The km3io Python package ======================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: This software provides a set of Python classes to read KM3NeT ROOT files without having ROOT, Jpp or aanet installed. It only depends on Python 3.5+ and the amazing uproot package and gives you access to the data via numpy arrays. It's very easy to use and according to the `uproot <>`__ benchmarks, it is able to outperform the ROOT I/O performance. **Note:** Beware that this package is in the development phase, so the API will change until version ``1.0.0`` is released! Installation ============ Install km3io using pip:: pip install km3io To get the latest (stable) development release:: pip install git+ **Reminder:** km3io is **not** dependent on aanet, ROOT or Jpp! Questions ========= If you have a question about km3io, please proceed as follows: - Read the documentation below. - Explore the `examples <>`__ in the documentation. - Haven't you found an answer to your question in the documentation, post a git issue with your question showing us an example of what you have tried first, and what you would like to do. - Have you noticed a bug, please post it in a git issue, we appreciate your contribution. Tutorial ======== **Table of contents:** * `Introduction <#introduction>`__ * `Overview of daq files <#overview-of-daq-files>`__ * `Overview of offline files <#overview-of-offline-files>`__ * `Daq files reader <#daq-files-reader>`__ * `Offline files reader <#offline-file-reader>`__ Introduction ------------ Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are either created with `Jpp <>`__ or `aanet <>`__ software. A root file created with `Jpp <>`__ is often referred to as "a Jpp root file". Similarly, a root file created with `aanet <>`__ is often referred to as "an aanet file". In km3io, an aanet root file will always be reffered to as an ``offline file``, while a Jpp root file will always be referred to as a ``daq file``. km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes (``DaqReader`` and ``OfflineReader``) to read both daq root files and offline root files without any dependency to aanet, Jpp or ROOT. Data in km3io is often returned as a "lazyarray", a "jagged lazyarray", "a jagged array" or a Numpy array. A lazyarray is an array-like object that reads data on demand! In a lazyarray, only the first and the last chunks of data are read in memory. A lazyarray can be used with all Numpy's universal `functions <>`__. Here is how a lazyarray looks like: .. code-block:: python3 # <ChunkedArray [5971 5971 5971 ... 5971 5971 5971] at 0x7fb2341ad810> A jagged array, is a 2+ dimentional array with different arrays lengths. In other words, a jagged array is an array of arrays of different sizes. So a jagged lazyarray is simply a jagged array of lazyarrays with different sizes. Here is how a jagged lazyarray looks like: .. code-block:: python3 # <JaggedArray [[102 102 102 ... 11517 11518 11518] [] [101 101 102 ... 11518 11518 11518] ... [101 101 102 ... 11516 11516 11517] [] [101 101 101 ... 11517 11517 11518]] at 0x7f74b0ef8810> Overview of daq files """"""""""""""""""""" # info needed here Overview of offline files """"""""""""""""""""""""" # info needed here Daq files reader ---------------- # an update is needed here? Currently only events (the ``KM3NET_EVENT`` tree) are supported but timeslices and summaryslices will be implemented very soon. Let's have a look at some ORCA data (``KM3NeT_00000044_00005404.root``) To get a lazy ragged array of the events: .. code-block:: python3 import km3io as ki events = ki.JppReader("KM3NeT_00000044_00005404.root").events That's it! Now let's have a look at the hits data: .. code-block:: python3 events # Number of events: 