"""
+    original_obj = obj
+    for depth, idx in enumerate(indices):
+        try:
+            obj = obj[idx]
+        except IndexError:
+            print(
+                "IndexError while accessing an item from '{}' at depth {} ({}) "
+                "using the index chain {}".format(repr(original_obj), depth,
+                                                  idx, indices))
+            raise
+    return obj
 BranchMapper = namedtuple(
     ['name', 'key', 'extra', 'exclude', 'update', 'attrparser', 'flat'])
@@ -29,17 +44,19 @@ class Branch:
     def __init__(self,
-                 index=None,
+                 index_chain=None,
         self._tree = tree
         self._mapper = mapper
-        self._index = index
+        self._index_chain = [] if index_chain is None else index_chain
         self._keymap = None
         self._branch = tree[mapper.key]
         self._subbranches = []
         self._subbranchmaps = subbranchmaps
+        self._iterator_index = 0
         if keymap is None:
             self._initialise_keys()  #
@@ -49,7 +66,7 @@ class Branch:
             for mapper in subbranchmaps:
                 subbranch = self.__class__(self._tree,
-                                           index=self._index)
+                                           index_chain=self._index_chain)
         for subbranch in self._subbranches:
             setattr(self, subbranch._mapper.name, subbranch)
@@ -57,8 +74,8 @@ class Branch:
     def _initialise_keys(self):
         """Create the keymap and instance attributes for branch keys"""
         # TODO: this could be a cached property
-        keys = set(k.decode('utf-8') for k in self._branch.keys()) - set(
-            self._mapper.exclude)
+        keys = set(k.decode('utf-8')
+                   for k in self._branch.keys()) - set(self._mapper.exclude)
         self._keymap = {
             **{self._mapper.attrparser(k): k
                for k in keys},
@@ -86,42 +103,46 @@ class Branch:
     def __getkey__(self, key):
         out = self._branch[self._keymap[key]].lazyarray(
-        if self._index is not None:
-            out = out[self._index]
-        return out
+        return _unfold_indices(out, self._index_chain)
     def __getitem__(self, item):
         """Slicing magic"""
-        if isinstance(item, (int, slice)):
-            return self.__class__(self._tree,
-                                  self._mapper,
-                                  index=item,
-                                  keymap=self._keymap,
-                                  subbranchmaps=self._subbranchmaps)
-        if isinstance(item, tuple):
-            return self[item[0]][item[1]]
         if isinstance(item, str):
             return self.__getkey__(item)
         return self.__class__(self._tree,
-                              index=np.array(item),
+                              index_chain=self._index_chain + [item],
     def __len__(self):
-        if self._index is None:
+        if not self._index_chain:
             return len(self._branch)
-        elif isinstance(self._index, int):
+        elif isinstance(self._index_chain[-1], int):
             return 1
-            return len(self._branch[self._keymap['id']].lazyarray(
-                basketcache=BASKET_CACHE)[self._index])
+            return len(
+                _unfold_indices(
+                    self._branch[self._keymap['id']].lazyarray(
+                        basketcache=BASKET_CACHE), self._index_chain))
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self._iterator_index = 0
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        idx = self._iterator_index
+        self._iterator_index += 1
+        if idx >= len(self):
+            raise StopIteration
+        return self[idx]
     def __str__(self):
-        return "Number of elements: {}".format(len(self._branch))
+        length = len(self)
+        return "{} ({}) with {} element{}".format(self.__class__.__name__,
+                                               self._mapper.name, length,
+                                               's' if length > 1 else '')
     def __repr__(self):
         length = len(self)
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 96ec8f79ccd2c06a830005d59baaf84d601f67f1..d11bcbe8cfbda5719cfee236238e2060d616d81b 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/tests/samples/mcv5.11r2.gsg_muonCChigherE-CC_50-5000GeV.km3_AAv1.jterbr00004695.jchain.aanet.498.root b/tests/samples/mcv5.11r2.gsg_muonCChigherE-CC_50-5000GeV.km3_AAv1.jterbr00004695.jchain.aanet.498.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e20ee07444cb94ba1140e7e3dff202ed52761d1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/samples/mcv5.11r2.gsg_muonCChigherE-CC_50-5000GeV.km3_AAv1.jterbr00004695.jchain.aanet.498.root differ
