From d4e5b9e61548250bf3067da3d4b4aeff83b9db1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tamas Gal <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:53:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove online support

 README.rst          |  79 +++--------
 src/km3io/ | 326 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/km3io/

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 413a79e..5ec5fc8 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -58,11 +58,21 @@ If you have a question about km3io, please proceed as follows:
-Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are created using the `KM3NeT Dataformat library <>`__
-A ROOT file created with
-`Jpp <>`__ is an "online" file and all other software usually produces "offline" files.
-km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes: ``OnlineReader``, ``OfflineReader`` and a special class to read gSeaGen files. All of these ROOT files can be read installing any other software like Jpp, aanet or ROOT.
+Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are created using
+the `KM3NeT Dataformat library
+<>`__ A ROOT file created with
+`Jpp <>`__ is an "online" file and all other
+software usually produces "offline" files.
+km3io is a Python package that provides access to offline files with its
+``OfflineReader`` class and a special one to read gSeaGen files. All of these
+ROOT files can be read without installing any other software like Jpp, aanet or
+ROOT. km3io v1.1 and earlier also support the access to online files (events,
+summaryslices and timeslices). This feature has been dropped due to a lack of
+mainteinance power and inf favour of the `KM3io.jl <>`__` Julia Package, which
+provides high-performances access to all ROOT files and should also be
+prioritised over ``km3io`` when performance matters (which does, most of the
 Data in km3io is returned as ``awkward.Array`` which is an advance Numpy-like container type to store
 contiguous data for high performance computations.
@@ -254,61 +264,4 @@ to retrieve the energy of the very first reconstructed track for the first three
 Online files reader
-``km3io`` is able to read events and summary slices (reading of timeslices is
-only available in ``km3io v1.1.0`` or older).
-Let's have a look at some online data.
-Reading online events
-Now we use the ``OnlineReader`` to create our file object.
-.. code-block:: python3
-  import km3io
-  f = km3io.OnlineReader(data_path("online/km3net_online.root"))
-That's it, we created an object which gives access to all the events, but the
-relevant data is still not loaded into the memory (lazy access)!
-The structure is different compared to the ``OfflineReader``
-because online files also contains summaryslices at the top level.
-.. code-block:: python3
-  >>>
-  Number of events: 3
-  >>>[1].tot[:10]
-  array([27, 24, 21, 17, 22, 15, 24, 30, 19, 15], dtype=uint8)
-  >>>[1].channel_id[:10]
-  array([ 2,  3, 16, 22, 23,  0,  2,  3,  4,  5], dtype=uint8)
-The resulting arrays are numpy arrays. The indexing convention is: the first indexing
-corresponds to the event, the second to the branch and consecutive ones to the
-optional dimensions of the arrays. In the last step we accessed the PMT channel IDs
-of the first 10 hits of the second event.
-Reading SummarySlices
-The following example shows how to access summary slices. The summary slices are
-returned in chunks to be more efficient with the I/O. The default chunk-size is
-1000. In the example file we only have three summaryslices, so there is only a single
-chunk. The first index passed to the summaryslices reader is corresponding to the
-chunk and the second to the index of the summaryslice in that chunk.
-.. code-block:: python3
-  >>> f.summaryslices
-  <SummarysliceReader 3 items, step_size=1000 (1 chunk)>
-  >>> f.summaryslices[0]
-  SummarysliceChunk(headers=<Array [{' cnt': 671088704, ... ] type='3 * {" cnt": uint32, " vers": uint16, " ...'>, slices=<Array [[{dom_id: 806451572, ... ch30: 48}]] type='3 * var * {"dom_id": int32, "...'>)
-  >>> f.summaryslices[0].headers
-  <Array [{' cnt': 671088704, ... ] type='3 * {" cnt": uint32, " vers": uint16, " ...'>
-  >>> f.summaryslices[0].slices[2]
-  <Array [{dom_id: 806451572, ... ch30: 48}] type='68 * {"dom_id": int32, "dq_stat...'>
-  >>> f.summaryslices[0].slices[2].dom_id
-  <Array [806451572, 806455814, ... 809544061] type='68 * int32'>
-  >>> f.summaryslices[0].slices[2].ch23
-  <Array [48, 43, 46, 54, 83, ... 51, 51, 52, 50] type='68 * uint8'>
+The support to read online ROOT files has been dropped in ``km3io`` v1.2.
diff --git a/src/km3io/ b/src/km3io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d56505..0000000
--- a/src/km3io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-import binascii
-from collections import namedtuple
-import uproot
-import numpy as np
-import numba as nb
-# Parameters for PMT rate conversions, since the rates in summary slices are
-# stored as a single byte to save space. The values from 0-255 can be decoded
-# using the `get_rate(value)` function, which will yield the actual rate
-# in Hz.
