#!/usr/bin/env python # Filename: setup.py """ The km3io setup script. """ from setuptools import setup import sys with open('requirements.txt') as fobj: requirements = [l.strip() for l in fobj.readlines()] try: with open("README.rst") as fh: long_description = fh.read() except UnicodeDecodeError: long_description = "km3io, a library to read KM3NeT files without ROOT" setup( name='km3io', url='http://git.km3net.de/km3py/km3io', description='KM3NeT I/O without ROOT', long_description=long_description, author='Zineb Aly, Tamas Gal', author_email='zaly@km3net.de, tgal@km3net.de', packages=['km3io'], include_package_data=True, platforms='any', setup_requires=['setuptools_scm'], use_scm_version={ 'write_to': 'km3io/version.txt', 'tag_regex': r'^(?P<prefix>v)?(?P<version>[^\+]+)(?P<suffix>.*)?$', }, install_requires=requirements, python_requires='>=3.5', classifiers=[ 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Programming Language :: Python', ], ) __author__ = 'Zineb Aly and Tamas Gal'