diff --git a/orcasong/tools/example_make_data_split_config.toml b/orcasong/tools/example_make_data_split_config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f88ae431884bb307a5cfe0c1d39802c250df20..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/orcasong/tools/example_make_data_split_config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Example configuration file for make_data_split.py
-# --- Documentation for every config parameter that is available --- #
-#    Main Parameters
-#    ----------
-#    n_files_train : int
-#       Into how many files the training dataset should be split.
-#       If you don't want to have this dataset, comment out the line or delete it!
-#    n_files_validate : int
-#       Into how many files the validation dataset should be split.
-#       If you don't want to have this dataset, comment out the line or delete it!
-#    n_files_rest : int
-#       Into how many files the "rest" dataset should be split.
-#       If you don't want to have this dataset, comment out the line or delete it!
-#    output_file_folder : str
-#       Path to the folder, where all the output .list files (and the bash job scripts) should be stored.
-#    output_file_name : str
-#       String, that specifies the prefix of the filename of the output .list files.
-#       E.g. if = "xyzc_tight_0":
-#       xyzc_tight_0_train_0.list, xyzc_tight_0_validate_0.list, ...
-#    print_only : bool
-#       If only informationa about the input_groups should be printed, and no .list files should be made.
-#    Input Group Parameters
-#    ----------------------
-#    dir : str
-#       Path of the directory, where the files for this input group are located.
-#    run_ids_train/run_ids_validate/run_ids_rest : array
-#       Array, which specifies the range of the run_ids, that should be used for the training/validation.rest
-#       dataset of this input group.
-#       E.g. if [1,5], the script will put files from this input group with run_ids from 1 to 5 (including 1 and 5)
-#       to the training/validation/rest dataset.
-#       If you don't want to use a specific dataset for this input group, comment out the line or delete it!
-# --- Documentation for every config parameter that is available --- #
-# --- Main options ---#
-n_files_train = 3
-n_files_validate = 1
-n_files_rest = 0
-output_file_folder = "/sps/km3net/users/guderian/NN_stuff/split_data_output/ORCA4/graph/ts/"
-output_file_name = "test_list"
-print_only = false # only print information of your input_groups, don't make any .list files
-# --- Main options ---#
-# --- Input groups : these are the datafiles, that should be concatenated somehow --- #
-dir = "/sps/km3net/users/guderian/NN_stuff/graphs/ORCA4/base/gsg_elecCC-CC_1-500GeV.km3sim/test/"
-run_ids_train = [6763, 6767]
-run_ids_validate = [6768, 6769]
-dir = "/sps/km3net/users/guderian/NN_stuff/graphs/ORCA4/base/gsg_muonNC-NC_1-500GeV.km3sim/test/"
-run_ids_train = [6763, 6767]
-run_ids_validate = [6768, 6769]
-# --- Input groups : these are the datafiles, that should be concatenated somehow --- #
\ No newline at end of file