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Add neutrino weighter

Open Zineb Aly requested to merge add-neutrino-weighter into master
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# Filename:
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled
Cherenkov photon parameters.
Cherenkov, distance of closest approach,
neutrino event weighter.
@@ -9,6 +10,9 @@ import km3io
import numba
import numpy as np
import km3pipe.math
import km3pipe.extras
from numba import njit
from thepipe import Module
@@ -22,8 +26,10 @@ from km3pipe.constants import (
import km3pipe.math
import km3pipe.extras
from km3flux.flux import Honda2015
from km3services.oscprob import oscillationprobabilities
__author__ = "Zineb ALY"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration."
@@ -36,6 +42,23 @@ __status__ = "Development"
log = get_logger(__name__)
14: Honda2015('nu_e'),
14: Honda2015('nu_mu'),
-12: Honda2015('anu_e'),
-14: Honda2015('anu_mu')
FLAVOUR_SCHEME = {'nu_e': 12,
'nu_mu': 14,
'nu_tau': 16,
'anu_e': -12,
'anu_mu': -14,
'anu_tau': -16
def cherenkov(calib_hits, track):
"""Compute parameters of Cherenkov photons emitted from a track and hitting a PMT.
calib_hits is the table of calibrated hits of the track.
@@ -225,6 +248,210 @@ def get_closest(track, du_pos):
return _get_closest(track_pos, track_dir, meanDU_pos, meanDU_dir)
class NuWeighter:
""" Weight neutrino MC events """
def __init__(self, file, inv_hierarchy=False):
self._file = file
self._fobj = km3io.OfflineReader(self._file)
self._header = self._fobj.header
self._events =
self._mc_tracks = self._events.mc_tracks[:, 0]
self._inv_hierarchy = inv_hierarchy
self._n_events = len(self._events)
self._w2list_prod = self._events.w[:, 1]
self._nu_type = self._mc_tracks.type
self._energies = self._mc_tracks.E
self._cos_zeniths = -self._mc_tracks.dir_z
self._zeniths_rad = np.arccos(self._cos_zeniths)
self._nu_flavours = {'nu_e', 'nu_mu', 'nu_tau'}
self._anu_flavours = {'anu_e', 'anu_mu', 'anu_tau'}
self._all_nu_flavours = self._nu_flavours.union(self._anu_flavours)
def _ngen_events(self):
"""extract number of generated events in neutrino MC simulation."""
program = self._header.simul.program.lower()
if "gseagen" in program:
ngen = self._header.genvol.numberOfEvents
if "jsirene" in program:
ngen = self._header.genvol.numberOfEvents
if "genhen" in program:
ngen = self._header.ngen
if program not in {"gseagen", "jsirene", "genhen"}:
raise ValueError(f"The simulation program {program} is not implemented.")
return ngen
def _osc_params(self):
"""Oscillation parameters based on version 4.0 from
November 2018 data. """
if self._inv_hierarchy:
params = {
"dm_21": 7.40e-5,
"dm_31": -2.465e-3,
"theta_12": 5.868e-1,
"theta_23": 8.395e-1,
"theta_13": 1.497e-1,
"dcp": 4.852015320544236,
else: # normal hierarchy
params = {
"dm_21": 7.40e-5,
"dm_31": 2.494e-3,
"theta_12": 5.868e-1,
"theta_23": 8.238e-1,
"theta_13": 1.491e-1,
"dcp": 4.084070449666731,
return params
def _is_cc(self):
"""mask where True corresponds to events from CC interaction."""
def _atm_nu_flux(self, flavour):
"""Atmospheric neutrino flux based on HONDA 2015 reported flux."""
if flavour in {"nu_tau", "anu_tau"}:
flux = np.zeros(self._n_events) # assumed no tau (anti)neutrinos in the atmospheric flux.
flux = Honda2015(flavour)(self._energies, zenith=self._zeniths_rad)
return flux
def _osc_prob(self, flavour_out, energies, cos_zeniths, params=None):
"""calculate oscillation probablities of neutrino from all 3 neutrino flavours: "nu_e", "nu_mu" and "nu_tau" to flavour_out."""
if params is None:
params = self._osc_params()
if flavour_out in self._nu_flavours:
flavours = self._nu_flavours
if flavour_out in self._anu_flavours:
flavours = self._anu_flavours
if flavour_out not in self._all_nu_flavours:
raise ValueError(f"the neutrino flavour {flavour_out} is not a valid neutrino flavour.")
probabilities = {}
for flav in flavours:
probabilities[flav] = oscillationprobabilities(FLAVOUR_SCHEME[flav], FLAVOUR_SCHEME[flavour_out], energies, cos_zeniths, params=params)
return probabilities
def _global_weight_with_osc(self, params=None):
"""global neutrino weight with oscillations for Charged Current (CC) events."""
weights = np.zeros(self._n_events)
is_cc = self._is_cc()
for flav in self._all_nu_flavours:
flav_mask = self._nu_type[ (self._nu_type == FLAVOUR_SCHEME[flav]) and is_cc ]
weights[flav_mask] = (self._w2list_prod*self._prod_flux_prob(flav, self._energies, self._cos_zeniths, params=paras))[flav_mask]
return weights
def _global_weight_without_osc(self):
"""global neutrino weight without oscillations for Charged Current (CC) events."""
weights = np.zeros(self._n_events)
is_cc = self._is_cc()
for flav in self._all_nu_flavours:
flav_mask = self._nu_type[ (self._nu_type == FLAVOUR_SCHEME[flav]) and is_cc ]
weights[flav_mask] = (self._w2list_prod*self._atm_nu_flux(flav))[flav_mask]
return weights
def _global_weight_nc(self):
"""global neutrino weight for Neutral Current (NC) events."""
weights = np.zeros(self._n_events)
is_nc = self._is_cc() == False
for flav in self._all_nu_flavours:
if flav in self._nu_flavours:
total_flux = np.sum(np.array([self._atm_nu_flux(f) for f in self._nu_flavours]))
if flav in self._anu_flavours:
total_flux = np.sum(np.array([self._atm_nu_flux(f) for f in self._anu_flavours]))
raise ValueError(f"{flav} not a valid neutrino flavour.")
flav_mask = self._nu_type[ (self._nu_type == FLAVOUR_SCHEME[flav]) and is_nc ]
weights[flav_mask] = (self._w2list_prod*total_flux)[flav_mask]
return weights
def _prod_flux_prob(self, flav, energies, cos_zeniths, params=None):
"""Calculate the weighted neutrino flux, ie sum of flux*Probability of oscillations."""
osc_prob = self._osc_prob(flav, energies, cos_zeniths, params=params)
sum_prod = 0
if flav in self._nu_flavours:
sum_prod = np.sum(np.array([osc_prob[f]*self._atm_nu_flux(f) for f in self._nu_flavours]))
if flav in self._anu_flavours:
sum_prod = np.sum(np.array([osc_prob[f]*self._atm_nu_flux(f) for f in self._anu_flavours]))
raise ValueError(f"{flav} is not a valid neutrino flavour.")
return sum_prod
def weight(self, with_oscillation=True, params=None, DAQ_livetime=None, n_files=None):
"""weight neutrino events.
with_oscillation : True, optional
Neutrino weights with oscillations are returned by default. If with_oscillation is False, neutrino
weight without oscillations are returned.
params : dict(str: float), optional
Oscillation parameters (dm_21, dm_31, theta_12, theta_13, dcp). The default corresponds to nu-fit.or values,
version 4.0 from data of November 2018.
DAQ_livetime : float, optional
DAQ livetimes needed to scale neutrino weights.
n_files : None, optional
Number of neutrino files generated to scale neutrino weights to an entire production.
array of neutrino weights.
weights = np.zeros(self._n_events)
is_cc = self._is_cc()
if params is None:
params = self._osc_params()
if with_oscillation:
weights[is_cc] = self._global_weight_with_osc(params=params)
weights[is_cc == False] = self._global_weight_nc()
if not with_oscillation:
weights[is_cc] = self._global_weight_without_osc(params=params)
weights[is_cc == False] = self._global_weight_nc()
if DAQ_livetime is not None:
weights = self._scale_to_livetime(DAQ_livetime, weights)
if n_files is not None:
weights = weights/n_files
return weights
def _scale_to_livetime(self, DAQ_livetime, weights):
"""scale neutrino weight to DAQ livetime"""
return (weights*DAQ_livetime)/(365*24*3600)
def cut4d(point4d, tmin, tmax, rmin, rmax, items, c_water=C_WATER):
"""Select items with a certain time residual and
within a certain radius around a given 4D point.