From 1429953ba4c37d41df541064f27e38f6b7fcd2e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schumann <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 13:22:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Proposal 7

 km3buu/                 |  3 +-
 km3buu/            | 78 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 km3buu/tests/ | 48 +++++++++++++-------
 requirements.txt                 |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/km3buu/ b/km3buu/
index 25279ce..b9c7a0c 100644
--- a/km3buu/
+++ b/km3buu/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from . import IMAGE_NAME
 from .environment import build_image
 import mendeleev
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
+import tempfile
 __author__ = "Johannes Schumann"
 __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Johannes Schumann and the KM3NeT collaboration."
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ class Config(object):
     def proposal_itp_tables(self):
-        default_path = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "../.tables"))
+        default_path = tempfile.gettempdir()
         return self.get(PROPOSAL_SECTION, PROPOSAL_ITP_PATH_KEY, default_path)
diff --git a/km3buu/ b/km3buu/
index 6a0564c..61b59a9 100644
--- a/km3buu/
+++ b/km3buu/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import proposal as pp
 from particle import Particle
 import awkward as ak
 from collections import defaultdict
+import pathlib
 from .config import Config
@@ -36,23 +37,34 @@ PROPOSAL_LEPTON_DEFINITIONS = {
     -16: pp.particle.NuTauBarDef
+PROPOSAL_TARGET = pp.medium.AntaresWater()
-def _setup_propagator(max_distance, lepton_definition):
-    sector = pp.SectorDefinition()
-    sector.medium = pp.medium.AntaresWater(1.0)
-    geometry = pp.geometry.Sphere(pp.Vector3D(), max_distance, 0)
-    sector.geometry = geometry
-    sector.scattering_model = pp.scattering.ScatteringModel.Highland
-    cfg = Config()
-    interpolation = pp.InterpolationDef()
-    interpolation.path_to_tables = cfg.proposal_itp_tables
-    interpolation.path_to_tables_readonly = cfg.proposal_itp_tables
+def _setup_propagator(max_distance, particle_definition):
+    itp_table_path = Config().proposal_itp_tables
+    pathlib.Path(itp_table_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    pp.InterpolationSettings.tables_path = itp_table_path
+    crosssection = pp.crosssection.make_std_crosssection(
+        particle_def=particle_definition,
+        target=PROPOSAL_TARGET,
+        interpolate=True,
+        cuts=pp.EnergyCutSettings(np.inf, 0.05, False))
+    collection = pp.PropagationUtilityCollection()
+    collection.displacement = pp.make_displacement(crosssection, True)
+    collection.interaction = pp.make_interaction(crosssection, True)
+    collection.decay = pp.make_decay(crosssection, particle_definition, True)
+    collection.time = pp.make_time(crosssection, particle_definition, True)
-    return pp.Propagator(sector_defs=[sector],
-                         particle_def=lepton_definition,
-                         detector=geometry,
-                         interpolation_def=interpolation)
+    utility = pp.PropagationUtility(collection=collection)
+    geometry = pp.geometry.Sphere(pp.Cartesian3D(), max_distance)
+    density_distr = pp.density_distribution.density_homogeneous(
+        PROPOSAL_TARGET.mass_density)
+    propagator = pp.Propagator(particle_definition,
+                               [(geometry, utility, density_distr)])
+    return propagator
 def propagate_lepton(lepout_data, pdgid):
@@ -76,28 +88,30 @@ def propagate_lepton(lepout_data, pdgid):
         lepout_data.lepOut_E) / lepton_info.mass  #[cm]
     lepton_def = PROPOSAL_LEPTON_DEFINITIONS[pdgid]()
-    lepton = pp.particle.DynamicData(lepton_def.particle_type)
-    propagated_data = defaultdict(list)
     propagator = _setup_propagator(10 * prop_range, lepton_def)
+    propagated_data = defaultdict(list)
     for entry in lepout_data:
- = entry.lepOut_E * 1e3
-        lepton.position = pp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
-        lepton.direction = pp.Vector3D(entry.lepOut_Px, entry.lepOut_Py,
-                                       entry.lepOut_Pz)
-        lepton.direction.normalize()
-        secondaries = propagator.propagate(lepton, 5 * prop_range)
-        E = np.array( / 1e3
-        pdgid = [p.type for p in secondaries.particles]
