diff --git a/orcasong/data_to_images.py b/orcasong/data_to_images.py
index 0ffb8658e59712611305b83d46badb5074fbc340..830933009cc78aa0865c8a8991df15e6fbd37a14 100644
--- a/orcasong/data_to_images.py
+++ b/orcasong/data_to_images.py
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ import toml
 from docopt import docopt
 #from memory_profiler import profile # for memory profiling, call with @profile; myfunc()
 #import line_profiler # call with kernprof -l -v file.py args
+import numpy as np
 import km3pipe as kp
 import km3modules as km
 import matplotlib as mpl
diff --git a/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-c.toml b/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-c.toml
index bcaa0b36d39f6d9135e8fad2d93e2fc3edff64d2..c6dc7b5accf742281c095c7e5ecd9ed5fe438ebd 100644
--- a/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-c.toml
+++ b/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-c.toml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
-# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# A config file for OrcaSong with a list of all configuration options.
 # More info about the .toml format at https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
 ### All available options with some dummy values
+# --o = '/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/orcasong_output'
+# --chunksize = 32
+# --complib = 'zlib'
+# --complevel = '1'
 # --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
 # --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
 # --do2d = false
@@ -32,4 +35,8 @@
 --do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
 --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
 --timecut_timespan = 'tight-0'
---prod_ident = 3 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
\ No newline at end of file
+--prod_ident = 3 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
+--o = '/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/orcasong_output'
+--chunksize = 32
+--complib = 'zlib'
+--complevel = '1'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-t.toml b/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-t.toml
index e594752d9e8b3f110ed2a9c2a892024ccf08e4b3..1d6b6fbffe178bd8054597c9dbc32d1f430f67ff 100644
--- a/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-t.toml
+++ b/user/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_mupage_xyz-t.toml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
-# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# A config file for OrcaSong with a list of all configuration options.
 # More info about the .toml format at https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
 ### All available options with some dummy values
+# --o = '/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/orcasong_output'
+# --chunksize = 32
+# --complib = 'zlib'
+# --complevel = '1'
 # --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
 # --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
 # --do2d = false
@@ -32,4 +35,8 @@
 --do4d_mode = 'time'
 --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
 --timecut_timespan = 'tight-0'
---prod_ident = 3 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
\ No newline at end of file
+--prod_ident = 3 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
+--o = '/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/orcasong_output'
+--chunksize = 32
+--complib = 'zlib'
+--complevel = '1'
\ No newline at end of file