Unreleased changes ------------------ Version 1 --------- 1.2.4 / 2024-03-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Version bump for conda forge 1.2.0 / 2024-06-24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Removed online format support (online events, timeslices and summary slices) in favour of the `KM3io.jl <https://git.km3net.de/common/KM3io.jl>`__` Julia Package. * uproot 5 and awkward 2 are now required * Python 3.7+ required 1.1.0 / 2024-03-14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A few astro helpers were added: azimuth(), zenith(), phi(), theta(), ... 1.0.2 / 2023-10-08 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Deprecation fixes 1.0.1 / 2023-06-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Minor changes 1.0.0 / 2023-02-27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * API stabilised and v1 is now LTS * ``gSeaGen`` reader removed, only supported until v0.29.2 Version 0 --------- 0.29.2 / 2022-12-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Hotfix for AwkwardArray 2.0 incompatibility, now restricted to be <2.0 0.29.1 / 2022-12-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``codemeta.json`` to the MANIFEST 0.29.0 / 2022-11-07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Update km3net-definitions to 3.0.0 0.28.0 / 2022-11-02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Update km3net-definitions to 2.2.0-16-gbef370c 0.27.3 / 2022-10-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed ``km3io.tools.fitinf()`` which always returned the 0th element 0.27.2 / 2022-10-04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added dockerisation 0.27.1 / 2022-09-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixes the issue where files procued with newer Jpp v17+ versions errored due to a `header_uuid[16]` field 0.27.0 / 2022-07-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Adds the TimeConverter class to ``src/km3io/tools.py`` * Update km3net-dataformat requirement to version 0.3.6 or higher * Update Black requirement to version 22.3.0 or higher, to prevent ``ImportError: cannot import name '_unicodefun' from 'click'`` * Remove ``requirements`` folder (all requirements are now configured in ``setup.cfg``) 0.26.1 / 2022-07-06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The warning from OpenMP/Numba is now silenced 0.26.0 / 2022-06-27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``km3io.tools.is_nanobeacon()`` to check if the nanobeacon trigger bit is set * Added ``km3io.tools.get_w2list_idx()`` to get the w2list index according to the simulation program 0.25.2 / 2022-03-27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixes the version 0.25.1 / 2022-03-24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * the ``.counter`` field for ``mc_trks/mc_tracks`` is now accessible 0.25.0 / 2022-03-14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * uproot 4.2.2+ required, which fixes a regression problem when reading doubly nested structures * Added a new, high-performance Summaryslice reader ``km3io.online.SummarysliceReader`` * The old ``km3io.OnlineReader.summarslices`` is now using the new ``SummarysliceReader`` which has a slightly different API (but at least an order of magnitude better performance and much nicer high-level API thanks to AwkwardArrays) 0.24.1 / 2021-11-05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``km3io.tools.is_bit_set()`` and all the related trigger mask checkers (``is_3dmuon()``...) are now compatible with Numba 0.24.0 / 2021-11-02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The field ``.a`` (amplitude) for Hits is now accessible 0.23.1 / 2021-09-28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * KM3NeT Dataformat definition updated to 2.1.0+ 0.23.0 / 2021-07-03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``km3io.acoustics`` was added which provides ``RawAcousticsReader`` to read -- wait for it -- raw acoustics data 0.22.0 / 2021-06-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``km3io.tools.is_bit_set()`` along with some special methods to check if a given ``trigger_mask`` (of an event or a hit) has a specific trigger bit set, via ``km3io.tools.is_3dmuon``, ``km3io.tools.is_3dshower`` and ``km3io.tools.is_mxshower`` 0.21.0 / 2021-04-08 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``km3net-dataformat`` updated to v2.0.0-9-gbae3720 * mother ID and status are now read out for MC tracks 0.20.0 / 2021-02-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The fields ``.tdc``, ``.pos_{xyz}`` and ``.dir_{xyz}`` in ``.hits`` are now read by default. 0.19.6 / 2021-02-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved header readout 0.19.5 / 2021-02-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Adds access to ``mc_event_time`` 0.19.4 / 2021-02-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed parsing error when a MC header contains invalid attribute names. 0.19.3 / 2020-12-17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``Branch.arrays()`` for high-level access of ``uproot.TBranch.arrays()`` 0.19.2 / 2020-12-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Suppress FutureWarnings from uproot3 0.19.1 / 2020-12-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Minor hotfixes and cosmetics 0.19.0 / 2020-12-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Major update, coming closer to v1.0 * Now everything but the online-file access is based on uproot4 and awkward1 * Contact us if you encounter any problem after upgrading! 