diff --git a/scripts/msg_dumper.py b/scripts/msg_dumper.py
index 036647cb9e6b7135bb0822fff73b92343ebd6716..190fb3e88a06773d29833d766f902166adbeb422 100755
--- a/scripts/msg_dumper.py
+++ b/scripts/msg_dumper.py
@@ -13,25 +13,49 @@ Usage:
     -l LIGIER_IP    The IP of the ligier [default:].
     -p LIGIER_PORT  The port of the ligier [default: 5553].
-    -f LOG_FILE     Log file to dump the messages [default: MSG.log].
+    -o LOG_DIR      Directory to dump the messages [default: logs].
+    -x PREFIX       Prefix for the log files [default: MSG].
     -h --help       Show this screen.
+import datetime
 import os
-import time
+from shutil import copyfile
 from km3pipe import Pipeline, Module
 from km3pipe.io import CHPump
+def current_date_str(fmt="%Y-%m-%d"):
+    """Return the current datetime string"""
+    return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(fmt)
 class MSGDumper(Module):
     def configure(self):
-        self.filename = self.get('filename', default='MSG.log')
-        self.fobj = open(os.path.abspath(self.filename), 'a')
+        self.path = os.path.abspath(self.require('path'))
+        self.prefix = self.require('prefix')
+        self.current_date = current_date_str()
+        self.filename = self.prefix + ".log"
+        self.filepath = os.path.join(self.path, self.filename)
+        self.fobj = open(self.filepath, 'a')
+    def update_file_descriptor(self):
+        current_date = current_date_str()
+        if self.current_date != current_date:
+            archived_name = "{}_{}.log".format(self.prefix, self.current_date)
+            self.print("Cycling the log file: {} -> {}".format(
+                self.filename, archived_name))
+            copyfile(self.filepath, os.path.join(self.path, archived_name))
+            self.fobj.close()
+            self.fobj = open(self.filepath, 'w')
+            self.current_date = current_date
     def process(self, blob):
         data = blob['CHData'].decode()
         source = "Other"
+        if " A0" in data:
+            source = "AcousticDataFilter"
         if " F0" in data:
             source = "DataFilter"
         if " Q0" in data:
@@ -39,14 +63,15 @@ class MSGDumper(Module):
         if " W0" in data:
             source = "DataWriter"
-        entry = "{} [{}]: {}\n".format(
-            os.path.basename(self.filename), source, data)
+        entry = "{} [{}]: {}\n".format(self.filename, source, data)
+        self.update_file_descriptor()
         return blob
     def finish(self):
-        self.fobj.close()
+        if self.fobj is not None:
+            self.fobj.close()
 def main():
@@ -55,17 +80,17 @@ def main():
     ligier_ip = args['-l']
     ligier_port = int(args['-p'])
-    filename = args['-f']
+    path = args['-o']
+    prefix = args['-x']
     pipe = Pipeline()
-    pipe.attach(
-        CHPump,
-        host=ligier_ip,
-        port=ligier_port,
-        tags='MSG',
-        timeout=7 * 60 * 60 * 24,
-        max_queue=500)
-    pipe.attach(MSGDumper, filename=filename)
+    pipe.attach(CHPump,
+                host=ligier_ip,
+                port=ligier_port,
+                tags='MSG',
+                timeout=7 * 60 * 60 * 24,
+                max_queue=500)
+    pipe.attach(MSGDumper, prefix=prefix, path=path)
diff --git a/supervisord_template.conf b/supervisord_template.conf
index 897c2c40c87f638808b47cd5dff3337997eeb985..8fabcee4b3829b8c769a6964a9e46933a2277bac 100644
--- a/supervisord_template.conf
+++ b/supervisord_template.conf
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ stderr_logfile=logs/%(program_name)s.err.log
-command=python -u scripts/msg_dumper.py -l %(ENV_LOG_LIGIER_IP)s -p %(ENV_LOG_LIGIER_PORT)s -f logs/MSG.log
+command=python -u scripts/msg_dumper.py -l %(ENV_LOG_LIGIER_IP)s -p %(ENV_LOG_LIGIER_PORT)s -o logs