The km3io Python package ======================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: This software provides a set of Python classes to read KM3NeT ROOT files without having ROOT, Jpp or aanet installed. It only depends on Python 3.5+ and the amazing `uproot <>`__ package and gives you access to the data via numpy arrays. It's very easy to use and according to the `uproot <>`__ benchmarks, it is able to outperform the ROOT I/O performance. **Note:** Beware that this package is in the development phase, so the API will change until version ``1.0.0`` is released! Installation ============ Install km3io using pip:: pip install km3io To get the latest (stable) development release:: pip install git+ **Reminder:** km3io is **not** dependent on aanet, ROOT or Jpp! Questions ========= If you have a question about km3io, please proceed as follows: - Read the documentation below. - Explore the `examples <>`__ in the documentation. - Haven't you found an answer to your question in the documentation, post a git issue with your question showing us an example of what you have tried first, and what you would like to do. - Have you noticed a bug, please post it in a git issue, we appreciate your contribution. Tutorial ======== **Table of contents:** * `Introduction <#introduction>`__ * `Overview of daq files <#overview-of-daq-files>`__ * `Overview of offline files <#overview-of-offline-files>`__ * `DAQ files reader <#daq-files-reader>`__ * `Offline files reader <#offline-file-reader>`__ * `reading events data <#reading-events-data>`__ * `reading hits data <#reading-hits-data>`__ * `reading tracks data <#reading-tracks-data>`__ * `reading mc hits data <#reading-mc-hits-data>`__ * `reading mc tracks data <#reading-mc-tracks-data>`__ Introduction ------------ Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are either created with `Jpp <>`__ or `aanet <>`__ software. A root file created with `Jpp <>`__ is often referred to as "a Jpp root file". Similarly, a root file created with `aanet <>`__ is often referred to as "an aanet file". In km3io, an aanet root file will always be reffered to as an ``offline file``, while a Jpp root file will always be referred to as a ``daq file``. km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes (``DAQReader`` and ``OfflineReader``) to read both daq root files and offline root files without any dependency to aanet, Jpp or ROOT. Data in km3io is often returned as a "lazyarray", a "jagged lazyarray" or a `Numpy <>`__ array. A lazyarray is an array-like object that reads data on demand! In a lazyarray, only the first and the last chunks of data are read in memory. A lazyarray can be used with all Numpy's universal `functions <>`__. Here is how a lazyarray looks like: .. code-block:: python3 # <ChunkedArray [5971 5971 5971 ... 5971 5971 5971] at 0x7fb2341ad810> A jagged array, is a 2+ dimentional array with different arrays lengths. In other words, a jagged array is an array of arrays of different sizes. So a jagged lazyarray is simply a jagged array of lazyarrays with different sizes. Here is how a jagged lazyarray looks like: .. code-block:: python3 # <JaggedArray [[102 102 102 ... 11517 11518 11518] [] [101 101 102 ... 11518 11518 11518] ... [101 101 102 ... 11516 11516 11517] [] [101 101 101 ... 11517 11517 11518]] at 0x7f74b0ef8810> Overview of daq files """"""""""""""""""""" # info needed here Overview of offline files """"""""""""""""""""""""" # info needed here DAQ files reader ---------------- # an update is needed here? Currently only events (the ``KM3NET_EVENT`` tree) are supported but timeslices and summaryslices will be implemented very soon. Let's have a look at some ORCA data (``KM3NeT_00000044_00005404.root``) To get a lazy ragged array of the events: .. code-block:: python3 import km3io as ki events = ki.DAQReader("KM3NeT_00000044_00005404.root").events That's it! Now let's have a look at the hits data: .. code-block:: python3 >>> events Number of events: 17023 >>> events[23].snapshot_hits.tot array([28, 22, 17, 29, 5, 27, 24, 26, 21, 28, 26, 21, 26, 24, 17, 28, 23,29, 27, 24, 23, 26, 29, 25, 18, 28, 24, 28, 26, 20, 25, 31, 28, 23, 26, 21, 30, 33, 27, 16, 23, 24, 19, 24, 27, 22, 23, 21, 25, 16, 28, 22, 22, 29, 24, 29, 24, 24, 25, 25, 21, 31, 26, 28, 30, 42, 28], dtype=uint8) Offline files reader -------------------- Let's have a look at some muons data from ORCA 4 lines simulations - run id 5971 (``datav6.0test.jchain.aanet.00005971.root``). **Note:** this file was cropped to 10 events only, so don't