0.18.1 / 2020-12-04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed imports due to the rename of uproot to uproot3, uproot4 to uproot, awkward to awkward0 and awkward1 to awkward * Notice: the ``best_track*()`` functions are currently broken due to changes in awkward which has not been fixed yet 0.18.0 / 2020-11-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A new tool ``km3io.tools.is_cc()`` has been added which can be used to check if the events are of type CC 0.17.1 / 2020-10-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Requires ``awkward1>=0.3.1`` from now on (fixes an array-shape mismatch bug) 0.17.0 / 2020-10-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Final ;) ``km3io.tools.best_track`` implementation which provides many different ways to chose the one and only "best track". * Similar to ``km3net-dataformat/scripts/reconstruction.hh``, the following functions can be used to retrieve the best track according to the "standard definitions": ``km3io.tools.best_jmuon``, ``best_jshower``, ``best_dusjshower`` and ``best_aashower`` 0.16.2 / 2020-10-07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Adds ``.uuid`` attributes to ``OfflineReader`` and ``OnlineReader`` 0.16.1 / 2020-09-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug in ``Branch.is_single`` 0.16.0 / 2020-09-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed the inconsistency of ``len()`` of mapped branches See https://git.km3net.de/km3py/km3io/-/issues/39#note_18429 * Introduced ``Branch.is_single`` to check if a single branch is selected 0.15.5 / 2020-09-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a tiny bug in ``km3io.tools.best_track`` 0.15.4 / 2020-09-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved ``km3io.tools.best_track`` which now works nicely when passing events and improves the error reporting * ``tracks.usr`` is now hidden (again) from the user 0.15.3 / 2020-09-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated KM3NeT definitions to v1.2.4 0.15.2 / 2020-09-23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug where the last bit of HRV or FIFO were incorrectly masked when using ``km3io.online.get_channel_flags`` 0.15.1 / 2020-07-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added wheel packages for faster installation 0.15.0 / 2020-05-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added reverse maps for index lookup of definitions ``km3io.definitions.fitparameters_idx`` etc. 0.14.2 / 2020-05-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved caching for awkward arrays in pumps 0.14.1 / 2020-05-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved caching for awkward arrays 0.14.0 / 2020-04-29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``events.mc_tracks.usr`` and ``events.mc_tracks.usr_names`` are now correctly parsed 0.13.0 / 2020-04-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``km3io.tools.unique`` and ``km3io.tools.uniquecount`` were added to help working with unique elements (e.g. DOM IDs or channel IDs) * Internal restructuring of ``.tools``, ROOT related stuff is moved to ``.rootio`` 0.12.0 / 2020-04-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``.close()`` to the Offline and Online reader classes * The Offline and Online reader classes now support context managers (``with km3io.OfflineReader(filename) as r: ...``) 0.11.0 / 2020-04-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * DAQ was renamed to online * Several improviements, bugfixes etc. 0.10.0 / 2020-04-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The offline I/O has been refactored and now supports slicing à la numpy 0.9.1 / 2020-03-29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for gSeaGen files 0.9.0 / 2020-03-03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for the ``usr`` field of events 0.8.3 / 2020-02-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The times of snapshot and triggered hits were parsed as big endian (standard) ROOT endianness, however, Jpp stores that as little endian with a custom streamer. This is now fixed... 0.8.2 / 2020-02-14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * minor fixes 0.8.1 / 2020-02-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * update of reco data from offline files * Documentation on how to read DAQ data 0.8.0 / 2020-01-23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Offline file headers are now accessible 0.7.0 / 2020-01-23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Reading of summary slice status information is now supported 0.6.3 / 2020-01-09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Bugfixes 0.6.2 / 2019-12-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixes slicing of ``OfflineTracks`` 0.6.1 / 2019-12-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Minor cleanup 0.6.0 / 2019-12-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Jpp things were renamed to DAQ things (; * Reading of summary slices is done! 0.5.1 / 2019-12-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Cosmetics 0.5.0 / 2019-12-16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Massive update of the aanet data format reader 0.4.0 / 2019-11-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * First timeslice frame readout prototype 0.3.0 / 2019-11-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Preliminary Jpp timeslice reader prototype * Updated ``AanetReader`` * Updated docs 0.2.1 / 2019-11-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated docs 0.2.0 / 2019-11-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``JppReader`` added, which is able to read events! 0.1.0 / 2019-11-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * First release * Prototype implementation of the ``AanetReader``