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Add `TimeConverter` and `has_(jmuon|jshower|aashower|dusjshower)`

BoukeJisse Jung requested to merge add_time_converter into master

The changes made in this working branch introduce a TimeConverter utility class in <km3io>/src/km3io/ for converting between simulated times in the MC-files and DAQ/triggered times in DAQ-files or triggered Monte-Carlo files. In addition, several utility functions have been added for checking whether a given array of tracks contain JMuon, JShower, AAshower or Dusj reconstruction output.

Tests have been added for all new functions in <km3io>/tests/

Finally, I updated the requirement for the black package version to black>=22.3.0, in order to prevent the error message ImportError: cannot import name '_unicodefun' from 'click' from popping up as a warning in the gitlab CI pipelines.

The changes introduced for this merge request rely on the presence of the file <km3net-testdata>/data/offline/mcv5.0.gsg_elec-CC_10-100GeV.km3sim.JDK.jte.jmergefit.orca.aanet.909.evtsample.root. For this file a separate merge-request (km3net-testdata!25 (merged)) is currently still pending in the km3net-testdata repository. Once the merge request there has been granted, I will test the changes introduced in km3io one more time and remove the Draft status for this merge request.

Edited by BoukeJisse Jung

Merge request reports
