@@ -107,7 +107,103 @@ contain events, timeslics and summary slices.
Overview of offline files
Offline files contain data about events, hits and tracks.
Offline files contain data about events, hits and tracks. Based on aanet version 2.0.0 documentation, the following tables show the definitions, the types and the units of the branches founds in the events, hits and tracks trees. A description of the file header are also displayed.
.. csv-table:: events keys definitions and units
:header: "type", "name", "definition"
:widths: 20, 20, 80
"int", "id", "offline event identifier"
"int", "det_id", "detector identifier from DAQ"
"int", "mc_id", "identifier of the MC event (as found in ascii or antcc file)"
"int", "run_id", "DAQ run identifier"
"int", "mc_run_id", "MC run identifier"
"int", "frame_index", "from the raw data"
"ULong64_t", "trigger_mask", "trigger mask from raw data (i.e. the trigger bits)"
"ULong64_t", "trigger_counter", "trigger counter"
"unsigned int", "overlays", "number of overlaying triggered events"
"TTimeStamp", "t", "UTC time of the start of the timeslice the event came from"
"vec Hit", "hits", "list of hits"
"vec Trk", "trks", "list of reconstructed tracks (can be several because of prefits,showers, etc)"