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Implementation of Skycoord and KM3NeT defined frame

Hichem Tedjditi requested to merge skycoord into master

I have worked on a revision of the Coordinate transformation tools.

The goal is to have km3astro coordinate transformation based fully on Astropy.SkyCoord with new frame designed for km3net.

For that i modified km3astro.coord and implemented km3astro.frame.

In km3astro/ i define two frames:

  • ParticuleFrame: Phi, theta
  • UTM : Azimuth, zenith

And the transformation function from AltAz (Astropy.BaseCoordinate.frame) to those frames and the inverse.

In km3astro/ i implemented:

  • A event builder (build_event)
  • A Skycoord transform function which define the wanted frame before doing it (transform_to)
  • A transform function for table as an input (transform_to_new_frame)

Those change have been implemented in addition of the existing function that have been kept for compatibility issues with old files (like tests etc...).

One of my question before merging is : Should we clean non necessary old function and file?

In the tests folder, i created two new test files, and, for the new coordinate transformation.

  • calculate and compare the angle separation between the benchmark value and the calculated one with a threshold at 0.02 degrees.

  • create benchmark table with the coordinate in all frame (PF, UTM, EQ, GAL) from every frame inside the benchmark.

This conclude the summary of this merge request. The important point is: Should/Can i proceed with a full cleaning of old files before merging? Also if there is anything i am missing please tell me.

Cheers, Hichem

Edited by Hichem Tedjditi

Merge request reports
