import time
import h5py
import numpy as np
import warnings
__author__ = 'Stefan Reck, Michael Moser'
class FileConcatenator:
For concatenating many small h5 files to a single large one in
km3pipe-compatible format.
skip_errors : bool
If true, ignore files that can't be concatenated.
comptopts_update : dict, optional
Overwrite the compression options that get read from the
first file. E.g. {'chunksize': 10} to get a chunksize of 10.
Options for compression. They are read from the first input file,
but they can be updated as well during init.
cumu_rows : dict
Foe each dataset, the cumulative number of rows (axis_0) of the specified
input .h5 files (i.e. [0,100,200,300,...] if each file has 100 rows).
def __init__(self, input_files, skip_errors=False, comptopts_update=None):
self.skip_errors = skip_errors
print(f"Checking {len(input_files)} files ...")
self.input_files, self.cumu_rows = self._get_cumu_rows(input_files)
# Get compression options from first file in the list
self.comptopts = get_compopts(self.input_files[0])
if comptopts_update:
print("\n".join([f" {k}:\t{v}" for k, v in self.comptopts.items()]))
def from_list(cls, list_file, n_files=None, **kwargs):
Initialize with a .txt list containing the filepaths.
list_file : str
Path to a txt file containing the input filepaths, one per line.
n_files : int, optional
Only load these many files from the list.
input_files = []
with open(list_file) as f:
for line in f:
filepath = line.rstrip('\n')
if filepath != "":
if n_files is not None:
input_files = input_files[:n_files]
return cls(input_files, **kwargs)
def concatenate(self, output_filepath, append_used_files=True):
Concatenate the input files.
output_filepath : str
Path of the concatenated output file.
append_used_files : bool
If True (default), add a dataset called 'used_files' to the
output that contains the paths of the input_files.
print(f"Creating file {output_filepath}")
with h5py.File(output_filepath, 'x') as f_out:
start_time = time.time()
for input_file_nmbr, input_file in enumerate(self.input_files):
print(f'Processing file {input_file_nmbr+1}/'
f'{len(self.input_files)}: {input_file}')
with h5py.File(input_file, 'r') as f_in:
self._conc_file(f_in, f_out, input_file, input_file_nmbr)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
if append_used_files:
print("Adding used files to output")
data=[n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.input_files]
copy_attrs(self.input_files[0], output_filepath)
print(f"\nConcatenation complete!"
f"\nElapsed time: {elapsed_time/60:.2f} min "
f"({elapsed_time/len(self.input_files):.2f} s per file)")
def _conc_file(self, f_in, f_out, input_file, input_file_nmbr):
""" Conc one file to the output. """
for dset_name in f_in:
if is_folder_ignored(dset_name):
# we dont need datasets created by pytables anymore
input_dataset = f_in[dset_name]
if input_file_nmbr > 0:
# we need to add the current number of the
# group_id / index in the file_output to the
# group_ids / indices of the file that is to be appended
last_index = self.cumu_rows[dset_name][input_file_nmbr] - 1
if (dset_name.endswith("_indices") and
"index" in folder_data.dtype.names):
folder_data["index"] += (
f_out[dset_name][last_index]["index"] +
elif folder_data.dtype.names and "group_id" in folder_data.dtype.names:
# add 1 because the group_ids start with 0
folder_data["group_id"] += f_out[dset_name][last_index]["group_id"] + 1
if self._modify_folder:
data_mody = self._modify(
input_file, folder_data, dset_name)
if data_mody is not None:
folder_data = data_mody
if input_file_nmbr == 0:
# first file; create the dataset
dset_shape = (self.cumu_rows[dset_name][-1],) + folder_data.shape[1:]
print(f"\tCreating dataset '{dset_name}' with shape {dset_shape}")
chunks=(self.comptopts["chunksize"],) + folder_data.shape[1:],
output_dataset.resize(self.cumu_rows[dset_name][-1], axis=0)
self.cumu_rows[dset_name][input_file_nmbr + 1]
] = folder_data
def _modify(self, input_file, folder_data, folder_name):
Checks if all the files can be safely concatenated to the first one.
