diff --git a/orcasong/core.py b/orcasong/core.py
index 57de103db300fc6a98e787092e4f0c3366e0de3d..8a2edf7e506d4304b6d82c3cc3751a6d738b96d6 100644
--- a/orcasong/core.py
+++ b/orcasong/core.py
@@ -378,12 +378,14 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
         Options of the BaseProcessor.
-    def __init__(self, max_n_hits,
+    def __init__(self, max_n_hits=None,
+                 padded=True,
         self.max_n_hits = max_n_hits
+        self.padded = padded
         self.time_window = time_window
         self.hit_infos = hit_infos
         self.only_triggered_hits = only_triggered_hits
@@ -392,6 +394,7 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
     def get_cmpts_main(self):
         return [((modules.PointMaker, {
             "max_n_hits": self.max_n_hits,
+            "padded": self.padded,
             "time_window": self.time_window,
             "hit_infos": self.hit_infos,
             "dset_n_hits": "EventInfo",
@@ -402,3 +405,4 @@ class FileGraph(BaseProcessor):
         super().finish_file(f, summary)
         for i, hit_info in enumerate(summary["PointMaker"]["hit_infos"]):
             f["x"].attrs.create(f"hit_info_{i}", hit_info)
+        f["x"].attrs.create("indexed", not self.padded)
diff --git a/orcasong/modules.py b/orcasong/modules.py
index 30d8f0c07b173f49e9a058560a5ad83b49b1aba9..69677eae35441e4acad465bc4229afee72106b6f 100644
--- a/orcasong/modules.py
+++ b/orcasong/modules.py
@@ -295,7 +295,8 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
     def configure(self):
-        self.max_n_hits = self.require("max_n_hits")
+        self.max_n_hits = self.get("max_n_hits", default=None)
+        self.padded = self.get("padded", default=True)
         self.hit_infos = self.get("hit_infos", default=None)
         self.time_window = self.get("time_window", default=None)
         self.dset_n_hits = self.get("dset_n_hits", default=None)
@@ -303,11 +304,12 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
         self.store_as = "samples"
     def process(self, blob):
+        if self.padded and self.max_n_hits is None:
+            raise ValueError("Have to specify max_n_hits if padded is True")
         if self.hit_infos is None:
             self.hit_infos = blob["Hits"].dtype.names
         points, n_hits = self.get_points(blob)
-        blob[self.store_as] = kp.NDArray(
-            np.expand_dims(points, 0), h5loc="x", title="nodes")
+        blob[self.store_as] = kp.NDArray(points, h5loc="x", title="nodes")
         if self.dset_n_hits:
             blob[self.dset_n_hits] = blob[self.dset_n_hits].append_columns(
                 "n_hits_intime", n_hits)
@@ -326,11 +328,9 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
             actual hits, and 0 for if its a padded row.
         n_hits : int
             Number of hits in the given time window.
+            Can be stored as n_hits_intime.
-        points = np.zeros(
-            (self.max_n_hits, len(self.hit_infos) + 1), dtype="float32")
         hits = blob["Hits"]
         if self.only_triggered_hits:
             hits = hits[hits.triggered != 0]
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
         n_hits = len(hits)
-        if n_hits > self.max_n_hits:
+        if self.max_n_hits is not None and n_hits > self.max_n_hits:
             # if there are too many hits, take random ones, but keep order
             indices = np.arange(n_hits)
@@ -350,15 +350,27 @@ class PointMaker(kp.Module):
             hits = hits[which]
-        for i, which in enumerate(self.hit_infos):
-            data = hits[which]
-            points[:n_hits, i] = data
-        # last column is whether there was a hit or no
-        points[:n_hits, -1] = 1.
+        if self.padded:
+            points = np.zeros(
+                (self.max_n_hits, len(self.hit_infos) + 1), dtype="float32")
+            for i, which in enumerate(self.hit_infos):
+                points[:n_hits, i] = hits[which]
+            # last column is whether there was a hit or no
+            points[:n_hits, -1] = 1.
+            # store along new axis
+            points = np.expand_dims(points, 0)
+        else:
+            points = np.zeros(
+                (len(hits), len(self.hit_infos)), dtype="float32")
+            for i, which in enumerate(self.hit_infos):
+                points[:, i] = hits[which]
         return points, n_hits
     def finish(self):
-        return {"hit_infos": tuple(self.hit_infos) + ("is_valid", )}
+        columns = tuple(self.hit_infos)
+        if self.padded:
+            columns += ("is_valid", )
+        return {"hit_infos": columns}
 class EventSkipper(kp.Module):
diff --git a/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py b/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
index 0c47fb717d803cf6d627f5f6843f4c8a1326be68..2a29e26703080018cc99446295c27361774949a8 100644
--- a/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
+++ b/orcasong/tools/concatenate.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import os
 import time
 import h5py
 import numpy as np
-import argparse
 import warnings
@@ -29,8 +28,8 @@ class FileConcatenator:
     comptopts : dict
         Options for compression. They are read from the first input file,
         but they can be updated as well during init.
