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  • km3py/km3net-testdata
  • bjjung/km3net-testdata
2 results
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with 528468 additions and 45 deletions
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start_run: 1
CORSIKA_drawing: Volume (VolumeDet option)
cut_primary: 1.00e+03 1.00e+09 -1.000 -0.052
cut_seamuon: 1000.000 1.00e+09 -1.000 -0.052
norma: 1 1000
physics: CORSIKA 7.500 160302 2146
physics: Corant v5.1.7
primary: 2212
seed: corsika 1000001 5000001
spectrum: -1.00
start_event: 1 1
corsika_evno: 1
track_in: 1 -4.40367 33.71409 0.00 0.301321 -0.891946 -0.337103 1828.109 1050157.50 -13 321 321
track_in: 2 -38.37540 27.05598 0.00 0.300008 -0.892382 -0.337119 1193.135 1050142.75 13 -211 211
track_in: 3 -3.16040 34.67069 0.00 0.301341 -0.891959 -0.337049 1164.309 1050155.88 -13 211 321
track_in: 4 -77.71072 126.03024 0.00 0.299771 -0.892142 -0.337965 1000.848 1049809.25 13 -321 -211
track_in: 5 6.23354 26.43900 0.00 0.301238 -0.891969 -0.337117 1244.873 1050189.62 -13 321 211
track_in: 6 -5.21630 -20.75787 0.00 0.300533 -0.892341 -0.336761 1577.229 1050318.75 13 310 2212
track_in: 7 -11.15348 -3.95638 0.00 0.300575 -0.892300 -0.336833 2461.580 1050262.12 13 113 -321
track_in: 1 1.46045 -8.14684 0.00 0.300968 -0.892196 -0.336757 1331.489 1050287.75 -14 113 -321
track_in: 8 5.23726 1.85192 0.00 0.301130 -0.892116 -0.336823 3966.812 1050261.88 -13 -3122 2212
track_in: 9 6.70903 20.90324 0.00 0.301040 -0.892089 -0.336975 1017.059 1050206.12 13 -211 -211
track_in: 2 -56.65108 20.29246 0.00 0.299970 -0.892443 -0.336991 1065.288 1050139.88 14 321 2212
track_in: 3 10.02636 7.89528 0.00 0.301211 -0.892089 -0.336821 1412.661 1050247.12 14 321 321
track_in: 4 -1.65667 -1.03906 0.00 0.300949 -0.892184 -0.336805 5115.461 1050263.50 -14 -321 -211
track_in: 10 0.08638 -0.06752 0.00 0.300945 -0.892175 -0.336832 5301.362 1050262.12 13 -321 -211
track_in: 11 -34.25137 110.56162 0.00 0.301016 -0.891720 -0.337972 1502.025 1049898.88 -13 313 2212
track_in: 12 5.43460 9.63153 0.00 0.301252 -0.892047 -0.336896 2257.985 1050238.38 -13 213 -2112
track_in: 13 7.86219 -13.38401 0.00 0.301279 -0.892146 -0.336611 1750.482 1050310.00 -13 213 211
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 20470.77 0.300984 -0.892170 -0.336810 5.096468e+07 0 2212
weights: 1.000000 1.3221389051e+17 5.6617037597e-01
start_event: 2 1
corsika_evno: 2
track_in: 1 -127.61913 -52.46047 0.00 -0.678616 -0.700962 -0.219391 1172.941 1490014.12 13 223 2212
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 26537.21 -0.677670 -0.701733 -0.219848 9.361853e+04 0 2212
weights: 1.000000 2.4286763327e+14 9.2212739309e+04
start_event: 3 1
corsika_evno: 4
track_in: 1 9.01565 4.16672 0.00 -0.311775 0.743120 -0.592089 1527.060 625570.12 13 -211 -321
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 21097.09 -0.312189 0.742830 -0.592234 1.650752e+05 0 2212
weights: 1.000000 4.2824247453e+14 3.0318392223e+04
start_run: 1
CORSIKA_drawing: Volume (VolumeDet option)
cut_primary: 1.00e+03 1.00e+09 -1.000 -0.052
cut_seamuon: 1000.000 1.00e+09 -1.000 -0.052
norma: 1 1000
physics: CORSIKA 7.500 160302 1318
physics: Corant v5.1.9
primary: 2212
seed: corsika 1000001 5000001
spectrum: -1.00
start_event: 1 1
corsika_evno: 1
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 20470.77 0.300984 -0.892170 -0.336810 5.096468e+07 0 2212
track_sealepton: 1 -4.40367 33.71409 0.00 0.301321 -0.891946 -0.337103 1828.109 1050157.50 -13 0 -1 321 321
track_sealepton: 2 -38.37540 27.05598 0.00 0.300008 -0.892382 -0.337119 1193.135 1050142.75 13 0 -1 -211 211
