diff --git a/km3buu/physics.py b/km3buu/physics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1e7e06aba4b24687482c52a13e04b009c1ab6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/km3buu/physics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Filename: physics.py
+Additional physics functionality
+__author__ = "Johannes Schumann"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Johannes Schumann and the KM3NeT collaboration."
+__credits__ = []
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Johannes Schumann"
+__email__ = "jschumann@km3net.de"
+__status__ = "Development"
+    "ELECa": 1.33356e5,
+    "ELECb": 1.66113e2,
+    "ELECc": 16.4949,
+    "ELECd": 1.5385e5,
+    "ELECe": 6.04871e5,
+    "PIa": 0.538346,
+    "PIb": 1.32041,
+    "PIc": 0.737415,
+    "PId": -0.813861,
+    "PIe": -2.22444,
+    "PIf": -2.15795,
+    "PIg": -6.47242,
+    "PIh": -2.7567,
+    "PIx": 8.83498,
+    "Ka": 12.7537,
+    "Kb": -1.052,
+    "Kc": 3.49559,
+    "Kd": 16.7914,
+    "Ke": -0.355066,
+    "Kf": 2.77116,
+    "K0sa": 0.351242,
+    "K0sb": 0.613076,
+    "K0sc": 6.24682,
+    "K0sd": 2.8858,
+    "K0la": 2.18152,
+    "K0lb": -0.632798,
+    "K0lc": 0.999514,
+    "K0ld": 1.36052,
+    "K0le": 4.22484,
+    "K0lf": -0.307859,
+    "Pa": 12.1281,
+    "Pb": -17.1528,
+    "Pc": 0.573158,
+    "Pd": 34.1436,
+    "Pe": -0.28944,
+    "Pf": -13.2619,
+    "Pg": 24.1357,
+    "Na": 1.24605,
+    "Nb": 0.63819,
+    "Nc": -0.802822,
+    "Nd": -0.935327,
+    "Ne": -6.1126,
+    "Nf": -1.96894,
+    "Ng": 0.716954,
+    "Nh": 2.68246,
+    "Ni": -9.39464,
+    "Nj": 15.0737,
+    "Ma": 72.425,
+    "Mb": -49.417,
+    "Mc": 5.858,
+    "Md": 207.252,
+    "Me": 132.784,
+    "Mf": -10.277,
+    "Mg": -19.441,
+    "Mh": 58.598,
+    "Mi": 53.161,
+    "Mkref": 2.698,
+def visible_energy_fraction(pdgid, energy):
+    """
+    Returns the visible energy fraction in the one particle approximation (OPA)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    pdgid: int
+        PDGID of the given particle
+    energy: float
+        Kinetic energy of the given particle
+    """
+    # Cover trivial cases, i.e. 'non-visible' particles and ultra-high energy
+    if pdgid in [11, -11, 22, 111, 221]:
+        return 1.0
+    elif energy > 1e7:
+        return high_energy_weight(energy)
+    tmp = energy if energy < 40. else 40.
+    weight = 0.0
+    if abs(pdgid) == 211:
+        weight = pion_weight(tmp)
+    elif pdgid == 130:
+        weight = klong_weight(tmp)
+    elif pdgid == 310:
+        weight = kshort_weight(tmp)
+    elif abs(pdgid) == 321:
+        weight = kaon_weight(tmp)
+    elif pdgid == 2112:
+        weight = neutron_weight(tmp)
+    elif pdgid == 2122:
+        weight = proton_weight(tmp)
+    elif pdgid in [12, -13, 13, 113, 213]:
+        weight = 0.0
+    else:
+        weight = proton_weight(tmp)
+    if energy < 40.:
+        return weight
+    else:
+        he_weight = high_energy_weight(energy)
+        he40GeV_weight = high_energy_weight(40.)
+        return he_weight - (he40GeV_weight -
+                            weight) * (7. - np.log10(energy)) / 5.398
+def number_photons_per_electron(energy):
+    """Expected number of photons for electrons as function of energy"""
+    exp_coeff = np.exp(-energy / ELEC_PARAMS["ELECc"])
+    n = (ELEC_PARAMS["ELECa"] * energy + ELEC_PARAMS["ELECb"]) * exp_coeff + (
+        ELEC_PARAMS["ELECd"] * energy + ELEC_PARAMS["ELECe"]) * (1 - exp_coeff)
+    return n
+def pion_weight(energy):
+    norm = nphotons_per_electron(energy)
+    if energy < 6e-2:
+        return 1e4 * PION_PARAMS["PIa"] / norm
+    elif energy < 1.5e-1:
+        return 1e4 * PION_PARAMS["PIx"] * energy / norm
+    else:
+        logE = np.log(energy)
+        return (1e5 * PION_PARAMS["PIb"] * energy +
+                (energy**(1. - 1. / PION_PARAMS["PIc"])) *
+                (PION_PARAMS["PId"] * 1e4 + 1e4 * PION_PARAMS["PIe"] * logE +
+                 1e4 * PION_PARAMS["PIf"] * logE**2 + 1e3 * PION_PARAMS["PIg"]
+                 * logE**3 + 1e2 * PION_PARAMS["PIh"] * logE**4)) / norm
+def kaon_weight(energy):
+    norm = number_photons_per_electron(energy)
+    if energy > 0.26:
+        exp_coeff = np.exp(-energy / KAON_PARAMS["Kc"])
+        return (1e4 * KAON_PARAMS["Ka"] * (energy + KAON_PARAMS["Kb"]) *
+                (1. - exp_coeff) + 1e4 *
+                (KAON_PARAMS["Kd"] * energy + KAON_PARAMS["Ke"]) *
+                exp_coeff) / norm
+    else:
+        return KAON_PARAMS["Kf"] * 1e4 / norm
+def kshort_weight(energy):
+    norm = number_photons_per_electron(energy)
+    return (KSHORT_PARAMS["K0sa"] * 1e5 + KSHORT_PARAMS["K0sb"] * 1e5 * energy
+            + energy * KSHORT_PARAMS["K0sc"] * 1e4 *
+            np.log(KSHORT_PARAMS["K0sd"] + 1. / energy)) / norm
+def klong_weight(energy):
+    norm = number_photons_per_electron(energy)
+    if energy < 1.5:
+        return (1e4 * KLONG_PARAMS["K0la"] +
+                energy * 1e5 * KLONG_PARAMS["K0lb"] * np.log(energy) +
+                1e5 * KLONG_PARAMS["K0lc"] * energy**1.5) / norm
+    else:
+        return (energy * KLONG_PARAMS["K0ld"] * 1e5 +
+                energy**(1. - 1. / KLONG_PARAMS["K0le"]) *
+                KLONG_PARAMS["K0lf"] * 1e5) / norm
+def proton_weight(energy):
+    exp_coeff = np.exp(-energy / PROTON_PARAMS["Pc"])
+    norm = number_photons_per_electron(energy)
+    weight = 1e4 * (PROTON_PARAMS["Pa"] * energy + PROTON_PARAMS["Pb"]) * (
+        1 - exp_coeff) + 1e4 * (PROTON_PARAMS["Pd"] * energy +
+                                PROTON_PARAMS["Pe"] +
+                                PROTON_PARAMS["Pf"] * energy**2 +
+                                PROTON_PARAMS["Pg"] * energy**3) * exp_coeff
+    return weight / norm
+def neutron_weight(energy):
+    norm = number_photons_per_electron(energy)
+    if energy > 0.5:
+        logE = np.log(energy)
+        return (NEUTRON_PARAMS["Na"] * 1e5 * energy +
+                1e3 * energy**(1. - 1. / NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nb"]) *
+                (100 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nc"] + 100 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nd"] * logE
+                 + 10 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Ne"] * logE**2 +
+                 11 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nf"] * logE**3)) / norm
+    else:
+        return (1e3 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Ng"] + 1e4 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nh"] *
+                energy + 1e4 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Ni"] * energy**2 +
+                1e4 * NEUTRON_PARAMS["Nj"] * energy**3) / norm
+def high_energy_weight(energy):
+    """
+    High energy weight (valid above 40 GeV)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    energy: float 
+        Kinetic energy of the given particle
+    """
+    if energy < 0.2:
+        return 0.292
+    logE = np.log10(energy)
+    mlc = (HE_PARAMS["Ma"] - HE_PARAMS["Mf"]) / HE_PARAMS["Mkref"]
+    denom = HE_PARAMS["Mi"] + HE_PARAMS["Mh"] * logE + HE_PARAMS[
+        "Mg"] * logE**2 + HE_PARAMS["Mf"] * logE**3 + mlc * logE**4
+    if denom <= 0:
+        return 0
+    num = HE_PARAMS[
+        "Me"] + HE_PARAMS["Md"] * logE + HE_PARAMS["Mc"] * logE**2 + HE_PARAMS[
+            "Mb"] * logE**3 + HE_PARAMS["Ma"] * logE**4 + mlc * logE**5
+    lognp = num / denom
+    Ee = 10.**(lognp - HE_PARAMS["Mkref"])
+    return Ee / energy