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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Main OrcaSong code which takes raw simulated .h5 files as input in order to generate 2D/3D/4D histograms ('images') that can be used for CNNs."""

import os
import sys
import warnings
#from memory_profiler import profile # for memory profiling, call with @profile; myfunc()
#import line_profiler # call with kernprof -l -v args
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import km3pipe as kp
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from orcasong.file_to_hits import *
from orcasong.histograms_to_files import *
from orcasong.hits_to_histograms import *

__author__ = 'Michael Moser'
__license__ = 'AGPL'
__version__ = '1.0'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Prototype'

def parse_input(do2d, do2d_pdf):
    Handles input exceptions, warnings and helps.
    :param bool do2d: Boolean flag for creation of 2D histograms.
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    :param do2d_pdf: Boolean flag for creation of 2D pdf images.
    :type do2d_pdf: tuple(bool, int)
    :rtype: str
    :return: fname: Parsed filename.
    if len(sys.argv) < 2 or str(sys.argv[1]) == "-h":
        print("Usage: python " + str(sys.argv[0]) + " file.h5")

    if do2d==False and do2d_pdf==True:
        raise ValueError('The 2D pdf images cannot be created if do2d=False. Please try again.')

    if do2d_pdf[0] is True and do2d_pdf[1] > 100:
        warnings.warn('You declared do2d_pdf=(True, int) with int > 100. This will take more than two minutes.'
                      'Do you really want to create pdfs images for so many events?')

    if not os.path.isfile(str(sys.argv[1])):
        raise IOError('The file -' + str(sys.argv[1]) + '- does not exist.')

    fname = str(sys.argv[1])
    return fname

def calculate_bin_edges_test(geo, y_bin_edge, z_bin_edge):
    Tests, if the bins in one direction don't accidentally have more than 'one' OM.
    For the x-direction, an overlapping can not be avoided in an orthogonal space.
    For y and z though, it can!
    For y, every bin should contain the number of lines per y-direction * 18 for 18 doms per line.
    For z, every bin should contain 115 entries, since every z bin contains one storey of the 115 ORCA lines.
    Not 100% accurate, since only the dom positions are used and not the individual pmt positions for a dom.
    geo_y = geo[:, 2]
    geo_z = geo[:, 3]
    hist_y = np.histogram(geo_y, bins=y_bin_edge)
    hist_z = np.histogram(geo_z, bins=z_bin_edge)

    print('Y-axis: Bin content: ' + str(hist_y[0]))
    print('It should be:        ' + str(np.array(
        [4 * 18, 7 * 18, 9 * 18, 10 * 18, 9 * 18, 10 * 18, 10 * 18, 10 * 18, 11 * 18, 10 * 18, 9 * 18, 8 * 18, 8 * 18])))
    print('Y-axis: Bin edges: ' + str(hist_y[1]))
    print('Z-axis: Bin content: ' + str(hist_z[0]))
    print('It should have 115 entries everywhere')
    print('Z-axis: Bin edges: ' + str(hist_z[1]))
def calculate_bin_edges(n_bins, det_geo, fname_geo_limits, do4d):
    Calculates the bin edges for the corresponding detector geometry (1 DOM/bin) based on the number of specified bins.
    Used later on for making the event "images" with the in the np.histogramdd funcs in
    The bin edges are necessary in order to get the same bin size for each event regardless of the fact if all bins have a hit or not.
    :param tuple n_bins: contains the desired number of bins for each dimension. [n_bins_x, n_bins_y, n_bins_z]
    :param str det_geo: declares what detector geometry should be used for the binning.
    :param str fname_geo_limits: filepath of the .txt ORCA geometry file.
    :param (bool, str) do4d: Tuple that declares if 4D histograms should be created [0] and if yes, what should be used as the 4th dim after xyz.
    :return: ndarray(ndim=1) x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges: contains the resulting bin edges for each dimension.
    print("Reading detector geometry in order to calculate the detector dimensions from file " + fname_geo_limits)
    geo = np.loadtxt(fname_geo_limits)

    # derive maximum and minimum x,y,z coordinates of the geometry input [[first_OM_id, xmin, ymin, zmin], [last_OM_id, xmax, ymax, zmax]]
    geo_limits = np.nanmin(geo, axis = 0), np.nanmax(geo, axis = 0)
    print('Detector dimensions [[first_OM_id, xmin, ymin, zmin], [last_OM_id, xmax, ymax, zmax]]: ' + str(geo_limits))
    if det_geo == 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v' or det_geo == 'Orca_115l_23m_h_?m_v':
        x_bin_edges = np.linspace(geo_limits[0][1] - 9.95, geo_limits[1][1] + 9.95, num=n_bins[0] + 1) #try to get the lines in the bin center 9.95*2 = average x-separation of two lines
        y_bin_edges = np.linspace(geo_limits[0][2] - 9.75, geo_limits[1][2] + 9.75, num=n_bins[1] + 1) # Delta y = 19.483

