Unusual behaviour of AHRS plots in ARCA mon
Since a fe days the AHRS plots of the ARCA monitor show only the latest few hours. They seem, however, to update regurarly.
Since a fe days the AHRS plots of the ARCA monitor show only the latest few hours. They seem, however, to update regurarly.
I had a quick look at the git history of the AHRS processing script for recent changes and noticed that the queue size was reduced a week ago, I guess it's now a bit too small, depending on the time range of the plot: dd46c153
Thanks Johannes! Yes indeed, the queue size was too optimistic. I'll fix that.
@griccobene it's a plotting issue, no need for further checks
I restarted the AHRS calibration: https://elog.km3net.de/Operations+IT/4690