be surprised in this tutorial if you see few events in the file. First, let's read our file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> import km3io as ki >>> file = 'datav6.0test.jchain.aanet.00005971.root' >>> r = ki.OfflineReader(file) <km3io.aanet.OfflineReader at 0x7f24cc2bd550> and that's it! Note that `file` can be either an str of your file path, or a path-like object. To explore all the available branches in our offline file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.keys Events keys are: id det_id mc_id run_id mc_run_id frame_index trigger_mask trigger_counter overlays hits trks w w2list w3list mc_t mc_hits mc_trks comment index flags t.fSec t.fNanoSec Hits keys are: hits.dom_id hits.channel_id hits.tdc hits.tot hits.trig hits.pmt_id hits.t hits.a hits.pos.x hits.pos.y hits.pos.z hits.dir.x hits.dir.y hits.dir.z hits.pure_t hits.pure_a hits.type hits.origin hits.pattern_flags Tracks keys are: trks.fUniqueID trks.fBits trks.pos.x trks.pos.y trks.pos.z trks.dir.x trks.dir.y trks.dir.z trks.t trks.E trks.len trks.lik trks.type trks.rec_type trks.rec_stages trks.status trks.mother_id trks.fitinf trks.hit_ids trks.error_matrix trks.comment Mc hits keys are: mc_hits.dom_id mc_hits.channel_id mc_hits.tdc mc_hits.tot mc_hits.trig mc_hits.pmt_id mc_hits.t mc_hits.a mc_hits.pos.x mc_hits.pos.y mc_hits.pos.z mc_hits.dir.x mc_hits.dir.y mc_hits.dir.z mc_hits.pure_t mc_hits.pure_a mc_hits.type mc_hits.origin mc_hits.pattern_flags Mc tracks keys are: mc_trks.fUniqueID mc_trks.fBits mc_trks.pos.x mc_trks.pos.y mc_trks.pos.z mc_trks.dir.x mc_trks.dir.y mc_trks.dir.z mc_trks.t mc_trks.E mc_trks.len mc_trks.lik mc_trks.type mc_trks.rec_type mc_trks.rec_stages mc_trks.status mc_trks.mother_id mc_trks.fitinf mc_trks.hit_ids mc_trks.error_matrix mc_trks.comment In an offline file, there are 5 main trees with data: * events tree * hits tree * tracks tree * mc hits tree * mc tracks tree with km3io, these trees can be accessed with a simple tab completion: .. image:: In the following, we will explore each tree using km3io package. reading events data """"""""""""""""""" to read data in events tree with km3io: .. code-block:: python3 >>> <OfflineEvents: 10 parsed events> to get the total number of events in the events tree: .. code-block:: python3 >>> len( 10 the branches stored in the events tree in an offline file can be easily accessed with a tab completion as seen below: .. image:: to get data from the events tree, chose any branch of interest with the tab completion, the following is a non exaustive set of examples. to get event ids: .. code-block:: python3 >>> <ChunkedArray [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] at 0x7f249eeb6f10> to get detector ids: .. code-block:: python3 >>> <ChunkedArray [44 44 44 ... 44 44 44] at 0x7f249eeba050> to get frame_index: .. code-block:: python3 >>> <ChunkedArray [182 183 202 ... 185 185 204] at 0x7f249eeba410> to get snapshot hits: .. code-block:: python3 >>> <ChunkedArray [176 125 318 ... 84 255 105] at 0x7f249eebaa10> to illustrate the strength of this data structure, we will play around with `` using Numpy universal `functions <>`__. .. code-block:: python3 >>> import numpy as np >>> np.log( <ChunkedArray [5.170483995038151 4.8283137373023015 5.762051382780177 ... 4.430816798843313 5.541263545158426 4.653960350157523] at 0x7f249b8ebb90> to get all data from one specific event (for example event 0): .. code-block:: python3 >>>[0] offline event: id : 1 det_id : 44 mc_id : 0 run_id : 5971 mc_run_id : 0 frame_index : 182 trigger_mask : 22 trigger_counter : 0 overlays : 60 hits : 176 trks : 56 w : [] w2list : [] w3list : [] mc_t : 0.0 mc_hits : 0 mc_trks : 0 comment : b'' index : 0 flags : 0 t_fSec : 1567036818 t_fNanoSec : 200000000 to get a specific value from event 0, for example the number of overlays: .. code-block:: python3 >>>[0].overlays 60 or the number of hits: .. code-block:: python3 >>>[0].hits 176 reading hits data """"""""""""""""" to read data in hits tree with km3io: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.hits <OfflineHits: 10 parsed elements> this shows that in our offline file, there are 10 events, with each event is associated a hits trees. to have access to all data in a specific branche from the hits tree, you can use the tab completion: .. image:: to get ALL the dom ids in all hits trees in our offline file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.hits.dom_id <ChunkedArray [[806451572 806451572 806451572 ... 809544061 809544061 809544061] [806451572 806451572 806451572 ... 809524432 809526097 809544061] [806451572 806451572 806451572 ... 809544061 809544061 809544061] ... [806451572 806455814 806465101 ... 809526097 809544058 809544061] [806455814 806455814 806455814 ... 809544061 809544061 809544061] [806455814 806455814 806455814 ... 809544058 809544058 809544061]] at 0x7f249eebac50> to get ALL the time over threshold (tot) in all hits trees in our offline file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.hits.tot <ChunkedArray [[24 30 22 ... 38 26 23] [29 26 22 ... 26 28 24] [27 19 13 ... 27 24 16] ... [22 22 9 ... 27 32 27] [30 32 17 ... 30 24 29] [27 41 36 ... 29 24 28]] at 0x7f249eec9050> if you are interested in a specific event (let's say event 0), you can access the corresponding hits tree by doing the following: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r[0].hits <OfflineHits: 176 parsed elements> notice that now there are 176 parsed elements (as opposed to 10 elements parsed when r.hits is called). This means that in event 0 there are 176 hits! To get the dom ids from this event: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r[0].hits.dom_id array([806451572, 806451572, 806451572, 806451572, 806455814, 806455814, 806455814, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806483369, 806487219, 806487226, 806487231, 806487231, 808432835, 808435278, 808435278, 808435278, 808435278, 808435278, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447180, 808447186, 808451904, 808451904, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808472265, 808488895, 808488990, 808488990, 808488990, 808488990, 808488990, 808489014, 808489014, 808489117, 808489117, 808489117, 808489117, 808493910, 808946818, 808949744, 808951460, 808951460, 808951460, 808951460, 808951460, 808956908, 808956908, 808959411, 808959411, 808959411, 808961448, 808961448, 808961504, 808961504, 808961655, 808961655, 808961655, 808964815, 808964815, 808964852, 808964908, 808969857, 808969857, 808969857, 808969857, 808969857, 808972593, 808972698, 808972698, 808972698, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974758, 808974773, 808974773, 808974773, 808974773, 808974773, 808974972, 808974972, 808976377, 808976377, 808976377, 808979567, 808979567, 808979567, 808979721, 808979721, 808979721, 808979721, 808979721, 808979721, 808979721, 808979729, 808979729, 808979729, 808981510, 808981510, 808981510, 808981510, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981672, 808981812, 808981812, 808981812, 808981864, 808981864, 808982005, 808982005, 808982005, 808982018, 808982018, 808982018, 808982041, 808982041, 808982077, 808982077, 808982547, 808982547, 808982547, 808997793, 809006037, 809524432, 809526097, 809526097, 809544061, 809544061, 809544061, 809544061, 809544061, 809544061, 809544061], dtype=int32 to get all data of a specific hit (let's say hit 0) from event 0: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r[0].hits[0] offline hit: id : 0 dom_id : 806451572 channel_id : 8 tdc : 0 tot : 24 trig : 1 pmt_id : 0 t : 70104010.0 a : 0.0 pos_x : 0.0 pos_y : 0.0 pos_z : 0.0 dir_x : 0.0 dir_y : 0.0 dir_z : 0.0 pure_t : 0.0 pure_a : 0.0 type : 0 origin : 0 pattern_flags : 0 to get a specific value from hit 0 in event 0, let's say for example the dom id: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r[0].hits[0].dom_id 806451572 reading tracks data """"""""""""""""""" to read data in tracks tree with km3io: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.tracks <OfflineTracks: 10 parsed elements> this shows that in our offline file, there are 10 parsed elements (events), each event is associated with tracks data. to have access to all data in a specific branche from the tracks tree, you can use the tab completion: .. image:: to get ALL the cos(zenith angle) in all tracks tree in our offline file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.tracks.dir_z <ChunkedArray [[-0.872885221293917 -0.872885221293917 -0.872885221293917 ... -0.6631226836266504 -0.5680647731737454 -0.5680647731737454] [-0.8351996698137462 -0.8351996698137462 -0.8351996698137462 ... -0.7485107718446855 -0.8229838871876581 -0.239315690284641] [-0.989148723802379 -0.989148723802379 -0.989148723802379 ... -0.9350162572437829 -0.88545604390297 -0.88545604390297] ... [-0.5704611045902105 -0.5704611045902105 -0.5704611045902105 ... -0.9350162572437829 -0.4647231989130516 -0.4647231989130516] [-0.9779941383490359 -0.9779941383490359 -0.9779941383490359 ... -0.88545604390297 -0.88545604390297 -0.8229838871876581] [-0.7396916780974963 -0.7396916780974963 -0.7396916780974963 ... -0.6631226836266504 -0.7485107718446855 -0.7485107718446855]] at 0x7f249eed2090> to get ALL the tracks likelihood in our offline file: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r.tracks.lik <ChunkedArray [[294.6407542676734 294.6407542676734 294.6407542676734 ... 