diff --git a/scripts/io.jl b/scripts/io.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc068021a2a15969caed75f6f0b89660f04fcfbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/io.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using CSV
+    read_final_events(filepath::AbstractString)
+Function for reading the final events from the GiBUU output  
+# Arguments
+- `filepath::AbstractString`: filepath to the FinalEvents.dat
+function read_final_events(filepath::AbstractString)
+    file = open(filepath)
+    header = readline(file)
+    close(file)
+    raw_col_names = split(header)[2:end]
+    col_names = [String.(split(col,":"))[end] for col in raw_col_names]
+    CSV.read(filepath, 
+             header=col_names, 
+             delim=' ', 
+             comment="#", 
+             ignorerepeated=true, 
+             types=[Int32, 
+                    Int32, 
+                    Int32, 
+                    Int32, 
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Float64,
+                    Int32, 
+                    Int32, 
+                    Float64
+                    ])