diff --git a/tests/test_daq.py b/tests/test_daq.py
index cff1fbfd5009b8080cac2c8ff8721800dab7e30c..7482e09d51ec170073a6738d0314ca19e4d05986 100644
--- a/tests/test_daq.py
+++ b/tests/test_daq.py
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import unittest
 from km3io.daq import DAQReader, get_rate, has_udp_trailer, get_udp_max_sequence_number, get_channel_flags, get_number_udp_packets
 SAMPLES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "samples")
-DAQ_FILE = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, "daq_v1.0.0.root"))
 class TestDAQEvents(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.events = DAQ_FILE.events
+        self.events = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                             "daq_v1.0.0.root")).events
     def test_index_lookup(self):
         assert 3 == len(self.events)
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ class TestDAQEvents(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestDAQEvent(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.event = DAQ_FILE.events[0]
+        self.event = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                            "daq_v1.0.0.root")).events[0]
     def test_str(self):
         assert re.match(".*event.*96.*snapshot.*18.*triggered",
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ class TestDAQEvent(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestDAQEventsSnapshotHits(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.events = DAQ_FILE.events
+        self.events = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                             "daq_v1.0.0.root")).events
         self.lengths = {0: 96, 1: 124, -1: 78}
         self.total_item_count = 298
@@ -75,7 +77,8 @@ class TestDAQEventsSnapshotHits(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestDAQEventsTriggeredHits(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.events = DAQ_FILE.events
+        self.events = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                             "daq_v1.0.0.root")).events
         self.lengths = {0: 18, 1: 53, -1: 9}
         self.total_item_count = 80
@@ -115,7 +118,8 @@ class TestDAQEventsTriggeredHits(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestDAQTimeslices(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.ts = DAQ_FILE.timeslices
+        self.ts = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                         "daq_v1.0.0.root")).timeslices
     def test_data_lengths(self):
         assert 3 == len(self.ts._timeslices["L1"][0])
@@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ class TestDAQTimeslices(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestDAQTimeslice(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.ts = DAQ_FILE.timeslices
+        self.ts = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                         "daq_v1.0.0.root")).timeslices
         self.n_frames = {"L1": [69, 69, 69], "SN": [64, 66, 68]}
     def test_str(self):
@@ -153,7 +158,8 @@ class TestDAQTimeslice(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestSummaryslices(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.ss = DAQ_FILE.summaryslices
+        self.ss = DAQReader(os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR,
+                                         "daq_v1.0.0.root")).summaryslices
     def test_headers(self):
         assert 3 == len(self.ss.headers)
diff --git a/tests/test_offline.py b/tests/test_offline.py
index 60ae196939242ee9b3a82f84f35733147ba53910..2dd1ee7fe2f4e0a07fb30ae94919ea4fcb53e8e7 100644
--- a/tests/test_offline.py
+++ b/tests/test_offline.py
@@ -2,389 +2,374 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from pathlib import Path
-from km3io.offline import OfflineEvents, OfflineHits, OfflineTracks
 from km3io import OfflineReader
+from km3io.offline import _nested_mapper, Header
 SAMPLES_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'samples'
-OFFLINE_FILE = SAMPLES_DIR / 'aanet_v2.0.0.root'
-OFFLINE_USR = SAMPLES_DIR / 'usr-sample.root'
-OFFLINE_NUMUCC = SAMPLES_DIR / "numucc.root"  # with mc data
-class TestOfflineKeys(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.keys = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE).keys
-    def test_events_keys(self):
-        # there are 22 "valid" events keys
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.events_keys), 22)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.cut_events_keys), 22)
-    def test_hits_keys(self):
-        # there are 20 "valid" hits keys
