# km3mon Monitoring facility for the KM3NeT neutrino detector. ## Requirements - Python 3.5+ Every other dependency will be installed or updated during the `make` procedure via the Python package manager `pip`. ## Usage First, install (or update) the requirements by typing make Next, create a ``setenv.sh`` script according to the ``setenv_template.sh`` script and apply the detector settings. Here is an example configuration ```shell #!/bin/bash export DETECTOR_ID=43 export DAQ_LIGIER_IP= export DAQ_LIGIER_PORT=5553 export DETECTOR_MANAGER_IP= export MONITORING_LIGIER_PORT=55530 export WEBSERVER_PORT=8081 export LOGGING_PORT=8082 export DETX="KM3NeT_00000043_03062019_t0set-A02087174.detx" export ROYFIT_TIMERES="data/time_residuals.csv" export LIGIER_CMD="singularity exec /home/off1user/Software/Jpp_svn2git-rc9.sif JLigier" export TAGS_TO_MIRROR="IO_EVT, IO_SUM, IO_TSSN, MSG, IO_MONIT" ``` Notice the `LIGIER_CMD` which in this case uses a Singularity image of Jpp. The `DETX` needs to point to a recently calibrated DETX file otherwise the live reconstruction will not work correctly. For the weblog you need to download the latest version of `frontail`: https://github.com/mthenw/frontail/releases After that, use the following command to start the ``supervisor``, which you only need to do once: source setenv.sh make start From now on ``supervisorctl`` is the tool to communicate with the monitoring system. To see the status of the processes, use ``supervisorctl status``, which will show each process one by one (make sure you call it in the folder where you launched it): ``` $ supervisorctl status ligiers:ligiermirror RUNNING pid 611, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 ligiers:monitoring_ligier RUNNING pid 610, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 logging:msg_dumper RUNNING pid 7466, uptime 1 day, 7:28:00 logging:weblog RUNNING pid 7465, uptime 1 day, 7:28:00 monitoring_process:ahrs_calibration RUNNING pid 19612, uptime 1 day, 1:20:32 monitoring_process:dom_activity RUNNING pid 626, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:dom_rates RUNNING pid 631, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:pmt_hrv RUNNING pid 633, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:pmt_rates RUNNING pid 632, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:rttc RUNNING pid 9717, uptime 10:55:53 monitoring_process:trigger_rates RUNNING pid 637, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:triggermap RUNNING pid 638, uptime 1 day, 7:55:09 monitoring_process:ztplot RUNNING pid 7802, uptime 1 day, 7:26:13 webserver RUNNING pid 29494, uptime 1 day, 0:34:23 ``` The processes are grouped accordingly (ligier, monitoring_process etc.) and automaticallly started in the right order. You can stop and start individual services using ``supervisorctl stop group:process_name`` and ``supervisorctl start group:process_name`` Since the system knows the order, you can safely ``restart all`` or just a group of processes. Use the ``supervisorctl help`` to find out more and ``supervisorctl help COMMAND`` to get a detailed description of the corresponding command. To shut down the monitoring service completely, use ``make stop``. ## Configuration file A file called `pipeline.toml` can be placed into the root folder of the monitoring software (usually `~/monitoring`) which can be used to set different kind of parameters, like plot attributes or ranges. Here is an example `pipeline.toml`: ``` [WebServer] username = "km3net" password = "swordfish" [DOMRates] lowest_rate = 150 # [kHz] highest_rate = 350 # [kHz] [PMTRates] lowest_rate = 1000 # [Hz] highest_rate = 20000 # [Hz] [TriggerRate] interval = 300 # time inverval to integrate [s] with_minor_ticks = true # minor tickmarks on the plot [TriggerMap] max_events = 5000 # the number of events to log [ZTPlot] min_dus = 1 ytick_distance = 25 # [m] ```