diff --git a/km3buu/jobcard.py b/km3buu/jobcard.py
index 210390e90c9338d1dea1e2c05362542afeeb058d..56bc98f68ef7cb816ed778f2d957e0662818e629 100644
--- a/km3buu/jobcard.py
+++ b/km3buu/jobcard.py
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ __status__ = "Development"
 INPUT_PATH = "/opt/buuinput2019/"
+_PROCESS_LOOKUP = {"cc": 2, "nc": 3, "anticc": -2, "antinc": -3}
+_FLAVOUR_LOOKUP = {"electron": 1, "muon": 2, "tau": 3}
 class Jobcard(object):
@@ -25,45 +28,11 @@ class Jobcard(object):
         The input path pointing to the GiBUU lookup data which should be used
     def __init__(self, input_path=INPUT_PATH):
-        self.input_path = input_path
+        self.input_path = "'%s'" % input_path
         self._groups = {}
-        # Default [input]
-        self.add_property("input", "path_to_input", input_path)
-        self.add_property("input", "numTimeSteps", 0)
-        self.add_property("input", "numEnsembles", 100000)
-        self.add_property("input", "delta_T", 0.2)
-        self.add_property("input", "num_runs_SameEnergy", 1)
-        # Default [target]
-        self.add_property("target", "Z", 1)
-        self.add_property("target", "A", 1)
-    def set_target(self, Z, A):
-        """
-        Set the interaction target nucleus
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        A: int
-            Number of nucleons in the nucleus
-        Z: int  
-            Number of protons in the nucleus
-        """
-        self.add_property("target", "Z", Z)
-        self.add_property("target", "A", A)
-    @property
-    def timesteps(self):
-        """
-        input/numTimeSteps property
-        """
-        return self._groups["input"]["numTimeSteps"]
-    @timesteps.setter
-    def timesteps(self, timesteps):
-        self._groups["input"]["numTimeSteps"] = timesteps
-    def add_property(self, group, name, value):
-        """ Add a property to the jobcard
+    def set_property(self, group, name, value):
+        """ Set a property to the jobcard
@@ -78,6 +47,11 @@ class Jobcard(object):
             self._groups[group] = {}
         self._groups[group][name] = value
+    def remove_property(self, group, name):
+        del self._groups[group][name]
+        if len(self._groups[group]) == 0:
+            del self._groups[group]
     def __str__(self):
         retval = ""
         for group, attrs in self._groups.items():
@@ -85,27 +59,52 @@ class Jobcard(object):
             retval += "&%s\n" % group
             for attr, value in attrs.items():
-                if type(value) is str:
-                    retval += "\t%s = '%s'\n" % (attr, value)
-                elif type(value) is bool:
-                    retval += "\t%s = .%s.\n" % (attr, value)
+                if type(value) is bool:
+                    retval += "\t%s = .%s.\n" % (attr, str(value).lower())
                     retval += "\t%s = %s\n" % (attr, value)
             retval += "/\n\n"
         return retval
-class NeutrinoJobcard(Jobcard):
+def generate_neutrino_jobcard(process,
+                              flavour,
+                              energy,
+                              target,
+                              input_path=INPUT_PATH):
-    Jobcard object for neutrino interactions 
+    Generate a jobcard for neutrino interaction 
+    process: str 
+        Interaction channel ["CC", "NC", "antiCC", "antiNC"]
+    flavour: str
+        Flavour ["electron", "muon", "tau"]
+    energy: float 
+        Initial energy of the neutrino in GeV 
+    target: (int, int)
+        (Z, A) describing the target nukleon
     input_path: str
         The input path pointing to the GiBUU lookup data which should be used
-    def __init__(self, input_path=INPUT_PATH):
-        super(NeutrinoJobcard, self).__init__(input_path)
-        ## Default [input]
-        self.add_property("input", "eventtype", 5)
-        self.add_property("input", "localEnsemble", True)
+    jc = Jobcard(input_path)
+    jc.set_property("neutrino_inducted", "process_ID",
+                    _PROCESS_LOOKUP[process.lower()])
+    jc.set_property("neutrino_inducted", "flavour_ID",
+                    _FLAVOUR_LOOKUP[flavour.lower()])
+    jc.set_property("neutrino_inducted", "nuXsectionMode", 6)
+    jc.set_property("neutrino_inducted", "includeDIS", True)
+    jc.set_property("neutrino_inducted", "printAbsorptionXS", "T")
+    # INPUT
+    jc.set_property("input", "numTimeSteps", 0)
+    jc.set_property("input", "eventtype", 5)
+    jc.set_property("input", "numEnsembles", 100000)
+    jc.set_property("input", "delta_T", 0.2)
+    jc.set_property("input", "localEnsemble", True)
+    jc.set_property("input", "num_runs_SameEnergy", 1)
+    # TARGET
+    jc.set_property("target", "Z", target[0])
+    jc.set_property("target", "A", target[1])
+    return jc