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.hits_keys), 20)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.mc_hits_keys), 20)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.cut_hits_keys), 20)
-    def test_tracks_keys(self):
-        # there are 22 "valid" tracks keys
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.tracks_keys), 22)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.mc_tracks_keys), 22)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.cut_tracks_keys), 22)
-    def test_valid_keys(self):
-        # there are 106 valid keys: 22*2 + 22 + 20*2
-        # (fit keys are excluded)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.valid_keys), 106)
-    def test_fit_keys(self):
-        # there are 18 fit keys
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.keys.fit_keys), 18)
+OFFLINE_FILE = OfflineReader(SAMPLES_DIR / 'aanet_v2.0.0.root')
+OFFLINE_USR = OfflineReader(SAMPLES_DIR / 'usr-sample.root')
+OFFLINE_NUMUCC = OfflineReader(SAMPLES_DIR / "numucc.root")  # with mc data
 class TestOfflineReader(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.r = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE)
-        self.nu = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_NUMUCC)
-        self.Nevents = 10
+        self.r = OFFLINE_FILE
+        self.nu = OFFLINE_NUMUCC
+        self.n_events = 10
     def test_number_events(self):
-        Nevents = len(self.r)
-        # check that there are 10 events
-        self.assertEqual(Nevents, self.Nevents)
-    def test_find_empty(self):
-        fitinf = self.nu.tracks.fitinf
-        rec_stages = self.nu.tracks.rec_stages
-        empty_fitinf = np.array(
-            [match for match in self.nu._find_empty(fitinf)])
-        empty_stages = np.array(
-            [match for match in self.nu._find_empty(rec_stages)])
-        self.assertListEqual(empty_fitinf[:5, 1].tolist(),
-                             [23, 14, 14, 4, None])
-        self.assertListEqual(empty_stages[:5, 1].tolist(),
-                             [False, False, False, False, None])
-    def test_find_rec_stages(self):
-        stages = np.array(
-            [match for match in self.nu._find_rec_stages([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])])
-        self.assertListEqual(stages[:5, 1].tolist(), [0, 0, 0, 0, None])
-    def test_get_reco_fit(self):
-        JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD = [
-            0.0020367251782607574, 0.003306725805622178, 0.0057877124222254885,
-            0.015581698352185896
-        ]
-        reco_fit = self.nu.get_reco_fit([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])['JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD']
-        self.assertListEqual(JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD, reco_fit[:4].tolist())
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.nu.get_reco_fit([1000, 4512, 5625], mc=True)
-    def test_get_reco_hits(self):
-        doms = self.nu.get_reco_hits([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["dom_id"])["dom_id"]
-        mc_doms = self.nu.get_reco_hits([], ["dom_id"], mc=True)["dom_id"]
-        self.assertEqual(doms.size, 9)
-        self.assertEqual(mc_doms.size, 10)
-        self.assertListEqual(doms[0][0:4].tolist(),
-                             self.nu.hits[0].dom_id[0:4].tolist())
-        self.assertListEqual(mc_doms[0][0:4].tolist(),
-                             self.nu.mc_hits[0].dom_id[0:4].tolist())
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.nu.get_reco_hits([1000, 4512, 5625], ["dom_id"])
-    def test_get_reco_tracks(self):
+        assert self.n_events == len(self.r.events)
-        pos = self.nu.get_reco_tracks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["pos_x"])["pos_x"]
-        mc_pos = self.nu.get_reco_tracks([], ["pos_x"], mc=True)["pos_x"]
-        self.assertEqual(pos.size, 9)
-        self.assertEqual(mc_pos.size, 10)
-        self.assertEqual(pos[0], self.nu.tracks[0].pos_x[0])
-        self.assertEqual(mc_pos[0], self.nu.mc_tracks[0].pos_x[0])
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.nu.get_reco_tracks([1000, 4512, 5625], ["pos_x"])
-    def test_get_reco_events(self):
-        hits = self.nu.get_reco_events([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["hits"])["hits"]
-        mc_hits = self.nu.get_reco_events([], ["mc_hits"], mc=True)["mc_hits"]
-        self.assertEqual(hits.size, 9)
-        self.assertEqual(mc_hits.size, 10)
-        self.assertListEqual(hits[0:4].tolist(),
-                             self.nu.events.hits[0:4].tolist())
-        self.assertListEqual(mc_hits[0:4].tolist(),
-                             self.nu.events.mc_hits[0:4].tolist())