-    cumu_rows : np.array
-        The cumulative number of rows (axis_0) of the specified
+    cumu_rows : dict
+        Foe each dataset, the cumulative number of rows (axis_0) of the specified
         input .h5 files (i.e. [0,100,200,300,...] if each file has 100 rows).
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ class FileConcatenator:
         print(f"Checking {len(input_files)} files ...")
         self.input_files, self.cumu_rows = self._get_cumu_rows(input_files)
-        print(f"Total rows:\t{self.cumu_rows[-1]}")
         # Get compression options from first file in the list
         self.comptopts = get_compopts(self.input_files[0])
@@ -111,44 +109,40 @@ class FileConcatenator:
     def _conc_file(self, f_in, f_out, input_file, input_file_nmbr):
         """ Conc one file to the output. """
-        for folder_name in f_in:
-            if is_folder_ignored(folder_name):
+        for dset_name in f_in:
+            if is_folder_ignored(dset_name):
                 # we dont need datasets created by pytables anymore
-            input_dataset = f_in[folder_name]
+            input_dataset = f_in[dset_name]
             folder_data = input_dataset[()]
             if input_file_nmbr > 0:
                 # we need to add the current number of the
                 # group_id / index in the file_output to the
                 # group_ids / indices of the file that is to be appended
-                try:
-                    if folder_name.endswith("_indices") and \
-                            "index" in folder_data.dtype.names:
-                        column_name = "index"
-                    elif "group_id" in folder_data.dtype.names:
-                        column_name = "group_id"
-                    else:
-                        column_name = None
-                except TypeError:
-                    column_name = None
-                if column_name is not None:
-                    # add 1 because the group_ids / indices start with 0
-                    folder_data[column_name] += \
-                        np.amax(f_out[folder_name][column_name]) + 1
+                last_index = self.cumu_rows[dset_name][input_file_nmbr] - 1
+                if (dset_name.endswith("_indices") and
+                        "index" in folder_data.dtype.names):
+                    folder_data["index"] += (
+                            f_out[dset_name][last_index]["index"] +
+                            f_out[dset_name][last_index]["n_items"]
+                    )
+                elif folder_data.dtype.names and "group_id" in folder_data.dtype.names:
+                    # add 1 because the group_ids start with 0
+                    folder_data["group_id"] += f_out[dset_name][last_index]["group_id"] + 1
             if self._modify_folder:
                 data_mody = self._modify(
-                    input_file, folder_data, folder_name)
+                    input_file, folder_data, dset_name)
                 if data_mody is not None:
                     folder_data = data_mody
             if input_file_nmbr == 0:
                 # first file; create the dataset
-                dset_shape = (self.cumu_rows[-1],) + folder_data.shape[1:]
-                print(f"\tCreating dataset '{folder_name}' with shape {dset_shape}")
+                dset_shape = (self.cumu_rows[dset_name][-1],) + folder_data.shape[1:]
+                print(f"\tCreating dataset '{dset_name}' with shape {dset_shape}")
                 output_dataset = f_out.create_dataset(
-                    folder_name,
+                    dset_name,
                     chunks=(self.comptopts["chunksize"],) + folder_data.shape[1:],
@@ -156,37 +150,40 @@ class FileConcatenator:
-                output_dataset.resize(self.cumu_rows[-1], axis=0)
+                output_dataset.resize(self.cumu_rows[dset_name][-1], axis=0)
-                f_out[folder_name][
-                    self.cumu_rows[input_file_nmbr]:self.cumu_rows[input_file_nmbr + 1]] = folder_data
+                f_out[dset_name][
+                    self.cumu_rows[dset_name][input_file_nmbr]:
+                    self.cumu_rows[dset_name][input_file_nmbr + 1]
+                ] = folder_data
     def _modify(self, input_file, folder_data, folder_name):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def _get_cumu_rows(self, input_files):
-        Get the cumulative number of rows of the input_files.
-        Also checks if all the files can be safely concatenated to the
-        first one.
+        Checks if all the files can be safely concatenated to the first one.
