&neutrino_induced process_ID = -2 ! 2:CC, 3:NC, -2:antiCC, -3:antiNC flavor_ID = 2 ! 1:electron, 2:muon, 3:tau nuXsectionMode = 6 ! 6: dSigmaMC includeDIS = .true. ! enables DIS events printAbsorptionXS = .true. / &target target_Z=1 target_A=1 / &input numEnsembles = 1000 ! for H: 100000, ! for O: 6400 ! decrease it if there are ! problems with memory or ! for heavier nuclei eventtype = 5 ! 5=neutrino ! of a given particle numTimeSteps = 0 ! the distance numTimeSteps*delta_T ! should significantly ! exceed the radius ! of the target nucleus ! for H this must be 0 ! numTimeSteps=0 gives inclusive ! X-sections delta_T = 0.2 ! timestep for hadron propagation localEnsemble = .true. ! sets fullEnsemble = True num_runs_SameEnergy = 1 ! increase these if you want to ! increase statistics ! (= number of generated events) LRF_equals_CALC_frame = .true. ! if .false.: ! no offshelltransport ! possible path_to_input = '/opt/buuinput2019' ! needs to be ! changed to actual path / &nl_SigmaMC enu = 4.0 !energy of the initial neutrino / &neutrinoAnalysis outputEvents = .true. ! output list of events and ! all outgoing particles in ! each event to the file ! FinalEvents.dat / &pythia PARP(91)=0.44 /