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.nu.get_reco_events([1000, 4512, 5625], ["hits"])
-    def test_get_max_reco_stages(self):
-        rec_stages = self.nu.tracks.rec_stages
-        max_reco = self.nu._get_max_reco_stages(rec_stages)
-        self.assertEqual(len(max_reco.tolist()), 9)
-        self.assertListEqual(max_reco[0].tolist(), [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5, 0])
-    def test_best_reco(self):
-        JGANDALF_BETA1_RAD = [
-            0.0014177681261476852, 0.002094094517471032, 0.003923368624980349,
-            0.009491461076780453
-        ]
-        best = self.nu.get_best_reco()
-        self.assertEqual(best.size, 9)
-        self.assertEqual(best['JGANDALF_BETA1_RAD'][:4].tolist(),
-                         JGANDALF_BETA1_RAD)
-    def test_reading_header(self):
-        # head is the supported format
-        head = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_NUMUCC).header
-        self.assertEqual(float(head['DAQ']), 394)
-        self.assertEqual(float(head['kcut']), 2)
+class TestHeader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_str_header(self):
+        assert "MC Header" in str(OFFLINE_NUMUCC.header)
+    def test_warning_if_unsupported_header(self):
         # test the warning for unsupported fheader format
         with self.assertWarns(UserWarning):
-            self.r.header
+            OFFLINE_FILE.header
+    def test_missing_key_definitions(self):
+        head = {'a': '1 2 3', 'b': '4', 'c': 'd'}
+        header = Header(head)
+        assert 1 == header.a.field_0
+        assert 2 == header.a.field_1
+        assert 3 == header.a.field_2
+        assert 4 == header.b
+        assert 'd' == header.c
+    def test_missing_values(self):
+        head = {'can': '1'}
+        header = Header(head)
+        assert 1 == header.can.zmin
+        assert header.can.zmax is None
+        assert header.can.r is None
+    def test_additional_values_compared_to_definition(self):
+        head = {'can': '1 2 3 4'}
+        header = Header(head)
+        assert 1 == header.can.zmin
+        assert 2 == header.can.zmax
+        assert 3 == header.can.r
+        assert 4 == header.can.field_3
+    def test_header(self):
+        head = {
+            'DAQ': '394',
+            'PDF': '4',
+            'can': '0 1027 888.4',
+            'undefined': '1 2 test 3.4'
+        }
+        header = Header(head)
+        assert 394 == header.DAQ.livetime
+        assert 4 == header.PDF.i1
+        assert header.PDF.i2 is None
+        assert 0 == header.can.zmin
+        assert 1027 == header.can.zmax
+        assert 888.4 == header.can.r
+        assert 1 == header.undefined.field_0
+        assert 2 == header.undefined.field_1
+        assert "test" == header.undefined.field_2
+        assert 3.4 == header.undefined.field_3
+    def test_reading_header_from_sample_file(self):
+        head = OFFLINE_NUMUCC.header
+        assert 394 == head.DAQ.livetime
+        assert 4 == head.PDF.i1
+        assert 58 == head.PDF.i2
+        assert 0 == head.coord_origin.x
+        assert 0 == head.coord_origin.y
+        assert 0 == head.coord_origin.z
+        assert 100 == head.cut_nu.Emin
+        assert 100000000.0 == head.cut_nu.Emax
+        assert -1 == head.cut_nu.cosTmin
+        assert 1 == head.cut_nu.cosTmax
+        assert "diffuse" == head.sourcemode
+        assert 100000.0 == head.ngen
 class TestOfflineEvents(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.events = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE).events
-        self.hits = {0: 176, 1: 125, -1: 105}
-        self.Nevents = 10
+        self.events = OFFLINE_FILE.events
+        self.n_events = 10
+        self.det_id = [44] * self.n_events
+        self.n_hits = [176, 125, 318, 157, 83, 60, 71, 84, 255, 105]
+        self.n_tracks = [56, 55, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 54, 56]
+        self.t_sec = [
+            1567036818, 1567036818, 1567036820, 1567036816, 1567036816,
+            1567036816, 1567036822, 1567036818, 1567036818, 1567036820
+        ]
+        self.t_ns = [
+            200000000, 300000000, 200000000, 500000000, 500000000, 500000000,
+            200000000, 500000000, 500000000, 400000000
+        ]
-    def test_reading_hits(self):
-        # test item selection
-        for event_id, hit in self.hits.items():
-            self.assertEqual(hit, self.events.hits[event_id])
+    def test_len(self):
+        assert self.n_events == len(self.events)
-    def reading_tracks(self):
-        self.assertListEqual(list(self.events.trks[:3]), [56, 55, 56])
+    def test_attributes_available(self):