         # names of datasets that will be in the output; read from first file
         with h5py.File(input_files[0], 'r') as f:
-            keys_stripped = strip_keys(list(f.keys()))
+            target_datasets = strip_keys(list(f.keys()))
+        errors, valid_input_files = [], []
+        cumu_rows = {k: [0] for k in target_datasets}
-        errors, rows_per_file, valid_input_files = [], [0], []
         for i, file_name in enumerate(input_files, start=1):
             file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name)
-                rows_this_file = _get_rows(file_name, keys_stripped)
+                rows_this_file = _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets)
             except Exception as e:
                 warnings.warn(f"Error during check of file {i}: {file_name}")
-            rows_per_file.append(rows_this_file)
+            for k in target_datasets:
+                cumu_rows[k].append(cumu_rows[k][-1] + rows_this_file[k])
         if errors:
             print("\n------- Errors -------\n----------------------")
@@ -200,8 +197,8 @@ class FileConcatenator:
                 raise OSError(err_str)
         print(f"Valid input files: {len(valid_input_files)}/{len(input_files)}")
-        print("Datasets:\t" + ", ".join(keys_stripped))
-        return valid_input_files, np.cumsum(rows_per_file)
+        print("Datasets:\t" + ", ".join(target_datasets))
+        return valid_input_files, cumu_rows
 def _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets):
@@ -215,11 +212,15 @@ def _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets):
                 f"It has {f.keys()} First file: {target_datasets}"
         # check if all target datasets in the file have the same length
-        rows = [f[k].shape[0] for k in target_datasets]
-        if not all(row == rows[0] for row in rows):
+        # for datasets that have indices: only check indices
+        plain_rows = [
+            f[k].shape[0] for k in target_datasets
+            if not (f[k].attrs.get("indexed") and f"{k}_indices" in target_datasets)
+        ]
+        if not all(row == plain_rows[0] for row in plain_rows):
             raise ValueError(
                 f"Datasets in file {file_name} have varying length! "
-                f"{dict(zip(target_datasets, rows))}"
+                f"{dict(zip(target_datasets, plain_rows))}"
         # check if the file has additional datasets apart from the target keys
         if not all(k in target_datasets for k in strip_keys(list(f.keys()))):
@@ -229,7 +230,8 @@ def _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets):
                 f"This file: {strip_keys(list(f.keys()))} "
                 f"First file {target_datasets}"
-    return rows[0]
+        rows = {k: f[k].shape[0] for k in target_datasets}
+    return rows
 def strip_keys(f_keys):
diff --git a/orcasong/tools/shuffle2.py b/orcasong/tools/shuffle2.py
index 90859dc4412998e5cc21a85e2a7d69882fc592bb..e0c3f2d6e3882f1fb3be1403da320de3acdd3ef9 100644
--- a/orcasong/tools/shuffle2.py
+++ b/orcasong/tools/shuffle2.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import psutil
 import h5py
 from km3pipe.sys import peak_memory_usage
+import awkward as ak
 from orcasong.tools.postproc import get_filepath_output, copy_used_files
 from orcasong.tools.concatenate import copy_attrs
@@ -103,9 +104,10 @@ def _shuffle_file(
         output_file + "_temp_" + time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S", time.gmtime())
     with h5py.File(input_file, "r") as f_in:
-        _check_dsets(f_in, datasets)
-        dset_info = _get_largest_dset(f_in, datasets, max_ram)
-        print(f"Shuffling datasets {datasets}")
+        dsets = (*datasets, *_get_indexed_datasets(f_in, datasets))
+        _check_dsets(f_in, dsets)
+        dset_info = _get_largest_dset(f_in, dsets, max_ram)
+        print(f"Shuffling datasets {dsets}")
         indices_per_batch = _get_indices_per_batch(
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ def _shuffle_file(
         with h5py.File(temp_output_file, "x") as f_out:
-            for dset_name in datasets:
+            for dset_name in dsets:
                 print("Creating dataset", dset_name)
                 _shuffle_dset(f_out, f_in, dset_name, indices_per_batch)
@@ -188,28 +190,53 @@ def _get_largest_dset(f, datasets, max_ram):
 def _check_dsets(f, datasets):
     # check if all datasets have the same number of lines
-    n_lines_list = [len(f[dset_name]) for dset_name in datasets]
+    n_lines_list = []
+    for dset_name in datasets:
+        if dset_is_indexed(f, dset_name):
+            dset_name = f"{dset_name}_indices"