track_sealepton: 3 -3.16040 34.67069 0.00 0.301341 -0.891959 -0.337049 1164.309 1050155.88 -13 0 -1 211 321
track_sealepton: 4 -77.71072 126.03024 0.00 0.299771 -0.892142 -0.337965 1000.848 1049809.25 13 0 -1 -321 -211
track_sealepton: 5 6.23354 26.43900 0.00 0.301238 -0.891969 -0.337117 1244.873 1050189.62 -13 0 -1 321 211
track_sealepton: 6 -5.21630 -20.75787 0.00 0.300533 -0.892341 -0.336761 1577.229 1050318.75 13 0 -1 310 2212
track_sealepton: 7 -11.15348 -3.95638 0.00 0.300575 -0.892300 -0.336833 2461.580 1050262.12 13 0 -1 113 -321
track_sealepton: 1 1.46045 -8.14684 0.00 0.300968 -0.892196 -0.336757 1331.489 1050287.75 -14 0 -1 113 -321
track_sealepton: 8 5.23726 1.85192 0.00 0.301130 -0.892116 -0.336823 3966.812 1050261.88 -13 0 -1 -3122 2212
track_sealepton: 9 6.70903 20.90324 0.00 0.301040 -0.892089 -0.336975 1017.059 1050206.12 13 0 -1 -211 -211
track_sealepton: 2 -56.65108 20.29246 0.00 0.299970 -0.892443 -0.336991 1065.288 1050139.88 14 0 -1 321 2212
track_sealepton: 3 10.02636 7.89528 0.00 0.301211 -0.892089 -0.336821 1412.661 1050247.12 14 0 -1 321 321
track_sealepton: 4 -1.65667 -1.03906 0.00 0.300949 -0.892184 -0.336805 5115.461 1050263.50 -14 0 -1 -321 -211
track_sealepton: 10 0.08638 -0.06752 0.00 0.300945 -0.892175 -0.336832 5301.362 1050262.12 13 0 -1 -321 -211
track_sealepton: 11 -34.25137 110.56162 0.00 0.301016 -0.891720 -0.337972 1502.025 1049898.88 -13 0 -1 313 2212
track_sealepton: 12 5.43460 9.63153 0.00 0.301252 -0.892047 -0.336896 2257.985 1050238.38 -13 0 -1 213 -2112
track_sealepton: 13 7.86219 -13.38401 0.00 0.301279 -0.892146 -0.336611 1750.482 1050310.00 -13 0 -1 213 211
track_sealepton: 5 -12.14082 30.30725 0.00 0.300938 -0.892155 -0.336891 3112.095 1050151.50 -14 0 -1 -313 -2112
track_sealepton: 14 9.41398 -28.98684 0.00 0.301344 -0.892156 -0.336525 1820.654 1050357.25 -13 0 -1 211 211
track_sealepton: 15 5.36938 -9.61744 0.00 0.300871 -0.892271 -0.336645 1200.504 1050295.62 13 0 -1 -321 -321
weights: 1.000000 1.3221389051e+17 5.6617037597e-01
start_event: 2 1
corsika_evno: 2
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 26537.21 -0.677670 -0.701733 -0.219848 9.361853e+04 0 2212
track_sealepton: 1 -127.61913 -52.46047 0.00 -0.678616 -0.700962 -0.219391 1172.941 1490014.12 13 0 -1 223 2212
weights: 1.000000 2.4286763327e+14 9.2212739309e+04
start_event: 3 1
corsika_evno: 4
track_primary: 0 0.00 0.00 21097.09 -0.312189 0.742830 -0.592234 1.650752e+05 0 2212
track_sealepton: 1 9.01565 4.16672 0.00 -0.311775 0.743120 -0.592089 1527.060 625570.12 13 0 -1 -211 -321
weights: 1.000000 4.2824247453e+14 3.0318392223e+04
This diff is collapsed.
File added
path_to_input = '/opt/GiBUU/buuinput/'
numtimesteps = 0
eventtype = 5
numensembles = 625
delta_t = 0.2
localensemble = .true.
freezerealparticles = .true.
num_runs_sameenergy = 1
lrf_equals_calc_frame = .true.
process_id = 2
flavor_id = 1
nuxsectionmode = 16
includedis = .true.
includedelta = .true.
includeres = .true.
includeqe = .true.
include1pi = .true.
include2p2hqe = .true.
include2pi = .false.
include2p2hdelta = .false.
printabsorptionxs = .true.
nuexp = 10
target_z = 8
target_a = 16
energylimit_for_qsrec = .true.
eflux_min = 0.1
eflux_max = 50.0
outputevents = .false.
parp(91) = 0.44
eventformat = 4
writeperturbativeparticles = .true.
writerealparticles = .false.
rungekuttaorder = 2
# 1:var 2:sum 3:QE 4:Delta 5:highRES 6:1pi 7:DIS 8:2p2h-QE 9:2p2h-Delta 10:2pi
12.435 16.424 0.20603 0.37770 0.43642 0.15130 15.169 0.67776E-01 0.0000 0.0000
File added
File added