+        for key in self.events._keymap.keys():
+            getattr(self.events, key)
-    def test_item_selection(self):
-        for event_id, hit in self.hits.items():
-            self.assertEqual(hit, self.events[event_id].hits)
+    def test_attributes(self):
+        assert self.n_events == len(self.events.det_id)
+        self.assertListEqual(self.det_id, list(self.events.det_id))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.n_hits, list(self.events.n_hits))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.n_tracks, list(self.events.n_tracks))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.t_sec, list(self.events.t_sec))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.t_ns, list(self.events.t_ns))
-    def test_len(self):
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.events), self.Nevents)
+    def test_keys(self):
+        assert np.allclose(self.n_hits, self.events['n_hits'])
+        assert np.allclose(self.n_tracks, self.events['n_tracks'])
+        assert np.allclose(self.t_sec, self.events['t_sec'])
+        assert np.allclose(self.t_ns, self.events['t_ns'])
-    def test_IndexError(self):
-        # test handling IndexError with empty lists/arrays
-        self.assertEqual(len(OfflineEvents(['whatever'], [])), 0)
+    def test_slicing(self):
+        s = slice(2, 8, 2)
+        s_events = self.events[s]
+        assert 3 == len(s_events)
+        self.assertListEqual(self.n_hits[s], list(s_events.n_hits))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.n_tracks[s], list(s_events.n_tracks))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.t_sec[s], list(s_events.t_sec))
+        self.assertListEqual(self.t_ns[s], list(s_events.t_ns))
+    def test_slicing_consistency(self):
+        for s in [slice(1, 3), slice(2, 7, 3)]:
+            assert np.allclose(self.events[s].n_hits, self.events.n_hits[s])
+    def test_index_consistency(self):
+        for i in [0, 2, 5]:
+            assert np.allclose(self.events[i].n_hits, self.events.n_hits[i])
+    def test_index_chaining(self):
+        assert np.allclose(self.events[3:5].n_hits, self.events.n_hits[3:5])
+        assert np.allclose(self.events[3:5][0].n_hits,
+                           self.events.n_hits[3:5][0])
+        assert np.allclose(self.events[3:5].hits[1].dom_id[4],
+                           self.events.hits[3:5][1][4].dom_id)
+        assert np.allclose(self.events.hits[3:5][1][4].dom_id,
+                           self.events[3:5][1][4].hits.dom_id)
+    def test_iteration(self):
+        i = 0
+        for event in self.events:
+            i += 1
+        assert 10 == i
+    def test_iteration_2(self):
+        n_hits = [e.n_hits for e in self.events]
+        assert np.allclose(n_hits, self.events.n_hits)
     def test_str(self):
-        self.assertEqual(str(self.events), 'Number of events: 10')
+        assert str(self.n_events) in str(self.events)
     def test_repr(self):
-        self.assertEqual(repr(self.events),
-                         '<OfflineEvents: 10 parsed events>')
-class TestOfflineEvent(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_event(self):
-        self.event = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE).events[0]
+        assert str(self.n_events) in repr(self.events)
 class TestOfflineHits(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.hits = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE).hits
-        self.lengths = {0: 176, 1: 125, -1: 105}
-        self.total_item_count = 1434
-        self.r_mc = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_NUMUCC)
-        self.Nevents = 10
-    def test_item_selection(self):
-        self.assertListEqual(list(self.hits[0].dom_id[:3]),
-                             [806451572, 806451572, 806451572])
-    def test_IndexError(self):
-        # test handling IndexError with empty lists/arrays
-        self.assertEqual(len(OfflineHits(['whatever'], [])), 0)
-    def test_repr(self):
-        self.assertEqual(repr(self.hits), '<OfflineHits: 10 parsed elements>')
+        self.hits = OFFLINE_FILE.events.hits
+        self.n_hits = 10
+        self.dom_id = {
+            0: [
+                806451572, 806451572, 806451572, 806451572, 806455814,
+                806455814, 806455814, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369
+            ],
+            5: [
+                806455814, 806487219, 806487219, 806487219, 806487226,
+                808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835
+            ]
+        }
+        self.t = {
+            0: [
+                70104010., 70104016., 70104192., 70104123., 70103096.,
+                70103797., 70103796., 70104191., 70104223., 70104181.