# names of datasets that will be in the output; read from first file
target_datasets = strip_keys(list(f.keys()))
errors, valid_input_files = [], []
cumu_rows = {k: [0] for k in target_datasets}
rows_this_file = _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets)
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn(f"Error during check of file {i}: {file_name}")
for k in target_datasets:
cumu_rows[k].append(cumu_rows[k][-1] + rows_this_file[k])
if errors:
print("\n------- Errors -------\n----------------------")
for error in errors:
err_str = f"{len(errors)} error(s) during check of files! See above"
if self.skip_errors:
raise OSError(err_str)
print(f"Valid input files: {len(valid_input_files)}/{len(input_files)}")
print("Datasets:\t" + ", ".join(target_datasets))
return valid_input_files, cumu_rows
def _get_rows(file_name, target_datasets):
""" Get no of rows from a file and check if its good for conc'ing. """
with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as f:
# check if all target datasets are in the file
if not all(k in f.keys() for k in target_datasets):
raise KeyError(
f"File {file_name} does not have the "
f"keys of the first file! "
f"It has {f.keys()} First file: {target_datasets}"
# check if all target datasets in the file have the same length
# for datasets that have indices: only check indices
plain_rows = [
f[k].shape[0] for k in target_datasets
if not (f[k].attrs.get("indexed") and f"{k}_indices" in target_datasets)
if not all(row == plain_rows[0] for row in plain_rows):
raise ValueError(
f"Datasets in file {file_name} have varying length! "
f"{dict(zip(target_datasets, plain_rows))}"
# check if the file has additional datasets apart from the target keys
if not all(k in target_datasets for k in strip_keys(list(f.keys()))):
f"Additional datasets found in file {file_name} compared "
f"to the first file, they wont be in the output! "
f"This file: {strip_keys(list(f.keys()))} "
rows = {k: f[k].shape[0] for k in target_datasets}
return rows
""" Remove unwanted keys from list. """
return [x for x in f_keys if not is_folder_ignored(x)]
def is_folder_ignored(folder_name):
Defines datasets which should be ignored during concat.
Remove pytables folders starting with '_i_', because the shape
of its first axis does not correspond to the number of events
in the file. All other folders normally have an axis_0 shape
that is equal to the number of events in the file.
Also remove bin_stats.
return any([s in folder_name for s in (
'_i_', "bin_stats", "raw_header", "header")])
Get the following compression options from a h5 file as a dict:
complib : str
Specifies the compression library that should be used for saving
the concatenated output files.
complevel : None/int
Specifies the compression level that should be used for saving
the concatenated output files.
A compression level is only available for gzip compression, not lzf!
chunksize : None/int
Specifies the chunksize for axis_0 in the concatenated output files.
# for reading the comptopts, take first datsets thats not indexed
dset_names = strip_keys(list(f.keys()))
for dset_name in dset_names:
if f"{dset_name}_indices" not in dset_names:
dset = f[dset_name]
comptopts = {}
comptopts["complib"] = dset.compression
if comptopts["complib"] == 'lzf':
comptopts["complevel"] = None
comptopts["complevel"] = dset.compression_opts
comptopts["chunksize"] = dset.chunks[0]
def copy_attrs(source_file, target_file):
Copy file and dataset attributes from one h5 file to another.
print("Copying attributes")
with h5py.File(source_file, "r") as src:
with h5py.File(target_file, "a") as trg:
_copy_attrs(src, trg)
for dset_name, target_dataset in trg.items():
if dset_name in src:
_copy_attrs(src[dset_name], target_dataset)
def _copy_attrs(src_datset, target_dataset):
for k in src_datset.attrs.keys():
if k not in target_dataset.attrs:
target_dataset.attrs[k] = src_datset.attrs[k]
except TypeError as e:
# above can fail if attr is bool and created using pt
warnings.warn(f"Error: Can not copy attribute {k}: {e}")
def concatenate(file, outfile="concatenated.h5", no_used_files=False, skip_errors=False):
""" Concatenate wrapped in a function. """
if len(file) == 1:
fc = FileConcatenator.from_list(
fc = FileConcatenator(
append_used_files=not no_used_files,
def main():
raise NotImplementedError(
"concatenate has been renamed to orcasong concatenate")
if __name__ == '__main__':