-CHANNEL_BITS_TEMPLATE = np.zeros(31, dtype=bool)
-BranchConfiguration = namedtuple(
-    field_names=["branch_address", "interpretation"], typename="BranchConfiguration"
-class SummarysliceReader:
-    """
-    A reader for summaryslices which are loaded as chunks given by step_size.
-    To be used as an iterator (`for chunks in SummarysliceReader(...): ...`)
-    """
-    _subbranches = [
-        BranchConfiguration(
-            "KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummarysliceHeader",
-            uproot.interpretation.numerical.AsDtype(
-                [
-                    (" cnt", "u4"),
-                    (" vers", "u2"),
-                    (" cnt2", "u4"),
-                    (" vers2", "u2"),
-                    (" cnt3", "u4"),
-                    (" vers3", "u2"),
-                    ("detector_id", ">i4"),
-                    ("run", ">i4"),
-                    ("frame_index", ">i4"),
-                    (" cnt4", "u4"),
-                    (" vers4", "u2"),
-                    ("UTC_seconds", ">u4"),
-                    ("UTC_16nanosecondcycles", ">u4"),
-                ]
-            ),
-        ),
-        BranchConfiguration(
-            "vector<KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryFrame>",
-            uproot.interpretation.jagged.AsJagged(
-                uproot.interpretation.numerical.AsDtype(
-                    [
-                        ("dom_id", ">i4"),
-                        ("dq_status", ">u4"),
-                        ("hrv", ">u4"),
-                        ("fifo", ">u4"),
-                        ("status3", ">u4"),
-                        ("status4", ">u4"),
-                    ]
-                    + [(f"ch{c}", "u1") for c in range(31)]
-                ),
-                header_bytes=10,
-            ),
-        ),
-    ]
-    def __init__(self, fobj, step_size=1000):
-        if isinstance(fobj, str):
-            self._fobj =
-        else:
-            self._fobj = fobj
-        self._step_size = step_size
-        self._branch = self._fobj[self.TREE_ADDR]
-        self.ChunksConstructor = namedtuple(
-            field_names=["headers", "slices"], typename="SummarysliceChunk"
-        )
-    def _chunks_generator(self):
-        for chunk in self._branch.iterate(
-            dict(self._subbranches), step_size=self._step_size
-        ):
-            yield self.ChunksConstructor(
-                *[getattr(chunk, bc.branch_address) for bc in self._subbranches]
-            )
-    def __getitem__(self, idx):
-        if idx >= len(self) or idx < -len(self):
-            raise IndexError("Chunk index out of range")
-        s = self._step_size
-        if idx < 0:
-            idx = len(self) + idx
-        chunk = self._branch.arrays(
-            dict(self._subbranches), entry_start=idx * s, entry_stop=(idx + 1) * s
-        )
-        return self.ChunksConstructor(
-            *[getattr(chunk, bc.branch_address) for bc in self._subbranches]
-        )
-    def __iter__(self):
-        self._chunks = self._chunks_generator()
-        return self
-    def __next__(self):
-        return next(self._chunks)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return int(np.ceil(self._branch.num_entries / self._step_size))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        step_size = self._step_size
-        n_items = self._branch.num_entries
-        cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        n_chunks = len(self)
-        return (
-            f"<{cls_name} {n_items} items, step_size={step_size} "
-            f"({n_chunks} chunk{'' if n_chunks == 1 else 's'})>"
-        )
-    [nb.int32(nb.int8), nb.int32(nb.int16), nb.int32(nb.int32), nb.int32(nb.int64)]
-def get_rate(value):  # pragma: no cover
-    """Return the rate in Hz from the short int value"""
-    if value == 0:
-        return 0
-    else:
-        return MINIMAL_RATE_HZ * np.exp(value * RATE_FACTOR)
-    "void(i8, b1[:], b1[:])", "(), (n) -> (n)", target="parallel", nopython=True
-def unpack_bits(value, bits_template, out):  # pragma: no cover
-    """Return a boolean array for a value's bit representation.
