--text="You have 10 seconds to cancel the current operation:\nrunsetup: ${rs_file}\nduration: ${run_duration} minutes"\
--text="You have 10 seconds to cancel the current operation:\nrunsetup: ${rs_file}\nduration: ${run_duration} minutes\nduty cycle: 1/${duty_cycle}"\
# Peak the run number
@@ -190,12 +192,13 @@ run_start_time=`nowUTC`
log "Run ${run_number} ready to start. \
Run start time = ${run_start_time}, \
run duration = ${run_duration} minutes, \
duty cycle = 1 / ${duty_cycle}, \
run setup file = ${rs_file}."
# Launch the DAQ
log "Launching the DAQ with the following command line: daq.sh ${run_number}${run_start_time}${run_duration_seconds}${DAQ_SERVER}${DAQ_USER} "
log "Launching the DAQ with the following command line: daq.sh ${run_number}${run_start_time}${run_duration_seconds}${DAQ_SERVER}${DAQ_USER}${duty_cycle}"