17023 events[23].snapshot_hits.tot # array([28, 22, 17, 29, 5, 27, 24, 26, 21, 28, 26, 21, 26, 24, 17, 28, 23,29, 27, 24, 23, 26, 29, 25, 18, 28, 24, 28, 26, 20, 25, 31, 28, 23, 26, 21, 30, 33, 27, 16, 23, 24, 19, 24, 27, 22, 23, 21, 25, 16, 28, 22, 22, 29, 24, 29, 24, 24, 25, 25, 21, 31, 26, 28, 30, 42, 28], dtype=uint8) Offline files reader -------------------- Let's have a look at some muons data from ORCA 4 lines simulations - run id 5971 (``datav6.0test.jchain.aanet.00005971.root``). To get a lazy ragged array of all data:: >>> import km3io as ki >>> reader = ki.AanetReader('datav6.0test.jchain.aanet.00005971.root') That's it! Now let's take a look at all the available branches in our file:: >>> reader Number of events: 145028 Events keys are: id det_id mc_id run_id mc_run_id frame_index trigger_mask trigger_counter overlays hits trks w w2list w3list mc_t mc_hits mc_trks comment index flags t.fSec t.fNanoSec Hits keys are: hits.dom_id hits.channel_id hits.tdc hits.tot hits.trig hits.pmt_id hits.t hits.a hits.pos.x hits.pos.y hits.pos.z hits.dir.x hits.dir.y hits.dir.z hits.pure_t hits.pure_a hits.type hits.origin hits.pattern_flags Tracks keys are: trks.fUniqueID trks.fBits trks.usr_data trks.usr_names trks.pos.x trks.pos.y trks.pos.z trks.dir.x trks.dir.y trks.dir.z trks.t trks.E trks.len trks.lik trks.type trks.rec_type trks.rec_stages trks.status trks.mother_id trks.fitinf trks.hit_ids trks.error_matrix trks.comment Now that you have seen all the available branches, you can choose any key from the above (key refers to a branch name) and display the corresponding data. For example, we will check that we are indeed reading data from the run 5971:: >>> reader['run_id'] <ChunkedArray [5971 5971 5971 ... 5971 5971 5971] at 0x7fb2341ad810> Let's look at the number of hits and tracks in the event number 5:: >>> reader[5]['hits'] 60 >>> reader[5]['trks'] 56 So event 5 has exactly 60 hits and 56 tracks. Let's explore in more details hits and tracks data in event 5:: >>> reader['hits.dom_id'][5] array([806455814, 806487219, 806487219, 806487219, 806487226, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808432835, 808451904, 808451904, 808451907, 808451907, 808469129, 808469129, 808469129, 808493910, 808949744, 808949744, 808951460, 808951460, 808956908, 808961655, 808964908, 808969848, 808969857, 808972593, 808972593, 808972598, 808972598, 808972698, 808972698, 808974758, 808974811, 808976377, 808981510, 808981523, 808981812, 808982005, 808982005, 808982018, 808982077, 808982077, 808982547, 809007627, 809521500, 809521500, 809521500, 809524432, 809526097, 809526097, 809526097, 809526097, 809526097, 809526097, 809526097, 809544058], dtype=int32) One can access the dom_id for the first hit in event 5 as follows:: >>> reader['hits.dom_id'][5][0] 806455814 Now let's read tracks data in event 5:: >>> reader['trks.dir.z'][5] array([-0.60246049, -0.60246049, -0.60246049, -0.51420541, -0.5475772 , -0.5772408 , -0.56068238, -0.64907684, -0.67781799, -0.66565114, -0.63014839, -0.64566464, -0.62691012, -0.58465493, -0.59287533, -0.63655091, -0.63771247, -0.73446841, -0.7456636 , -0.70941246, -0.66312268, -0.66312268, -0.56806477, -0.56806477, -0.66312268, -0.66312268, -0.74851077, -0.74851077, -0.66312268, -0.74851077, -0.56806477, -0.74851077, -0.66312268, -0.74851077, -0.56806477, -0.66312268, -0.56806477, -0.66312268, -0.56806477, -0.56806477, -0.66312268, -0.74851077, -0.66312268, -0.93501626, -0.56806477, -0.74851077, -0.66312268, -0.56806477, -0.82298389, -0.74851077, -0.66312268, -0.56806477, -0.82298389, -0.56806477, -0.66312268, -0.97094183]) One can access the 'trks.dir.z' for the first track in event 5 as follows:: >>> reader['trks.dir.z'][5][0] -0.60246049