-    This function also accepts arrays as input, the output shape will be
-    NxM where N is the number of input values and M the length of the
-    ``bits_template`` array, which is just a dummy array, due to the weird
-    signature system of numba.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    value: int or np.array(int) with shape (N,)
-        The binary value of containing the bit information
-    bits_template: np.array() with shape (M,)
-        The template for the output array, the only important is its shape
-    Returns
-    -------
-    np.array(bool) either with shape (M,) or (N, M)
-    """
-    for i in range(bits_template.shape[0]):
-        out[30 - i] = value & (1 << i) > 0
-def get_channel_flags(value):
-    """Returns the hrv/fifo flags for the PMT channels (hrv/fifo)
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    value : int32
-        The integer value to be parsed.
-    """
-    channel_bits = np.bitwise_and(value, 0x7FFFFFFF)
-    flags = unpack_bits(channel_bits, CHANNEL_BITS_TEMPLATE)
-    return np.flip(flags, axis=-1)
-def get_number_udp_packets(value):
-    """Returns the number of received UDP packets (dq_status)
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    value : int32
-        The integer value to be parsed.
-    """
-    return np.bitwise_and(value, 0x7FFF)
-def get_udp_max_sequence_number(value):
-    """Returns the maximum sequence number of the received UDP packets (dq_status)
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    value : int32
-        The integer value to be parsed.
-    """
-    return np.right_shift(value, 16)
-def has_udp_trailer(value):
-    """Returns the UDP Trailer flag (fifo)
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    value : int32
-        The integer value to be parsed.
-    """
-    return np.any(np.bitwise_and(value, np.left_shift(1, 31)))
-class OnlineReader:
-    """Reader for online ROOT files"""
-    def __init__(self, filename):
-        self._fobj =
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._events = None
-        self._timeslices = None
-        self._summaryslices = None
-        self._uuid = self._fobj.parent.uuid.hex
-    @property
-    def uuid(self):
-        return self._uuid
-    def close(self):
-        self._fobj.close()
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        self.close()
-    @property
-    def events(self):
-        if self._events is None:
-            tree = self._fobj["KM3NET_EVENT"]
-            headers = tree["KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEventHeader"].array(
-                uproot3.interpret(tree["KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEventHeader"], cntvers=True)
-            )
-            snapshot_hits = tree["snapshotHits"].array(
-                uproot3.asjagged(
-                    uproot3.astable(
-                        uproot3.asdtype(
-                            [
-                                ("dom_id", ">i4"),
-                                ("channel_id", "u1"),
-                                ("time", "<u4"),
-                                ("tot", "u1"),
-                            ]
-                        )
-                    ),
-                    skipbytes=10,
-                )
-            )
-            triggered_hits = tree["triggeredHits"].array(
-                uproot3.asjagged(
-                    uproot3.astable(
-                        uproot3.asdtype(
-                            [
-                                ("dom_id", ">i4"),
-                                ("channel_id", "u1"),
-                                ("time", "<u4"),
-                                ("tot", "u1"),
-                                (" cnt", "u4"),
-                                (" vers", "u2"),
-                                ("trigger_mask", ">u8"),
-                            ]
-                        )
-                    ),
-                    skipbytes=10,
-                )
-            )
-            self._events = OnlineEvents(headers, snapshot_hits, triggered_hits)
-        return self._events
-    @property
-    def summaryslices(self):
-        if self._summaryslices is None:
-            self._summaryslices = SummarysliceReader(
-            )  # TODO: remove when using uproot4
-        return self._summaryslices
-class OnlineEvents:
-    """A simple wrapper for online events"""
-    def __init__(self, headers, snapshot_hits, triggered_hits):
-        self.headers = headers
-        self.snapshot_hits = snapshot_hits
-        self.triggered_hits = triggered_hits
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return OnlineEvent(
-            self.headers[item], self.snapshot_hits[item], self.triggered_hits[item]
-        )
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.headers)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Number of events: {}".format(len(self.headers))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)
-class OnlineEvent:
-    """A wrapper for a online event"""
-    def __init__(self, header, snapshot_hits, triggered_hits):
-        self.header = header
-        self.snapshot_hits = snapshot_hits
-        self.triggered_hits = triggered_hits
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Online event with {} snapshot hits and {} triggered hits".format(
-            len(self.snapshot_hits), len(self.triggered_hits)
-        )
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)