+            ],
+            5: [
+                81861237., 81859608., 81860586., 81861062., 81860357.,
+                81860627., 81860628., 81860625., 81860627., 81860629.
+            ]
+        }
+    def test_attributes_available(self):
+        for key in self.hits._keymap.keys():
+            getattr(self.hits, key)
+    def test_channel_ids(self):
+        self.assertTrue(all(c >= 0 for c in self.hits.channel_id.min()))
+        self.assertTrue(all(c < 31 for c in self.hits.channel_id.max()))
     def test_str(self):
-        self.assertEqual(str(self.hits), 'Number of hits: 10')
-    def test_reading_dom_id(self):
-        dom_ids = self.hits.dom_id
-        for event_id, length in self.lengths.items():
-            self.assertEqual(length, len(dom_ids[event_id]))
-        self.assertEqual(self.total_item_count, sum(dom_ids.count()))
-        self.assertListEqual([806451572, 806451572, 806451572],
-                             list(dom_ids[0][:3]))
-    def test_reading_channel_id(self):
-        channel_ids = self.hits.channel_id
-        for event_id, length in self.lengths.items():
-            self.assertEqual(length, len(channel_ids[event_id]))
-        self.assertEqual(self.total_item_count, sum(channel_ids.count()))
+        assert str(self.n_hits) in str(self.hits)
-        self.assertListEqual([8, 9, 14], list(channel_ids[0][:3]))
-        # channel IDs are always between [0, 30]
-        self.assertTrue(all(c >= 0 for c in channel_ids.min()))
-        self.assertTrue(all(c < 31 for c in channel_ids.max()))
-    def test_reading_times(self):
-        ts = self.hits.t
-        for event_id, length in self.lengths.items():
-            self.assertEqual(length, len(ts[event_id]))
-        self.assertEqual(self.total_item_count, sum(ts.count()))
-        self.assertListEqual([70104010.0, 70104016.0, 70104192.0],
-                             list(ts[0][:3]))
-    def test_reading_mc_pmt_id(self):
-        pmt_ids = self.r_mc.mc_hits.pmt_id
-        lengths = {0: 58, 2: 28, -1: 48}
+    def test_repr(self):
+        assert str(self.n_hits) in repr(self.hits)
-        for hit_id, length in lengths.items():
-            self.assertEqual(length, len(pmt_ids[hit_id]))
+    def test_attributes(self):
+        for idx, dom_id in self.dom_id.items():
+            self.assertListEqual(dom_id,
+                                 list(self.hits.dom_id[idx][:len(dom_id)]))
+        for idx, t in self.t.items():
+            assert np.allclose(t, self.hits.t[idx][:len(t)])
-        self.assertEqual(self.Nevents, len(pmt_ids))
+    def test_slicing(self):
+        s = slice(2, 8, 2)
+        s_hits = self.hits[s]
+        assert 3 == len(s_hits)
+        for idx, dom_id in self.dom_id.items():
+            self.assertListEqual(dom_id[s], list(self.hits.dom_id[idx][s]))
+        for idx, t in self.t.items():
+            self.assertListEqual(t[s], list(self.hits.t[idx][s]))
+    def test_slicing_consistency(self):
+        for s in [slice(1, 3), slice(2, 7, 3)]:
+            for idx in range(3):
+                assert np.allclose(self.hits.dom_id[idx][s],
+                                   self.hits[idx].dom_id[s])
+                assert np.allclose(OFFLINE_FILE.events[idx].hits.dom_id[s],
+                                   self.hits.dom_id[idx][s])
+    def test_index_consistency(self):
+        for idx, dom_ids in self.dom_id.items():
+            assert np.allclose(self.hits[idx].dom_id[:self.n_hits],
+                               dom_ids[:self.n_hits])
+            assert np.allclose(
+                OFFLINE_FILE.events[idx].hits.dom_id[:self.n_hits],
+                dom_ids[:self.n_hits])
+        for idx, ts in self.t.items():
+            assert np.allclose(self.hits[idx].t[:self.n_hits],
+                               ts[:self.n_hits])
+            assert np.allclose(OFFLINE_FILE.events[idx].hits.t[:self.n_hits],
+                               ts[:self.n_hits])
-        self.assertListEqual([677, 687, 689], list(pmt_ids[0][:3]))
+    def test_keys(self):
+        assert "dom_id" in self.hits.keys()
-class TestOfflineHit(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestOfflineTracks(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.hit = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE)[0].hits[0]
