Adding deposited energy in .h5 files
Hello everyone,
I am working on my Master Thesis on event reconstruction using GNNs in ARCA21. Following @lhennig and @adomi ’s instructions, I opened an issue in order to ask for adding the deposited energy in .h5 files. I search this quantity in .h5 and it seems that it is not included. The same quantity in .root files is stored in energy_lost_in_can. I attach a screenshot with the script that calculates e_deposited taking as an input an aashower file. So, I would like to ask if it is possible to add the deposited energy in .h5 files, as I want to perform some studies using this quantity. Is it going to be a time-consuming process or is it an easy attempt?
In addition, I am not sure if they will be useful or not, but we have found the following script in orcasong github that contains functions that extract information for the mc_info and transfer them to .h5 files. More specifically, functions like get_muon_mc_info_extr,get_neutrino_mc_info_extr,get_real_data_info_extr,get_random_noise_mc_info_extr
seem to be dedicated for mc files. Is it possible that we can add or convert any of these functions in order to export the deposited energy?
Thank you in advance. Efi Tragia @edrakopoulou @gzarpapis