diff --git a/src/km3irf/build_aeff.py b/src/km3irf/build_aeff.py
index ee20c1c9b69309fb5fe17eb83492dc93887f20dd..8083e37061f679c24211e13b0262447004a160b8 100644
--- a/src/km3irf/build_aeff.py
+++ b/src/km3irf/build_aeff.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import pandas as pd
 import uproot as ur
 from km3io import OfflineReader
-from .irf_tools import aeff_2D
+from .irf_tools import aeff_2D, psf_3D
 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 # from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import astropy.units as u
 from astropy.io import fits
 from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
+from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d, gaussian_filter
 # from collections import defaultdict
@@ -105,7 +106,6 @@ class DataContainer:
         theta_binC = np.arccos(0.5 * (cos_theta_binE[:-1] + cos_theta_binE[1:]))
         # Fill histograms for effective area
-        # !!! Check number of events uproot vs pandas
         aeff_all = (
@@ -125,6 +125,100 @@ class DataContainer:
         return None
+def build_psf(
+    self,
+    df_pass,
+    cos_theta_binE=np.linspace(1, -1, 7),
+    energy_binE=np.logspace(2, 8, 25),
+    rad_binE=np.concatenate(
+        (
+            np.linspace(0, 1, 21),
+            np.linspace(1, 5, 41)[1:],
+            np.linspace(5, 30, 51)[1:],
+            [180.0],
+        )
+    ),
+    norm=False,
+    smooth=True,
+    smooth_norm=True,
+    output="psf.fits",
+    """
+    Build Point Spread Function 3D .fits
+    df_pass: incoming data frame
+    cos_theta_binE: numpy array of linear bins for cos of zenith angle theta
+    energy_binE: log numpy array of enegy bins
+    rad_binE: numpy array oflinear radial bins
+    (20 bins for 0-1 deg, 40 bins for 1-5 deg, 50 bins for 5-30 deg, + 1 final bin up to 180 deg)
+    output: name of generated PSF file with extension .fits
+    """
+    theta_binE = np.arccos(cos_theta_binE)
+    # Bin centers
+    energy_binC = np.sqrt(energy_binE[:-1] * energy_binE[1:])
+    theta_binC = np.arccos(0.5 * (cos_theta_binE[:-1] + cos_theta_binE[1:]))
+    rad_binC = 0.5 * (rad_binE[1:] + rad_binE[:-1])
+    # Fill histogram for PSF
+    psf = psf_3D(
+        e_bins=energy_binE,
+        r_bins=rad_binE,
+        t_bins=theta_binE,
+        dataset=df_pass,
+        weights=1,
+    )
+    # compute dP/dOmega
+    sizes_rad_bins = np.diff(rad_binE**2)
+    norma = psf.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
+    psf /= sizes_rad_bins[:, None, None] * (np.pi / 180) ** 2 * np.pi
+    # Normalization for PSF
+    if norm:
+        psf = np.nan_to_num(psf / norma)
+    # Smearing
+    if smooth and not norm:
+        s1 = gaussian_filter1d(psf, 0.5, axis=0, mode="nearest")
+        s2 = gaussian_filter1d(psf, 2, axis=0, mode="nearest")
+        s3 = gaussian_filter1d(psf, 4, axis=0, mode="nearest")
+        s4 = gaussian_filter1d(psf, 6, axis=0, mode="constant")
+        psf = np.concatenate(
+            (s1[:10], s2[10:20], s3[20:60], s4[60:-1], [psf[-1]]), axis=0
+        )
+        # smooth edges between the different ranges
+        psf[10:-1] = gaussian_filter1d(psf[10:-1], 1, axis=0, mode="nearest")
+        if smooth_norm:
+            norm_psf_sm = (
+                psf * sizes_rad_bins[:, None, None] * (np.pi / 180) ** 2 * np.pi
+            ).sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
+            psf = np.nan_to_num(psf / norm_psf_sm)
+    elif smooth and norm:
+        raise Exception("smooth and norm cannot be True at the same time")
+    new_psf_file = WritePSF(
+        energy_binC,
+        energy_binE,
+        theta_binC,
+        theta_binE,
+        rad_binC,
+        rad_binE,
+        psf_T=psf,
+    )
+    new_psf_file.to_fits(file_name=output)
+    return None
+def build_edisp():
+    pass
 def unpack_data(no_bdt, uproot_file):
     retrieve information from data and pack it to pandas DataFrame
@@ -246,3 +340,89 @@ class WriteAeff:
         aeff_fits.writeto(file_name, overwrite=True)
         return print(f"file {file_name} is written successfully!")
+# Class for writing PSF to fits files
+class WritePSF:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        energy_binC,
+        energy_binE,
+        theta_binC,
+        theta_binE,
+        rad_binC,
+        rad_binE,
+        psf_T,
+    ):
+        self.col1 = fits.Column(
+            name="ENERG_LO",
+            format="{}E".format(len(energy_binC)),
+            unit="GeV",
+            array=[energy_binE[:-1]],
+        )
+        self.col2 = fits.Column(
+            name="ENERG_HI",
+            format="{}E".format(len(energy_binC)),
+            unit="GeV",
+            array=[energy_binE[1:]],
+        )
+        self.col3 = fits.Column(
+            name="THETA_LO",
+            format="{}E".format(len(theta_binC)),
+            unit="rad",
+            array=[theta_binE[:-1]],
+        )
+        self.col4 = fits.Column(
+            name="THETA_HI",
+            format="{}E".format(len(theta_binC)),
+            unit="rad",
+            array=[theta_binE[1:]],
+        )
+        self.col5 = fits.Column(
+            name="RAD_LO",
+            format="{}E".format(len(rad_binC)),
+            unit="deg",
+            array=[rad_binE[:-1]],
+        )
+        self.col6 = fits.Column(
+            name="RAD_HI",
+            format="{}E".format(len(rad_binC)),
+            unit="deg",
+            array=[rad_binE[1:]],
+        )
+        self.col7 = fits.Column(
+            name="RPSF",
+            format="{}D".format(len(energy_binC) * len(theta_binC) * len(rad_binC)),
+            dim="({},{},{})".format(len(energy_binC), len(theta_binC), len(rad_binC)),
+            unit="sr-1",
+            array=[psf_T],
+        )
+    def to_fits(self, file_name):
+        cols = fits.ColDefs(
+            [
+                self.col1,
+                self.col2,
+                self.col3,
+                self.col4,
+                self.col5,
+                self.col6,
+                self.col7,
+            ]
+        )
+        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
+        hdu2 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols)
+        hdu2.header["EXTNAME"] = "PSF_2D_TABLE"
+        hdu2.header[
+            "HDUDOC"
+        ] = "https://github.com/open-gamma-ray-astro/gamma-astro-data-formats"
+        hdu2.header["HDUVERS"] = "0.2"
+        hdu2.header["HDUCLASS"] = "GADF"
+        hdu2.header["HDUCLAS1"] = "RESPONSE"
+        hdu2.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "RPSF"
+        hdu2.header["HDUCLAS3"] = "FULL-ENCLOSURE"
+        hdu2.header["HDUCLAS4"] = "PSF_TABLE"
+        psf_fits = fits.HDUList([hdu, hdu2])
+        psf_fits.writeto(file_name, overwrite=True)
+        return print(f"file {file_name} is written successfully!")