#!/bin/bash export DETECTOR_ID=43 # The ligier to get events (IO_EVT), timeslices (e.g. IO_TSSN) and # summary slices (IO_SUM) export DAQ_LIGIER_IP= export DAQ_LIGIER_PORT=5553 export TAGS_TO_MIRROR="IO_EVT, IO_SUM, IO_TSSN, MSG, IO_MONIT" # The logger ligier (MSG) export LOG_LIGIER_IP= export LOG_LIGIER_PORT=5553 # The command to start a ligier on the monitoring machine export LIGIER_CMD="JLigier" export MONITORING_LIGIER_PORT=55530 export DETECTOR_MANAGER_IP= # The port for the KM3Web monitoring dashboard export WEBSERVER_PORT=8081 # The port for the log viewer export LOGGING_PORT=8082 # The detector configuration to be used in the online reconstruction export DETX="" # Where to save the time residuals export ROYFIT_TIMERES="data/time_residuals.csv"