diff --git a/km3buu/config.py b/km3buu/config.py
index ba4906b14d750e9137639b3e964702c0058ba386..8b986dca0ffdd67165cf479e21d1797963ed284d 100644
--- a/km3buu/config.py
+++ b/km3buu/config.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from os.path import isfile, isdir, join, dirname, abspath
 from configparser import ConfigParser, Error, NoOptionError, NoSectionError
 from thepipe.logger import get_logger
 from . import IMAGE_NAME
-from .core import build_image
+from .environment import build_image
 __author__ = "Johannes Schumann"
 __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Johannes Schumann and the KM3NeT collaboration."
diff --git a/km3buu/ctrl.py b/km3buu/ctrl.py
index f37bc69fd2fbc7098e2a8a63b35f6189fb3a6798..d8af86bd1a7e5ff7cca34063d4b55777fb779faa 100644
--- a/km3buu/ctrl.py
+++ b/km3buu/ctrl.py
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ __status__ = "Development"
 import os
 from spython.main import Client
-from spython.utils import get_singularity_version
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
 from os.path import join, abspath, basename, isdir, isfile
 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
 from thepipe.logger import get_logger
@@ -23,16 +21,14 @@ from thepipe.logger import get_logger
 from . import IMAGE_NAME
 from .config import Config
 from .jobcard import Jobcard
+from .environment import is_singularity_version_greater, MIN_SINGULARITY_VERSION
 log = get_logger(basename(__file__))
-singularity_version = LooseVersion(get_singularity_version().split()[-1])
-if singularity_version < LooseVersion("3.3"):
-    log.error("Singularity version lower than 3.3 (found: %s)" %
-              singularity_version.vstring)
-    raise OSError("Singularity version below 3.3 (found: %s)" %
-                  singularity_version.vstring)
+if not is_singularity_version_greater(
+        MIN_SINGULARITY_VERSION):  # pragma: no cover
+    log.error("Singularity version lower than %" % MIN_SINGULARITY_VERSION)
+    raise OSError("Singularity version below %s" % MIN_SINGULARITY_VERSION)
diff --git a/km3buu/core.py b/km3buu/environment.py
similarity index 65%
rename from km3buu/core.py
rename to km3buu/environment.py
index eb9e911307d2f936094e5ce8cffcc067d995b9f7..8a4c3f03f4b9b05b6263086e16d244a657719cdc 100644
--- a/km3buu/core.py
+++ b/km3buu/environment.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Filename: core.py
+# Filename: environment.py
 Core functions for the package environment
@@ -14,13 +14,23 @@ __status__ = "Development"
 import os
 from spython.main import Client
+from spython.utils import get_singularity_version
 from os.path import join, isdir, basename
 from thepipe.logger import get_logger
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
 from . import IMAGE_NAME, DOCKER_URL
 log = get_logger(basename(__file__))
+def is_singularity_version_greater(min_version):  # pragma: no cover
+    singularity_version = LooseVersion(get_singularity_version().split()[-1])
+    retval = singularity_version > LooseVersion(MIN_SINGULARITY_VERSION)
+    return retval
 def build_image(output_dir):
     if not isdir(output_dir):
diff --git a/km3buu/tests/test_environment.py b/km3buu/tests/test_environment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..247690b1e66adda9d5c3c93be01c24a19f5738d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/km3buu/tests/test_environment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf-8
+# Filename: test_environment.py
+__author__ = "Johannes Schumann"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Johannes Schumann and the KM3NeT collaboration."
+__credits__ = []
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Johannes Schumann"
+__email__ = "jschumann@km3net.de"
+__status__ = "Development"
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from km3buu.environment import *
+from os.path import dirname, join
+from spython.main import Client
+from km3buu import DOCKER_URL, IMAGE_NAME
+class TestBuild(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_wrong_dir_path(self):
+        wrong_path = "foobar"
+        try:
+            build_image(wrong_path)
+            assert False
+        except OSError as e:
+            assert str(e) == "Directory not found!"
+    @patch.object(Client, 'build', return_value=123)
+    def test_build_cmd(self, function):
+        existing_path = dirname(__file__)
+        assert build_image(existing_path) == 123
+        expected_image_path = join(existing_path, IMAGE_NAME)
+        function.assert_called_once_with(DOCKER_URL,
+                                         image=expected_image_path,
+                                         sudo=False,
+                                         ext="simg")
diff --git a/km3buu/tests/test_output.py b/km3buu/tests/test_output.py
index e62b063f48df6845a0b3afe74e1e019081b790ca..439ad7e7cab05ac13497feb54dd87604020e7ba6 100644
--- a/km3buu/tests/test_output.py
+++ b/km3buu/tests/test_output.py
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class TestXSection(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(xsection['Delta'], 0.61537)
 class TestFinalEvents(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.filename = join(TESTDATA_DIR, EVENT_FILENAME)
@@ -55,7 +54,13 @@ class TestFinalEvents(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_slicing(self):
         assert self.final_events[0:2] is not None
+    def test_length(self):
+        assert len(self.final_events) == 5
 class TestGiBUUOutput(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        pass
+        self.output = GiBUUOutput(TESTDATA_DIR)
+    def test_attr(self):
+        assert hasattr(self.output, "events")