67.81221253265059 67.7756405143316 67.77250505700384] [96.75133289411137 96.75133289411137 96.75133289411137 ... 39.21916536442286 39.184645826013806 38.870325146341884] [560.2775306614813 560.2775306614813 560.2775306614813 ... 118.88577278801066 118.72271313687405 117.80785995187605] ... [71.03251451148226 71.03251451148226 71.03251451148226 ... 16.714140573909347 16.444395245214945 16.34639241716669] [326.440133294878 326.440133294878 326.440133294878 ... 87.79818671079849 87.75488082571873 87.74839444768625] [159.77779654216795 159.77779654216795 159.77779654216795 ... 33.8669134999348 33.821631538334984 33.77240735670646]] at 0x7f249eed2590> if you are interested in a specific event (let's say event 0), you can access the corresponding tracks tree by doing the following: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r[0].tracks <OfflineTracks: 56 parsed elements> notice that now there are 56 parsed elements (as opposed to 10 elements parsed when r.tracks is called). This means that in event 0 there is data about 56 possible tracks! To get the tracks likelihood from this event: .. code-block:: python3 >>> r[0].tracks.lik array([294.64075427, 294.64075427, 294.64075427, 291.64653113, 291.27392663, 290.69031512, 289.19290546, 289.08449217, 289.03373947, 288.19030836, 282.92343367, 282.71527118, 282.10762402, 280.20553861, 275.93183966, 273.01809111, 257.46433694, 220.94357656, 194.99426403, 190.47809685, 79.95235686, 78.94389763, 78.90791169, 77.96122466, 77.9579604 , 76.90769883, 75.97546175, 74.91530508, 74.9059469 , 72.94007716, 72.90467038, 72.8629316 , 72.81280833, 72.80229533, 72.78899435, 71.82404165, 71.80085542, 71.71028058, 70.91130096, 70.89150223, 70.85845637, 70.79081796, 70.76929743, 69.80667603, 69.64058976, 68.93085058, 68.84304037, 68.83154232, 68.79944298, 68.79019375, 68.78581291, 68.72340328, 67.86628937, 67.81221253, 67.77564051, 67.77250506]) to get all data of a specific track (let's say track 0) from event 0: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r[0].tracks[0] offline track: fUniqueID : 0 fBits : 33554432 id : 1 pos_x : 445.835395997812 pos_y : 615.1089636184813 pos_z : 125.1448339836911 dir_x : 0.0368711082700674 dir_y : -0.48653048395923415 dir_z : -0.872885221293917 t : 70311446.46401498 E : 99.10458562488608 len : 0.0 lik : 294.6407542676734 type : 0 rec_type : 4000 rec_stages : [1, 3, 5, 4] status : 0 mother_id : -1 hit_ids : [] error_matrix : [] comment : 0 JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD : 0.004957442219414389 JGANDALF_BETA1_RAD : 0.003417848024252858 JGANDALF_CHI2 : -294.6407542676734 JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_HITS : 142.0 JENERGY_ENERGY : 99.10458562488608 JENERGY_CHI2 : 1.7976931348623157e+308 JGANDALF_LAMBDA : 4.2409761837248484e-12 JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS : 10.0 JSTART_NPE_MIP : 24.88469697331908 JSTART_NPE_MIP_TOTAL : 55.88169412579765 JSTART_LENGTH_METRES : 98.89582506402911 JVETO_NPE : 0.0 JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS : 0.0 JENERGY_MUON_RANGE_METRES : 344.9767431592819 JENERGY_NOISE_LIKELIHOOD : -333.87773581129136 JENERGY_NDF : 1471.0 JENERGY_NUMBER_OF_HITS : 101.0 to get a specific value from track 0 in event 0, let's say for example the liklihood: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r[0].tracks[0].lik 294.6407542676734 reading mc hits data """""""""""""""""""" to read mc hits data: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r.mc_hits <OfflineHits: 10 parsed elements> that's it! All branches in mc hits tree can be accessed in the exact same way described in the section `reading hits data <#reading-hits-data>`__ . All data is easily accesible and if you are stuck, hit tab key to see all the available branches: .. image:: reading mc tracks data """""""""""""""""""""" to read mc tracks data: .. code-block:: python3 >>>r.mc_tracks <OfflineTracks: 10 parsed elements> that's it! All branches in mc tracks tree can be accessed in the exact same way described in the section `reading tracks data <#reading-tracks-data>`__ . All data is easily accesible and if you are stuck, hit tab key to see all the available branches: .. image::