#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Code that saves the histograms (generated by hits_to_histograms) and the mc event_info to a h5 file""" import h5py def store_histograms_as_hdf5(hists, mc_infos, filepath_output, compression=(None, None)): """ Takes numpy histograms ('images') for a certain projection as well as the mc_info ('tracks') and saves them to a h5 file. :param ndarray(ndim=2) hists: array that contains all histograms for a certain projection. :param ndarray(ndim=2) mc_infos: 2D array containing important MC information for each event_id. [event_id, particle_type, energy, isCC, categorical event types] :param str filepath_output: complete filepath of the created h5 file. :param (None/str, None/int) compression: Tuple that specifies if a compression filter should be used. Either ('gzip', 1-9) or ('lzf', None). """ f = h5py.File(filepath_output, 'w') chunks_hists = (32,) + hists.shape[1:] if compression[0] is not None else None chunks_mc_infos = (32,) + mc_infos.shape[1:] if compression[0] is not None else None fletcher32 = True if compression[0] is not None else False dset_hists = f.create_dataset('x', data=hists, dtype='uint8', fletcher32=fletcher32, chunks=chunks_hists, compression=compression[0], compression_opts=compression[1], shuffle=False) dset_mc_infos = f.create_dataset('y', data=mc_infos, dtype='float32', fletcher32=fletcher32, chunks=chunks_mc_infos, compression=compression[0], compression_opts=compression[1], shuffle=False) f.close()