+        self.f = OFFLINE_FILE
+        self.tracks = OFFLINE_FILE.events.tracks
+        self.tracks_numucc = OFFLINE_NUMUCC
+        self.n_events = 10
-    def test_item_selection(self):
-        self.assertEqual(self.hit[0], self.hit.id)
-        self.assertEqual(self.hit[1], self.hit.dom_id)
+    def test_attributes_available(self):
+        for key in self.tracks._keymap.keys():
+            getattr(self.tracks, key)
-class TestOfflineTracks(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tracks = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE).tracks
-        self.r_mc = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_NUMUCC)
-        self.Nevents = 10
+    @unittest.skip
+    def test_attributes(self):
+        for idx, dom_id in self.dom_id.items():
+            self.assertListEqual(dom_id,
+                                 list(self.hits.dom_id[idx][:len(dom_id)]))
+        for idx, t in self.t.items():
+            assert np.allclose(t, self.hits.t[idx][:len(t)])
     def test_item_selection(self):
                              [-0.872885221293917, -0.872885221293917])
-    def test_IndexError(self):
-        # test handling IndexError with empty lists/arrays
-        self.assertEqual(len(OfflineTracks(['whatever'], [])), 0)
     def test_repr(self):
-        self.assertEqual(repr(self.tracks),
-                         '<OfflineTracks: 10 parsed elements>')
-    def test_str(self):
-        self.assertEqual(str(self.tracks), 'Number of tracks: 10')
-    def test_reading_tracks_dir_z(self):
-        dir_z = self.tracks.dir_z
-        tracks_dir_z = {0: 56, 1: 55, 8: 54}
-        for track_id, n_dir in tracks_dir_z.items():
-            self.assertEqual(n_dir, len(dir_z[track_id]))
-        # check that there are 10 arrays of tracks.dir_z info
-        self.assertEqual(len(dir_z), self.Nevents)
-    def test_reading_mc_tracks_dir_z(self):
-        dir_z = self.r_mc.mc_tracks.dir_z
-        tracks_dir_z = {0: 11, 1: 25, 8: 13}
-        for track_id, n_dir in tracks_dir_z.items():
-            self.assertEqual(n_dir, len(dir_z[track_id]))
-        # check that there are 10 arrays of tracks.dir_z info
-        self.assertEqual(len(dir_z), self.Nevents)
-        self.assertListEqual([0.230189, 0.230189, 0.218663],
-                             list(dir_z[0][:3]))
+        assert " 10 " in repr(self.tracks)
     def test_slicing(self):
         tracks = self.tracks
-        assert 10 == len(tracks)
-        # track_selection = tracks[2:7]
-        # assert 5 == len(track_selection)
-        # track_selection_2 = tracks[1:3]
-        # assert 2 == len(track_selection_2)
-        # for _slice in [
-        #         slice(0, 0),
-        #         slice(0, 1),
-        #         slice(0, 2),
-        #         slice(1, 5),
-        #         slice(3, -2)
-        # ]:
-        #     self.assertListEqual(list(tracks.E[:, 0][_slice]),
-        #                          list(tracks[_slice].E[:, 0]))
-class TestOfflineTrack(unittest.TestCase):
+        self.assertEqual(10, len(tracks))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(tracks[0]))
+        track_selection = tracks[2:7]
+        assert 5 == len(track_selection)
+        track_selection_2 = tracks[1:3]
+        assert 2 == len(track_selection_2)
+        for _slice in [
+                slice(0, 0),
+                slice(0, 1),
+                slice(0, 2),
+                slice(1, 5),
+                slice(3, -2)
+        ]:
+            self.assertListEqual(list(tracks.E[:, 0][_slice]),
+                                 list(tracks[_slice].E[:, 0]))
+    def test_nested_indexing(self):
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            self.f.events.tracks.fitinf[3:5][1][9][2],
+            self.f.events[3:5].tracks[1].fitinf[9][2])
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            self.f.events.tracks.fitinf[3:5][1][9][2],
+            self.f.events[3:5][1][9][2].tracks.fitinf)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            self.f.events.tracks.fitinf[3:5][1][9][2],
+            self.f.events[3:5][1].tracks[9][2].fitinf)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            self.f.events.tracks.fitinf[3:5][1][9][2],
+            self.f.events[3:5][1].tracks[9].fitinf[2])
+class TestBranchIndexingMagic(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.track = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_FILE)[0].tracks[0]
+        self.events = OFFLINE_FILE.events
-    def test_item_selection(self):
-        self.assertEqual(self.track[0], self.track.fUniqueID)
-        self.assertEqual(self.track[10], self.track.E)
+    def test_foo(self):
+        self.assertEqual(318, self.events[2:4].n_hits[0])
+        assert np.allclose(self.events[3].tracks.dir_z[10],
+                           self.events.tracks.dir_z[3, 10])
+        assert np.allclose(self.events[3:6].tracks.pos_y[:, 0],
+                           self.events.tracks.pos_y[3:6, 0])
-    def test_str(self):
-        self.assertEqual(str(self.track).split('\n\t')[0], 'offline track:')
+        # test selecting with a list
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(self.events[[0, 2, 3]]))
 class TestUsr(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.f = OfflineReader(OFFLINE_USR)
-    def test_str(self):
-        print(self.f.usr)
+        self.f = OFFLINE_USR
-    def test_nonexistent_usr(self):
-        f = OfflineReader(SAMPLES_DIR / "daq_v1.0.0.root")
-        self.assertListEqual([], f.usr.keys())
+    def test_str_flat(self):
+        print(self.f.events.usr)
-    def test_keys(self):
+    def test_keys_flat(self):
             'RecoQuality', 'RecoNDF', 'CoC', 'ToT', 'ChargeAbove',
             'ChargeBelow', 'ChargeRatio', 'DeltaPosZ', 'FirstPartPosZ',
             'LastPartPosZ', 'NSnapHits', 'NTrigHits', 'NTrigDOMs',
             'NTrigLines', 'NSpeedVetoHits', 'NGeometryVetoHits',
-        ], self.f.usr.keys())
+        ], self.f.events.usr.keys())
-    def test_getitem(self):
+    def test_getitem_flat(self):
         assert np.allclose(
             [118.6302815337638, 44.33580521344907, 99.93916717621543],
-            self.f.usr['CoC'])
+            self.f.events.usr['CoC'])
         assert np.allclose(
             [37.51967774166617, -10.280346193553832, 13.67595659707355],
-            self.f.usr['DeltaPosZ'])
+            self.f.events.usr['DeltaPosZ'])
-    def test_attributes(self):
+    @unittest.skip
+    def test_keys_nested(self):
+        self.assertListEqual(["a"], self.f.events.mc_tracks.usr.keys())
+    def test_attributes_flat(self):
         assert np.allclose(
             [118.6302815337638, 44.33580521344907, 99.93916717621543],
-            self.f.usr.CoC)
+            self.f.events.usr.CoC)
         assert np.allclose(
             [37.51967774166617, -10.280346193553832, 13.67595659707355],
-            self.f.usr.DeltaPosZ)
+            self.f.events.usr.DeltaPosZ)
+class TestNestedMapper(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_nested_mapper(self):
+        self.assertEqual('pos_x', _nested_mapper("trks.pos.x"))
diff --git a/tests/test_tools.py b/tests/test_tools.py
index 4506869935a5a7f1331560744a6fb79c06e6e37f..857f9c84a7939f0676560afc29cb74bc41d0c85a 100644
--- a/tests/test_tools.py
+++ b/tests/test_tools.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import unittest
-from km3io.tools import _to_num, cached_property
+from km3io.tools import _to_num, cached_property, _unfold_indices
 class TestToNum(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_to_num(self):
@@ -19,3 +20,21 @@ class TestCachedProperty(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(Test.prop, cached_property))
+class TestUnfoldIndices(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_unfold_indices(self):
+        data = range(10)
+        indices = [slice(2, 5), 0]
+        assert data[indices[0]][indices[1]] == _unfold_indices(data, indices)
+        indices = [slice(1, 9, 2), slice(1, 4), 2]
+        assert data[indices[0]][indices[1]][indices[2]] == _unfold_indices(
+            data, indices)
+    def test_unfold_indices_raises_index_error(self):
+        data = range(10)
+        indices = [slice(2, 5), 99]
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            _unfold_indices(data, indices)