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Commit 2870fdca authored by Carlo Guidi's avatar Carlo Guidi Committed by Tamas Gal
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Add acoustics monitoring

parent 1bc445dc
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
Online Acoustic Monitoring
Usage: [options] (-h | --help)
-d DET_ID Detector ID
-n N_DUS Number of DUs
-o PLOT_DIR The directory to save the plot
-h --help Show this screen.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import os
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import colors
from datetime import datetime
from docopt import docopt
import km3pipe as kp
def diff(first, second):
second = set(second)
return [item for item in first if item not in second]
args = docopt(__doc__)
detid = args['-d']
directory = args['-o']
N_DUS = args['-n']
N_DUS = int(N_DUS)
db = kp.db.DBManager()
sds = kp.db.StreamDS()
ACOUSTIC_BEACONS = [12, 14, 16]
N_DOMS = 18
DOMS = range(N_DOMS + 1)
DUS = range(1, N_DUS + 1)
TIT = 600 # Time Interval between Trains of acoustic pulses)
SSW = 160 # Signal Security Window (Window size with signal)
check = True
while check:
table = db.run_table(detid)
minrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1]
ind, = np.where((table["RUN"] == minrun))
mintime1 = table['UNIXSTARTTIME'][ind]
mintime = mintime1.values
maxrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1]
now = time.time()
if (now - mintime/1000) < TIT:
minrun = table["RUN"][len(table["RUN"]) - 1] - 1
N_Pulses_Indicator = [] # Matrix indicating how many pulses each piezo reveals
for du in DUS:
N_Pulses_Indicator_DU = [] # Array indicating for each DU how many pulses each piezo reveals.
for dom in DOMS:
domID = db.doms.via_omkey((du, dom), detid).dom_id
toas_all = sds.toashort(detid = detid, minrun = minrun, maxrun = maxrun, domid = domID, emitterid = ab)
QF_abdom = toas_all["QUALITYFACTOR"]
UTB_abdom = toas_all["UNIXTIMEBASE"]
TOAS_abdom = toas_all["TOA_S"]
UTB_abdom = UTB_abdom.values
up = np.where(UTB_abdom>(now-TIT))
down = np.where(UTB_abdom<(now))
intr = np.intersect1d(up,down)
UTB_abdom = UTB_abdom[intr]
QF_abdom = QF_abdom[intr]
QF_abdom = QF_abdom.values
QFlist = QF_abdom.tolist()
QFlist.sort(reverse = True)
QF_max = max(QF_abdom)
QF_max_index = np.where(QF_abdom == QF_max)
UTB_signal_min = UTB_abdom[QF_max_index] - SSW/2
UTB_signal_max = UTB_abdom[QF_max_index] + SSW/2
temp1 = np.where(UTB_abdom > (UTB_signal_min[0]))
temp2 = np.where(UTB_abdom < (UTB_signal_max[0]))
inter = np.intersect1d(temp1, temp2)
inter = inter.tolist()
signal_index = inter
QF_abdom_index = np.where(QF_abdom)
all_data_index = QF_abdom_index[0].tolist()
noise_index = diff(all_data_index, signal_index)
SIGNAL = QF_abdom[signal_index]
UTB_SIGNAL = UTB_abdom[signal_index]
NOISE = QF_abdom[noise_index]
NOISElist = NOISE.tolist()
NOISElist.sort(reverse = True)
noise_threshold = max(NOISE)
# First filter: 22 greatest
Security_Number = 22 # To be sure to take all the pulses
SIGNAL = SIGNAL.tolist()
SIGNAL.sort(reverse = True)
QF_first = SIGNAL[0:Security_Number]
# Second filter: delete duplicates
QF_second = np.unique(QF_first)
QF_second = QF_second.tolist()
QF_second.sort(reverse = True)
# Third filter: If there are more than 11 elements I will eliminate the worst
if len(QF_second) > 11:
QF_second = np.array(QF_second)
QF_third = [k for k in QF_second if (np.where(QF_second == k)[0][0] < 11)]
QF_third = QF_second
# Fourth filter: I remove the data if it is below the maximum noise
QF_fourth = [k for k in QF_third if k > (noise_threshold + (5*np.std(NOISE)))]
# Fifth filter: Check if the clicks are interspersed in the right way
Q = []
for q in np.arange(len(QF_fourth)):
Q.append(np.where(SIGNAL_OLD == QF_fourth[q])[0][0])
UTB_fourth = np.array(UTB_SIGNAL.tolist())[Q]
UTB_fourth_l = UTB_fourth.tolist()
D = []
for g in np.arange(len(UTB_fourth_l)):
if ((np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5) > 0.5 and np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5) < 4.5) or (np.mod((UTB_fourth_l[g] - UTB_fourth_l[0]), 5)>5)):
for d in sorted(D, reverse = True):
del QF_fourth[d]
QF_fifth = QF_fourth
QF_OK = QF_fifth
NUM = len(QF_OK) # Number of pulses
if (NUM > 7):
elif (NUM < 8 and NUM > 3):
elif (NUM < 4 and NUM > 0):
elif (NUM == 0):
except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError if no data found for a certain piezo, ValueError if there are zero data for a certain piezo
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
N_doms = 18
doms = range(N_doms + 1)
L = len(doms)
duab = []
DUs = []
for du in range(N_DUS):
duabdu = []
duab1 = (du+0.9)*np.ones(L)
duab2 = (du+1)*np.ones(L)
duab3 = (du+1.1)*np.ones(L)
ind = np.where(DUs[1] < 1000)
iAB1 = np.where(ind[0] < L)
iAB2_up = np.where(ind[0] > (L - 1))
iAB2_down = np.where(ind[0] < 2*L)
iAB2 = np.intersect1d(iAB2_up, iAB2_down)
iAB3 = np.where(ind[0] > (2*L - 1))
colorsList = [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0.3, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0.2, 0.9, 0)]
CustomCmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colorsList)
bounds = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
norma = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, CustomCmap.N)
for du in range(N_DUS):
for ab in range(N_ABS):
color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB1], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB2], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
color = ax.scatter(duab[du][ab], doms, s = 20, c = DUs[du][iAB3], norm=norma, marker = 's', cmap = CustomCmap);
cbar = plt.colorbar(color)[])
for j, lab in enumerate(['$0. pings$', '$1-3 pings$', '$4-7 pings$', '$>7. pings$']):, (2*j + 1)/8.0, lab, ha = 'center', va = 'center') = 18
matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(np.arange(1, N_DUS + 1, step = 1))
matplotlib.pyplot.yticks(np.arange(0, 19, step = 1))
matplotlib.pyplot.grid(color = 'k', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 0.2)
ax.set_xlabel('DUs', fontsize = 18)
ax.set_ylabel('Floors', fontsize = 18)
ts = now + 3600
DATE = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
ax.set_title(r' %.16s Detection of the pings emitted by autonomous beacons' %DATE, fontsize = 10)
my_path = os.path.abspath(directory)
my_file = 'Online_Acoustic_Monitoring.png'
fig.savefig(os.path.join(my_path, my_file))
check = False
check_time = time.time() - now
time.sleep(abs(TIT - check_time))
check = True
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