+        n_lines_list.append(len(f[dset_name]))
     if not all([n == n_lines_list[0] for n in n_lines_list]):
         raise ValueError(
             f"Datasets have different lengths! " f"{n_lines_list}"
+def _get_indexed_datasets(f, datasets):
+    indexed_datasets = []
+    for dset_name in datasets:
+        if dset_is_indexed(f, dset_name):
+            indexed_datasets.append(f"{dset_name}_indices")
+    return indexed_datasets
 def _get_dset_infos(f, datasets, max_ram):
     """ Retrieve infos for each dataset. """
     dset_infos = []
     for i, name in enumerate(datasets):
-        dset = f[name]
+        if name.endswith("_indices"):
+            continue
+        if dset_is_indexed(f, name):
+            # for indexed dataset: take average bytes in x per line in x_indices
+            dset_data = f[name]
+            name = f"{name}_indices"
+            dset = f[name]
+            bytes_per_line = (
+                np.asarray(dset[0]).nbytes *
+                len(dset_data) / len(dset)
+            )
+        else:
+            dset = f[name]
+            bytes_per_line = np.asarray(dset[0]).nbytes
         n_lines = len(dset)
         chunksize = dset.chunks[0]
         n_chunks = int(np.ceil(n_lines / chunksize))
-        bytes_per_line = np.asarray(dset[0]).nbytes
         bytes_per_chunk = bytes_per_line * chunksize
         chunks_per_batch = int(np.floor(max_ram / bytes_per_chunk))
             "name": name,
-            "dset": dset,
             "n_chunks": n_chunks,
             "chunks_per_batch": chunks_per_batch,
             "n_batches": int(np.ceil(n_chunks / chunks_per_batch)),
@@ -219,6 +246,16 @@ def _get_dset_infos(f, datasets, max_ram):
     return dset_infos
+def dset_is_indexed(f, dset_name):
+    if f[dset_name].attrs.get("indexed"):
+        if f"{dset_name}_indices" not in f:
+            raise KeyError(
+                f"{dset_name} is indexed, but {dset_name}_indices is missing!")
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
 def _shuffle_dset(f_out, f_in, dset_name, indices_per_batch):
     Create a batchwise-shuffled dataset in the output file using given indices.
@@ -229,7 +266,12 @@ def _shuffle_dset(f_out, f_in, dset_name, indices_per_batch):
     for batch_number, indices in enumerate(indices_per_batch):
         print(f"Processing batch {batch_number+1}/{len(indices_per_batch)}")
         # remove indices outside of dset
-        indices = indices[indices < len(dset_in)]
+        if dset_is_indexed(f_in, dset_name):
+            max_index = len(f_in[f"{dset_name}_indices"])
+        else:
+            max_index = len(dset_in)
+        indices = indices[indices < max_index]
         # reading has to be done with linearly increasing index
         #  fancy indexing is super slow
         #  so sort -> turn to slices -> read -> conc -> undo sorting
@@ -237,8 +279,27 @@ def _shuffle_dset(f_out, f_in, dset_name, indices_per_batch):
         unsort_ix = np.argsort(sort_ix)
         fancy_indices = indices[sort_ix]
         slices = _slicify(fancy_indices)
-        data = np.concatenate([dset_in[slc] for slc in slices])
-        data = data[unsort_ix]
+        if dset_is_indexed(f_in, dset_name):
+            # special treatment for indexed: slice based on indices dataset
+            slices_indices = [f_in[f"{dset_name}_indices"][slc] for slc in slices]
+            data = np.concatenate([
+                dset_in[slice(*_resolve_indexed(slc))] for slc in slices_indices
+            ])
+            # convert to 3d awkward array, then shuffle, then back to numpy
+            data_indices = np.concatenate(slices_indices)
+            data_ak = ak.unflatten(data, data_indices["n_items"])
+            data = ak.flatten(data_ak[unsort_ix], axis=1).to_numpy()
+        else:
+            data = np.concatenate([dset_in[slc] for slc in slices])
+            data = data[unsort_ix]
+        if dset_name.endswith("_indices"):
+            # recacalculate index
+            data["index"] = start_idx + np.concatenate([
+                [0], np.cumsum(data["n_items"][:-1])
+            ])
         if batch_number == 0:
             out_dset = f_out.create_dataset(
@@ -271,6 +332,11 @@ def _slicify(fancy_indices):
     return [slice(slice_starts[i], slice_ends[i]) for i in range(len(slice_starts))]
+def _resolve_indexed(ind):
+    # based on slice of x_indices, get where to slice in x
+    return ind["index"][0], ind["index"][-1] + ind["n_items"][-1]
 def _get_temp_filenames(output_file, number):
     path, file = os.path.split(output_file)
     return [os.path.join(path, f"temp_iteration_{i}_{file}") for i in range(number)]