-        Px = [p.direction.x * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        Py = [p.direction.y * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        Pz = [p.direction.z * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        x = [p.position.x / 100 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        y = [p.position.y / 100 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        z = [p.position.z / 100 for p in secondaries.particles]
-        dt = [p.time for p in secondaries.particles]
+        init_state = pp.particle.ParticleState()
+ = entry.lepOut_E * 1e3
+        init_state.position = pp.Cartesian3D(0, 0, 0)
+        init_state.direction = pp.Cartesian3D(entry.lepOut_Px, entry.lepOut_Py,
+                                              entry.lepOut_Pz)
+        init_state.direction.normalize()
+        track = propagator.propagate(init_state, 5 * prop_range)
+        secondaries = track.decay_products()
+        E = [ / 1e3 for s in secondaries]
+        pdgid = [p.type for p in secondaries]
+        Px = [p.direction.x * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries]
+        Py = [p.direction.y * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries]
+        Pz = [p.direction.z * p.momentum / 1e3 for p in secondaries]
+        x = [p.position.x / 100 for p in secondaries]
+        y = [p.position.y / 100 for p in secondaries]
+        z = [p.position.z / 100 for p in secondaries]
+        dt = [p.time for p in secondaries]
diff --git a/km3buu/tests/ b/km3buu/tests/
index 6b013f0..27d1704 100644
--- a/km3buu/tests/
+++ b/km3buu/tests/
@@ -14,42 +14,53 @@ import csv
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
 import uproot
+import pytest
 from os.path import abspath, join, dirname
 from thepipe.logger import get_logger
-from km3net_testdata import data_path
 import proposal as pp
-from km3buu.output import GiBUUOutput
+import awkward as ak
 from km3buu.propagation import propagate_lepton
-TESTDATA_DIR = data_path("gibuu")
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="CI boost lib problem")
 class TestTauPropagation(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        log = get_logger("")
-        log.setLevel("INFO")
-        self.gibuu_output = GiBUUOutput(TESTDATA_DIR)
-        fname = join(TESTDATA_DIR, self.gibuu_output.root_pert_files[0])
-        fobj =
-        data = fobj["RootTuple"].arrays()
+        data = ak.Array({
+            "lepOut_E": [
+                17.45830624434573, 3.1180989952362594, 21.270059768902005,
+                5.262659790136034, 23.52185741888274
+            ],
+            "lepOut_Px": [
+                -0.42224402086330426, -1.0232258668453014, -0.5801431899058521,
+                -0.9038349288874724, 0.9022573877437422
+            ],
+            "lepOut_Py": [
+                0.3644190693190108, -0.24542303987320932, 0.24499631087268617,
+                -1.1060562370375715, -3.982173292871768
+            ],
+            "lepOut_Pz": [
+                17.35867612031871, 2.336148261778657, 21.186342871282157,
+                4.743161507744377, 23.096499191566885
+            ]
+        })
         self.sec = propagate_lepton(data, 15)
     def test_secondary_momenta(self):
-                                             [0.535, 1.316, 0.331],
+                                             [2.182, 13.348, 1.928],
-                                             [-0.467, 0.321, -0.246],
+                                             [0.295, -0.48, -0.237],
-                                             [0.127, -0.822, 0.218],
+                                             [-0.375, 0.784, -0.044],
-                                             [0.179, 0.967, -0.041],
+                                             [2.129, 13.316, 1.913],
     def test_secondary_types(self):
@@ -57,9 +68,12 @@ class TestTauPropagation(unittest.TestCase):
                                       [13, 16, -14])
     def test_secondary_positions(self):
-        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].x), [0, 0],
+        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].x),
+                                             [-1.4e-05, -1.4e-05, -1.4e-05],
-        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].y), [0, 0],
+        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].y),
+                                             [1.2e-05, 1.2e-05, 1.2e-05],
-        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].z), [0, 0],
+        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(self.sec[0].z),
+                                             [0., 0., 0.],
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d9a0795..73cffa8 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ uproot>=4.0.0