From fa4f5399c0dd6822068fe5f41df736f366ffe124 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ViaFerrata <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 14:51:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Moved some folders and split up config files.

 orcasong/config.toml                          | 77 -------------------
 .../config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-c.toml   | 39 ++++++++++
 .../config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-t.toml   | 39 ++++++++++
 .../config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-c.toml | 35 +++++++++
 .../config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-t.toml | 35 +++++++++
 ...n20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx |  0
 6 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 orcasong/config.toml
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-c.toml
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-t.toml
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-c.toml
 create mode 100644 orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-t.toml
 rename {detx_files => orcasong/detx_files}/orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx (100%)

diff --git a/orcasong/config.toml b/orcasong/config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 191e8cd..0000000
--- a/orcasong/config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# filename: config.toml
-# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
-# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
-# More info about the .toml format at
-### All available options with some dummy values
-# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
-# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
-# --do2d = false
-# --do2d_plots = false
-# --do2d_plots_n = 10
-# --do3d = false
-# --do4d = true
-# --do4d_mode = 'time'
-# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
-# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
-# --do_mc_hits = false
-# --data_cut_triggered = false
-# --data_cut_e_low = 3
-# --data_cut_e_high = 100
-# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
-# --prod_ident = 1
-####----- Collection of configurations for ORCA 115l -----####
-###--- 3-100GeV ---###
-## XYZ-T
---n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
---det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
---do4d_mode = 'time'
---timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
---timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
---prod_ident = 1
-## XYZ-C
-#--n_bins = '11,13,18,31'
-#--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
-#--do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
-#--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
-#--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
-#--prod_ident = 1
-###--- 3-100GeV ---###
-###--- 1-5GeV ---###
-### only take < 3GeV events, info throw away: elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
-## XYZ-T
-#--n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
-#--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
-#--do4d_mode = 'time'
-#--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
-#--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
-#--data_cut_e_high = 3
-#--data_cut_throw_away = 0.25 # elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
-#--prod_ident = 2
-## XYZ-C
-#--n_bins = '11,13,18,31'
-#--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
-#--do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
-#--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
-#--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
-#--data_cut_e_high = 3
-#--data_cut_throw_away = 0.25 # elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
-#--prod_ident = 2
-###--- 1-5GeV ---###
-####----- Collection of configurations for ORCA 115l -----####
diff --git a/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-c.toml b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-c.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25fc111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-c.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 1-5GeV ---###
+### only take < 3GeV events, info throw away: elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
+## XYZ-C
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,31'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+--data_cut_e_high = 3
+--data_cut_throw_away = 0.25 # elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
+--prod_ident = 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-t.toml b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-t.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2400935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_1-5GeV_xyz-t.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 1-5GeV ---###
+### only take < 3GeV events, info throw away: elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
+## XYZ-T
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'time'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+--data_cut_e_high = 3
+--data_cut_throw_away = 0.25 # elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
+--prod_ident = 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-c.toml b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-c.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6874394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-c.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 3-100GeV ---###
+## XYZ-C
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,31'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'channel_id'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+--prod_ident = 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-t.toml b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-t.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6534de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orcasong/config/conf_ORCA_115l_3-100GeV_xyz-t.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# A config file for OrcaSong with multiple configurations.
+# Outcomment the config that you want to use!
+# More info about the .toml format at
+### All available options with some dummy values
+# --n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+# --det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+# --do2d = false
+# --do2d_plots = false
+# --do2d_plots_n = 10
+# --do3d = false
+# --do4d = true
+# --do4d_mode = 'time'
+# --timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+# --timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+# --do_mc_hits = false
+# --data_cut_triggered = false
+# --data_cut_e_low = 3
+# --data_cut_e_high = 100
+# --data_cut_throw_away = 0.00
+# --prod_ident = 1
+####----- Configuration for ORCA 115l -----####
+###--- 3-100GeV ---###
+## XYZ-T
+--n_bins = '11,13,18,60'
+--det_geo = 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'
+--do4d_mode = 'time'
+--timecut_mode = 'trigger_cluster'
+--timecut_timespan = 'tight_1'
+--prod_ident = 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/detx_files/orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx b/orcasong/detx_files/orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx
similarity index 100%
rename from detx_files/orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx
rename to orcasong/detx_files/orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx