From d8afb52076e29c760e735524f693db9ab89934d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ViaFerrata <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 15:49:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add random_noise config.

 .../conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-c.toml    | 35 +++++++++++++++
 .../conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-t.toml    | 35 +++++++++++++++
 .../                  | 43 +++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-c.toml
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-t.toml

diff --git a/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-c.toml b/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-c.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab87ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-c.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 3-100GeV ---###
+## XYZ-C
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,31'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_0'
+--prod_ident = 4 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-t.toml b/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-t.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1db8329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/orca_115l_mupage_rn_neutr_classifier/conf_ORCA_115l_random_noise_xyz-t.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 3-100GeV ---###
+## XYZ-T
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,100'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'time'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_0'
+--prod_ident = 4 # for neutrinos: 1: 3-100 GeV prod, 2: 1-5 GeV prod ; mupage: 3 ; random_noise: 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/orcasong/job_submission_scripts/ b/orcasong/job_submission_scripts/
index 6f42f3c..a25de70 100644
--- a/orcasong/job_submission_scripts/
+++ b/orcasong/job_submission_scripts/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4:sl32g,walltime=1:30:00
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4:sl32g,walltime=06:00:00
 #PBS -o /home/woody/capn/mppi033h/logs/submit_data_to_images_${PBS_JOBID}_${PBS_ARRAYID}.out -e /home/woody/capn/mppi033h/logs/submit_data_to_images_${PBS_JOBID}_${PBS_ARRAYID}.err
 # first non-empty non-comment line ends PBS options
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 #            elec-CC = 1200 files, number of jobs needed = 20,
 #            elec-NC = 1200 files, number of jobs needed = 20,
 #            tau-CC = 1800 files (half the size of other interaction channels), number of jobs needed = 30 (half walltime)
-# mupage: 20000 files, TODO
+# mupage: 20000 files, with files_per_job=1000 20 jobs needed.
+# random_noise: 500 files, with files_per_job=
 #--- USER INPUT ---##
@@ -22,12 +23,17 @@ python_env_folder=/home/hpc/capn/mppi033h/.virtualenv/python_3_env/
-files_per_job=60 # total number of files per job, e.g. 10 jobs for 600: 600/10 = 60
+# total number of files per job, e.g. 10 jobs for 600: 600/10 = 60. For neutrin
+# For neutrinos and random_noise n=60 with PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4:sl32g,walltime=3:00:00
+# For mupage: n=1000 with PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4:sl32g,walltime=15:00:00
+n_cores=2 # number of available CPU cores, be careful about memory as well! Currently only working for 4 cores!
 #--- USER INPUT ---##
@@ -66,21 +72,34 @@ folder="${folder_ip_files_arr[${mc_prod}]}"
 # run
-no_of_loops=$((${files_per_job}/4)) # divide by 4 cores -> e.g, 15 4-core loops needed for files_per_job=60
+no_of_loops=$((${files_per_job}/${n_cores})) # divide by 4 cores -> e.g, 15 4-core loops needed for files_per_job=60
 file_no_start=$((1+((${n}-1) * ${files_per_job}))) # filenumber of the first file that is being processed by this script (depends on JobArray variable 'n')
+# currently only working for 4 cores
+#for (( k=1; k<=${no_of_loops}; k++ ))
+#    file_no_loop_start=$((${file_no_start}+(k-1)*${n_cores}))
+#    thread1=${file_no_loop_start}
+#    thread2=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 1))
+#    thread3=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 2))
+#    thread4=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 3))
+#    (time taskset -c 0  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread1}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread1}.txt) &
+#    (time taskset -c 1  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread2}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread2}.txt) &
+#    (time taskset -c 2  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread3}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread3}.txt) &
+#    (time taskset -c 3  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread4}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread4}.txt) &
+#    wait
 for (( k=1; k<=${no_of_loops}; k++ ))
-    file_no_loop_start=$((${file_no_start}+(k-1)*4))
+    file_no_loop_start=$((${file_no_start}+(k-1)*${n_cores}))
     thread2=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 1))
-    thread3=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 2))
-    thread4=$((${file_no_loop_start} + 3))
     (time taskset -c 0  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread1}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread1}.txt) &
     (time taskset -c 1  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread2}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread2}.txt) &
-    (time taskset -c 2  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread3}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread3}.txt) &
-    (time taskset -c 3  python ${code_folder}/ -c ${config_file} ${folder}/${filename}.${thread4}.h5 ${detx_filepath} > ./job_logs/cout/${filename}.${thread4}.txt) &