From 7f45dcebc6396a2548ba3d75dff3cca71812b98a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tamas Gal <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:54:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old acoustics script

 scripts/ | 229 -------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 229 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58d56f6..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding=utf-8
-Online Acoustic Monitoring
- [options]
- (-h | --help)
-    -d DET_ID       Detector ID
-    -n N_DUS        Number of DUs
-    -o PLOT_DIR     The directory to save the plot 
-    -h --help       Show this screen.
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import time
-import os
-import matplotlib
-from matplotlib import colors
-from datetime import datetime
-from docopt import docopt
-import km3pipe as kp
-def diff(first, second):
-    second = set(second)
-    return [item for item in first if item not in second]
-args = docopt(__doc__)
-detid = args['-d']
-directory = args['-o']
-N_DUS = args['-n']
-N_DUS = int(N_DUS)
-db = kp.db.DBManager()
-sds = kp.db.StreamDS()
-ACOUSTIC_BEACONS = [12, 14, 16]
-N_DOMS = 18
-DOMS = range(N_DOMS + 1)
-DUS = range(1, N_DUS + 1)
-TIT = 600 # Time Interval between Trains of acoustic pulses)
-SSW = 160 # Signal Security Window (Window size with signal)
-check = True
-while check:
-    table = db.run_table(detid)
-    minrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1]	
-    ind, = np.where((table["RUN"] == minrun))
-    mintime1 = table['UNIXSTARTTIME'][ind]
-    mintime = mintime1.values
-    maxrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1]
-    now = time.time()
-    if (now - mintime/1000) < TIT:
-        minrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1] - 1 
-    print(now)
-    N_Pulses_Indicator = [] # Matrix indicating how many pulses each piezo reveals
-    for du in DUS:
-        N_Pulses_Indicator_DU = [] # Array indicating for each DU how many pulses each piezo reveals.
-        for ab in ACOUSTIC_BEACONS:
-            for dom in DOMS:
-                try:
-                    domID = db.doms.via_omkey((du, dom), detid).dom_id
-                    toas_all = sds.toashort(detid = detid, minrun = minrun, maxrun = maxrun, domid = domID, emitterid = ab) 
-                    QF_abdom = toas_all["QUALITYFACTOR"]
-                    UTB_abdom = toas_all["UNIXTIMEBASE"]
-                    TOAS_abdom = toas_all["TOA_S"]
-                    UTB_abdom = UTB_abdom.values
-                    up = np.where(UTB_abdom>(now-TIT))
-                    down = np.where(UTB_abdom<(now))
-                    intr = np.intersect1d(up,down)
-                    UTB_abdom = UTB_abdom[intr]
-                    QF_abdom = QF_abdom[intr]                
-                    QF_abdom = QF_abdom.values
-                    QFlist = QF_abdom.tolist()
-                    QFlist.sort(reverse = True)
-                    QF_max = max(QF_abdom)
-                    QF_max_index = np.where(QF_abdom == QF_max)
-                    UTB_signal_min = UTB_abdom[QF_max_index] - SSW/2
-                    UTB_signal_max = UTB_abdom[QF_max_index] + SSW/2
-                    temp1 = np.where(UTB_abdom > (UTB_signal_min[0]))
-                    temp2 = np.where(UTB_abdom < (UTB_signal_max[0]))
-                    inter = np.intersect1d(temp1, temp2)
-                    inter = inter.tolist()
-                    signal_index = inter
-                    QF_abdom_index = np.where(QF_abdom)
-                    all_data_index = QF_abdom_index[0].tolist()
-                    noise_index = diff(all_data_index, signal_index)
-                    SIGNAL = QF_abdom[signal_index] 
-                    UTB_SIGNAL = UTB_abdom[signal_index]
-                    NOISE = QF_abdom[noise_index] 
-                    NOISElist = NOISE.tolist()
-                    NOISElist.sort(reverse = True)
-                    noise_threshold = max(NOISE) 
-                    # First filter: 22 greatest
-                    Security_Number = 22 # To be sure to take all the pulses
-                    SIGNAL = SIGNAL.tolist()
-                    SIGNAL_OLD = np.array(SIGNAL)
-                    SIGNAL.sort(reverse = True)
-                    QF_first = SIGNAL[0:Security_Number]
-                    # Second filter: delete duplicates
-                    QF_second = np.unique(QF_first)
-                    QF_second = QF_second.tolist()
-                    QF_second.sort(reverse = True)
-                    # Third filter: If there are more than 11 elements I will eliminate the worst
-                    if len(QF_second) > 11:
-                        QF_second = np.array(QF_second)
-                        QF_third = [k for k in QF_second if (np.where(QF_second == k)[0][0] < 11)]
-                    else:
-                        QF_third = QF_second
-                    # Fourth filter: I remove the data if it is below the maximum noise
-                    QF_fourth = [k for k in QF_third if k > (noise_threshold + (5*np.std(NOISE)))]
-                    # Fifth filter: Check if the clicks are interspersed in the right way
-                    Q = []
-                    for q in np.arange(len(QF_fourth)):
-                        Q.append(np.where(SIGNAL_OLD == QF_fourth[q])[0][0])
-                    UTB_fourth = np.array(UTB_SIGNAL.tolist())[Q]
-                    UTB_fourth_l = UTB_fourth.tolist()
-                    D = []
-                    for g in np.arange(len(UTB_fourth_l)):
-                        if ((np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5) > 0.5 and np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5) < 4.5) or (np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5)>5)):
-                           D.append(g)
-                    for d in sorted(D, reverse = True):
-                        del QF_fourth[d]  
-                    QF_fifth = QF_fourth
-                    QF_OK = QF_fifth
-                    NUM = len(QF_OK) # Number of pulses
-                    print(NUM)
-                    if (NUM > 7):
-                        N_Pulses_Indicator_DU.append(1.5)
-                    elif (NUM < 8 and NUM > 3):
-                        N_Pulses_Indicator_DU.append(0.5)
-                    elif (NUM < 4 and NUM > 0):
-                        N_Pulses_Indicator_DU.append(-0.5)
-                    elif (NUM == 0):
-                        N_Pulses_Indicator_DU.append(-1.5)
-                except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError if no data found for a certain piezo, ValueError if there are zero data for a certain piezo
-                    N_Pulses_Indicator_DU.append(-1.5)
-        N_Pulses_Indicator.append(N_Pulses_Indicator_DU)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    N_doms = 18
-    doms = range(N_doms + 1)
-    L = len(doms)
-    duab = []
-    DUs = []
-    for du in range(N_DUS):
-        duabdu = []
-        duab1 = (du+0.9)*np.ones(L)
-        duab2 = (du+1)*np.ones(L)
-        duab3 = (du+1.1)*np.ones(L)
-        duabdu.append(duab1)
-        duabdu.append(duab2)
-        duabdu.append(duab3)
-        duab.append(duabdu)
-        DUs.append(np.array(N_Pulses_Indicator[du]))
-    ind = np.where(DUs[1] < 1000)
-    iAB1 = np.where(ind[0] < L)
-    iAB2_up = np.where(ind[0] > (L - 1))
-    iAB2_down = np.where(ind[0] < 2*L)
-    iAB2 = np.intersect1d(iAB2_up, iAB2_down)
-    iAB3 = np.where(ind[0] > (2*L - 1))
-    colorsList = [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0.3, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0.2, 0.9, 0)]
-    CustomCmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colorsList)
-    bounds = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
-    norma = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, CustomCmap.N)
-    for du in range(N_DUS):
-        for ab in range(N_ABS):
-            color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB1], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
-            color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB2], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
-            color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB3], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
-    cbar = plt.colorbar(color)
-    for j, lab in enumerate(['$0. pings$', '$1-3 pings$', '$4-7 pings$', '$>7. pings$']):
-, (2*j + 1)/8.0, lab, ha = 'center', va = 'center')
- = 18
-    matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(np.arange(1, N_DUS + 1, step = 1))
-    matplotlib.pyplot.yticks(np.arange(0, 19, step = 1))
-    matplotlib.pyplot.grid(color = 'k', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 0.2)
-    ax.set_xlabel('DUs', fontsize = 18)
-    ax.set_ylabel('Floors', fontsize = 18)
-    ts = now + 3600
-    DATE = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-    ax.set_title(r' %.16s Detection of the pings emitted by autonomous beacons' %DATE, fontsize = 10)                  
-    my_path = os.path.abspath(directory) 
-    my_file = 'Online_Acoustic_Monitoring.png'
-    fig.savefig(os.path.join(my_path, my_file))    
-    print(time.time())
-    check = False
-    check_time = time.time() - now
-    print(check_time)
-    time.sleep(abs(TIT - check_time))
-    check = True  