diff --git a/orcasong/core.py b/orcasong/core.py
index 36e5f45fee91913b08ee05b634f807bb607230bb..8c06b8f1fd883797e945fead7ea517083d4110e7 100644
--- a/orcasong/core.py
+++ b/orcasong/core.py
@@ -355,42 +355,44 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
     Turn km3 events to graph data.
     The resulting file will have a dataset "x" of shape
-    (?, max_n_hits, len(hit_infos) + 1).
+    (total n_hits, len(hit_infos)).
     The column names of the last axis (i.e. hit_infos) are saved
     as attributes of the dataset (f["x"].attrs).
-    The last column will always be called 'is_valid', and its 0 if
-    the entry is padded, and 1 otherwise.
-    max_n_hits : int
-        Maximum number of hits that gets saved per event. If an event has
-        more, some will get cut randomly!
-    padded : bool
-        If True, pad hits of each event with 0s to a fixed width, so that they can
-        be stored as 3d arrays. max_n_hits needs to be given in that case.
-        If False, save events with variable length as a 2d arrays
-        using km3pipe's indices.
-    time_window : tuple, optional
-        Two ints (start, end). Hits outside of this time window will be cut
-        away (based on 'Hits/time'). Default: Keep all hits.
     hit_infos : tuple, optional
         Which entries in the '/Hits' Table will be kept. E.g. pos_x, time, ...
         Default: Keep all entries.
+    time_window : tuple, optional
+        Two ints (start, end). Hits outside of this time window will be cut
+        away (based on 'Hits/time'). Default: Keep all hits.
     only_triggered_hits : bool
-        If true, use only triggered hits. Otherwise, use all hits.
+        If true, use only triggered hits. Otherwise, use all hits (default).
+    max_n_hits : int
+        Maximum number of hits that gets saved per event. If an event has
+        more, some will get cut randomly! Default: Keep all hits.
+    fixed_length : bool
+        If False (default), save hits of events with variable length as
+        2d arrays using km3pipe's indices.
+        If True, pad hits of each event with 0s to a fixed length,
+        so that they can be stored as 3d arrays like images.
+        max_n_hits needs to be given in that case, and a column will be
+        added called 'is_valid', which is 0 if the entry is padded,
+        and 1 otherwise.
+        This is inefficient and will cut off hits, so it should not be used.
         Options of the BaseProcessor.
     def __init__(self, max_n_hits=None,
-                 padded=True,
+                 fixed_length=False,
         self.max_n_hits = max_n_hits
-        self.padded = padded
+        self.fixed_length = fixed_length
         self.time_window = time_window
         self.hit_infos = hit_infos
         self.only_triggered_hits = only_triggered_hits
@@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
     def get_cmpts_main(self):
         return [((modules.PointMaker, {
             "max_n_hits": self.max_n_hits,
-            "padded": self.padded,
+            "fixed_length": self.fixed_length,
             "time_window": self.time_window,
             "hit_infos": self.hit_infos,
             "dset_n_hits": "EventInfo",
@@ -410,4 +412,4 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
         super().finish_file(f, summary)
         for i, hit_info in enumerate(summary["PointMaker"]["hit_infos"]):
             f["x"].attrs.create(f"hit_info_{i}", hit_info)
-        f["x"].attrs.create("indexed", not self.padded)
+        f["x"].attrs.create("indexed", not self.fixed_length)
diff --git a/orcasong/modules.py b/orcasong/modules.py
index 69677eae35441e4acad465bc4229afee72106b6f..96f8fe241a8dc5011175cfd7929ace452e8c8f66 100644
--- a/orcasong/modules.py
+++ b/orcasong/modules.py
@@ -276,36 +276,44 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
-    max_n_hits : int
-        Maximum number of hits that gets saved per event. If an event has
-        more, some will get cut!
-    time_window : tuple, optional
-        Two ints (start, end). Hits outside of this time window will be cut
-        away (base on 'Hits/time').
-        Default: Keep all hits.
     hit_infos : tuple, optional
         Which entries in the '/Hits' Table will be kept. E.g. pos_x, time, ...
         Default: Keep all entries.
+    time_window : tuple, optional
+        Two ints (start, end). Hits outside of this time window will be cut
+        away (based on 'Hits/time'). Default: Keep all hits.
+    only_triggered_hits : bool
+        If true, use only triggered hits. Otherwise, use all hits (default).
+    max_n_hits : int
+        Maximum number of hits that gets saved per event. If an event has
+        more, some will get cut randomly! Default: Keep all hits.
+    fixed_length : bool
+        If False (default), save hits of events with variable length as
+        2d arrays using km3pipe's indices.
+        If True, pad hits of each event with 0s to a fixed length,
+        so that they can be stored as 3d arrays like images.
+        max_n_hits needs to be given in that case, and a column will be
+        added called 'is_valid', which is 0 if the entry is padded,
+        and 1 otherwise.
+        This is inefficient and will cut off hits, so it should not be used.
     dset_n_hits : str, optional
         If given, store the number of hits that are in the time window
         as a new column called 'n_hits_intime' in the dataset with
         this name (usually this is EventInfo).
-    only_triggered_hits : bool
-        If true, use only triggered hits. Otherwise, use all hits.
     def configure(self):
-        self.max_n_hits = self.get("max_n_hits", default=None)
-        self.padded = self.get("padded", default=True)
         self.hit_infos = self.get("hit_infos", default=None)
         self.time_window = self.get("time_window", default=None)
-        self.dset_n_hits = self.get("dset_n_hits", default=None)
         self.only_triggered_hits = self.get("only_triggered_hits", default=False)
+        self.max_n_hits = self.get("max_n_hits", default=None)
+        self.fixed_length = self.get("fixed_length", default=False)
+        self.dset_n_hits = self.get("dset_n_hits", default=None)
         self.store_as = "samples"
     def process(self, blob):
-        if self.padded and self.max_n_hits is None:
-            raise ValueError("Have to specify max_n_hits if padded is True")
+        if self.fixed_length and self.max_n_hits is None:
+            raise ValueError("Have to specify max_n_hits if fixed_length is True")
         if self.hit_infos is None:
             self.hit_infos = blob["Hits"].dtype.names
         points, n_hits = self.get_points(blob)
@@ -350,7 +358,7 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
             hits = hits[which]
-        if self.padded:
+        if self.fixed_length:
             points = np.zeros(
                 (self.max_n_hits, len(self.hit_infos) + 1), dtype="float32")
             for i, which in enumerate(self.hit_infos):
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
     def finish(self):
         columns = tuple(self.hit_infos)
-        if self.padded:
+        if self.fixed_length:
             columns += ("is_valid", )
         return {"hit_infos": columns}
diff --git a/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py b/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
index db1cb8e5d4fb5c80ee1656abdbd8dfce86ebf4a3..5896c39fad39c9706a9f9d52b25b1489ed8c23af 100644
--- a/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
+++ b/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class FileConcatenator:
-                output_dataset.resize(self.cumu_rows[dset_name][-1], axis=0)
+                output_dataset.resize(dset_shape[0], axis=0)