diff --git a/orcasong/core.py b/orcasong/core.py
index 3f9985e8dccadbbcb08854462f291fe9845f38e4..621582d23d191080f30fb9a2474efd828650415d 100644
--- a/orcasong/core.py
+++ b/orcasong/core.py
@@ -30,18 +30,15 @@ class BaseProcessor:
     det_file : str, optional
         Path to a .detx detector geometry file, which can be used to
         calibrate the hits.
+    correct_mc_time : bool
+        Converts MC hit times to JTE times.
     center_time : bool
         Subtract time of first triggered hit from all hit times. Will
         also be done for McHits if they are in the blob [default: True].
-    correct_timeslew : bool
-        If true, the time slewing of hits depending on their tot
-        will be corrected [default: False].
     add_t0 : bool
         If true, add t0 to the time of hits and mchits. If using a
-        det_file, this will already have been done automatically.
-        Note: Mchits appear to NOT need t0 added, but its done auto-
-        matically by km3pipe calibration, so results might be
-        wrong for mchits. [default: False].
+        det_file, this will already have been done automatically
+        [default: False].
     event_skipper : func, optional
         Function that takes the blob as an input, and returns a bool.
         If the bool is true, the blob will be skipped.
@@ -85,6 +82,7 @@ class BaseProcessor:
     def __init__(self, mc_info_extr=None,
+                 correct_mc_time=True,
@@ -95,6 +93,7 @@ class BaseProcessor:
         self.mc_info_extr = mc_info_extr
         self.det_file = det_file
+        self.correct_mc_time = correct_mc_time
         self.center_time = center_time
         self.add_t0 = add_t0
         self.event_skipper = event_skipper
@@ -181,6 +180,8 @@ class BaseProcessor:
         if self.det_file:
             cmpts.append((modules.DetApplier, {"det_file": self.det_file}))
+        if self.correct_mc_time:
+            cmpts.append((km.mc.MCTimeCorrector, {}))
         if any((self.center_time, self.add_t0)):
             cmpts.append((modules.TimePreproc, {