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Commit a554d21c authored by Zineb Aly's avatar Zineb Aly
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add offline keys definitions and units

parent c25b0a55
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1 merge request!13Add offline keys definitions
This commit is part of merge request !13. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
int,id,offline event identifier
int,det_id,detector identifier from DAQ
int,mc_id,identifier of the MC event (as found in ascii or antcc file)
int,run_id,DAQ run identifier
int,mc_run_id,MC run identifier
int,frame_index,from the raw data
ULong64_t,trigger_mask,trigger mask from raw data (i.e. the trigger bits)
ULong64_t,trigger_counter,trigger counter
unsigned int,overlays,number of overlaying triggered events
TTimeStamp,t,UTC time of the start of the timeslice the event came from
vec Hit,hits,list of hits
vec Trk,trks,list of reconstructed tracks (can be several because of prefits,showers, etc)
vec double,w,MC: Weights w[0]=w1 & w[1]=w2 & w[2]]=w3
vec double,w2list,MC: factors that make up w[1]=w2
vec double,w3list,MC: atmospheric flux information
double,mc_t,MC: time of the mc event
vec Hit,mc_hits,MC: list of MC truth hits
vec Trk,mc_trks,MC: list of MC truth tracks
string,comment,user can use this as he/she likes
int,index,user can use this as he/she likes
int,flags,user can use this as he/she likes
int,id,hit id
int,dom_id,module identifier from the data (unique in the detector)
unsigned int,channel_id,PMT channel id {0,1, .., 31} local to module
unsigned int,tdc,hit tdc (=time in ns)
unsigned int,tot,tot value as stored in raw data (int for pyroot)
int,trig,non-zero if the hit is a trigger hit
int,pmt_id,global PMT identifier as found in evt files
double,t,hit time (from calibration or MC truth)
double,a,hit amplitude (in p.e.)
vec,pos,hit position
vec,dir,hit direction i.e. direction of the PMT
double,pure_t,photon time before pmt simultion (MC only)
double,pure_a,amptitude before pmt simution (MC only)
int,type,particle type or parametrisation used for hit (mc only)
int,origin,track id of the track that created this hit
unsigned,pattern_flags,some number that you can use to flag the hit
cut_primary cut_seamuon cut_in cut_nu,Emin Emax cosTmin cosTmax
generator physics simul,program version date time
seed,program level iseed
PM1_type_area,type area TTS
PDF,i1 i2
model,interaction muon scattering numberOfEnergyBins
can,zmin zmax r
genvol,zmin zmax r volume numberOfEvents
merge,time gain
coord_origin,x y z
translate,x y z
genhencut,gDir Emin
k40,rate time
norma,primaryFlux numberOfPrimaries
livetime,numberOfSeconds errorOfSeconds
flux,type key file_1 file_2
fixedcan,xcenter ycenter zmin zmax radius
int,id,track identifier
vec,pos,position of the track at time t
vec,dir,track direction
double,t,track time (when particle is at pos)
double,E,Energy (either MC truth or reconstructed)
double,len,length if applicable
double,lik,likelihood or lambda value (for aafit: lambda)
int,type,MC: particle type in PDG encoding
int,rec_type,identifyer for the overall fitting algorithm/chain/strategy
vec int,rec_stages,list of identifyers of succesfull fitting stages resulting in this track
int,status,MC status code
int,mother_id,MC id of the parent particle
vec double,fitinf,place to store additional fit info for jgandalf see FitParameters.csv
vec int, hit_ids,list of associated hit-ids (corresponds to Hit::id)
vec double,error_matrix,(5x5) error covariance matrix (stored as linear vector)
string,comment,user comment
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