        # Fitted offsets: x,y,factor: factor*(x+x_off), # Stefan's modifications:
        offset_x, offset_y, scale = [6.19, 0.064, 1.0128]
        x_bin_edges = (x_bin_edges + offset_x) * scale
        y_bin_edges = (y_bin_edges + offset_y) * scale

        if det_geo == 'Orca_115l_23m_h_?m_v':
            # ORCA denser detector study
            z_bin_edges = np.linspace(37.84 - 7.5, 292.84 + 7.5, num=n_bins[2] + 1)  # 15m vertical, 18 DOMs
            # z_bin_edges = np.linspace(37.84 - 6, 241.84 + 6, num=n_bins[2] + 1)  # 12m vertical, 18 DOMs
            # z_bin_edges = np.linspace(37.84 - 4.5, 190.84 + 4.5, num=n_bins[2] + 1)  # 9m vertical, 18 DOMs
            # z_bin_edges = np.linspace(37.84 - 3, 139.84 + 3, num=n_bins[2] + 1)  # 6m vertical, 18 DOMs
            # z_bin_edges = np.linspace(37.84 - 2.25, 114.34 + 2.25, num=n_bins[2] + 1)  # 4.5m vertical, 18 DOMs

            n_bins_z = n_bins[2] if do4d[1] != 'xzt-c' else n_bins[1] # n_bins = [xyz,t/c] or n_bins = [xzt,c]
            z_bin_edges = np.linspace(geo_limits[0][3] - 4.665, geo_limits[1][3] + 4.665, num=n_bins_z + 1)  # Delta z = 9.329

        # calculate_bin_edges_test(geo, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges) # test disabled by default. Activate it, if you change the offsets in x/y/z-bin-edges

        raise ValueError('The specified detector geometry "' + str(det_geo) + '" is not available.')

    return x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges

def main(n_bins, det_geo, do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'time'), prod_ident=None,
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         timecut=('trigger_cluster', 'tight_1'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=False, data_cuts=None):
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    Main code. Reads raw .hdf5 files and creates 2D/3D histogram projections that can be used for a CNN.

    :param tuple(int) n_bins: Declares the number of bins that should be used for each dimension (x,y,z,t).
    :param str det_geo: declares what detector geometry should be used for the binning. E.g. 'Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v'.
    :param bool do2d: Declares if 2D histograms should be created.
    :param (bool, int) do2d_pdf: Declares if pdf visualizations of the 2D histograms should be created. Cannot be called if do2d=False.
                                 The event loop will be stopped after the integer specified in the second argument.
    :param bool do3d: Declares if 3D histograms should be created.
    :param (bool, str) do4d: Tuple that declares if 4D histograms should be created [0] and if yes, what should be used as the 4th dim after xyz.
                             Currently, only 'time' and 'channel_id' are available.
    :param int prod_ident: optional int identifier for the used mc production.
                           This is e.g. useful, if you use events from two different mc productions, e.g. the 1-5GeV & 3-100GeV Orca 2016 MC.
                           In this case, the events are not fully distinguishable with only the run_id and the event_id!
                           In order to keep a separation, an integer can be set in the event_track for all events, such that they stay distinguishable.
    :param (str, str/None) timecut: Tuple that defines what timecut should be used in
                                    Currently available:
                                    ('timeslice_relative', None): Cuts out the central 30% of the snapshot.
                                    ('trigger_cluster', 'all' / 'tight-1' / 'tight-2'): Cuts based on the mean of the triggered hits.
                                    all: [-350ns, 850ns] -> 20ns / bin (60 bins)
                                    tight-1: [-250ns, 500ns] -> 12.5ns / bin , tight-2: [-150ns, 200ns] -> 5.8ns / bin
    :param bool do_mc_hits: Declares if hits (False, mc_hits + BG) or mc_hits (True) should be processed
    :param bool use_calibrated_file: Declares if the input file is already calibrated (pos_x/y/z, time) or not.
    :param dict data_cuts: Dictionary that contains information about any possible cuts that should be applied.
                           Supports the following cuts: 'triggered', 'energy_lower_limit'
    if data_cuts is None: data_cuts={'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0}

    filename_input = parse_input(do2d, do2d_pdf)
    filename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename_input)[0])
    filename_output = filename.replace('.','_')
    filename_geo_limits = 'ORCA_Geo_115lines.txt' # used for calculating the dimensions of the ORCA can

    geo = None
    if use_calibrated_file is False:
        filename_geometry = 'orca_115strings_av23min20mhorizontal_18OMs_alt9mvertical_v1.detx'  # used for x/y/z calibration
        if os.path.isfile(filename_geometry) is True:
            geo = kp.Geometry(filename='/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/misc/orca_detectors/fixed/' + filename_geometry)
            raise IOError('The .detx file does not exist in the default path </home/woody/capn/mppi033h/misc/orca_detectors/fixed/>! '
                          'Change the path or add the .detx file to the default path.')

    x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges = calculate_bin_edges(n_bins, det_geo, filename_geo_limits, do4d)

    all_4d_to_2d_hists, all_4d_to_3d_hists, all_4d_to_4d_hists, mc_infos = [], [], [], []

    pdf_2d_plots = PdfPages('Results/4dTo2d/' + filename_output + '_plots.pdf') if do2d_pdf[0] is True else None

    # Initialize HDF5Pump of the input file
    event_pump =
    print('Generating histograms from the hits in XYZT format for files based on ' + filename_input)
    for i, event_blob in enumerate(event_pump):
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('Event No. ' + str(i))

        # filter out all hit and track information belonging that to this event
        event_hits, event_track = get_event_data(event_blob, geo, do_mc_hits, use_calibrated_file, data_cuts, do4d, prod_ident)
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        if event_track[2] < data_cuts['energy_lower_limit'] or event_track[2] > data_cuts['energy_upper_limit']:
            # Cutting events with energy < threshold (default=0) and with energy > threshold (default=200)
        if data_cuts['throw_away_prob'] > 0:
            throw_away_prob = data_cuts['throw_away_prob']
            throw_away = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1-throw_away_prob, throw_away_prob])
            if throw_away is True:

        #     # TODO temporary, deprecated solution, we always need to throw away the same events if we have multiple inputs -> use fixed seed
        #     arr = np.load('/home/woody/capn/mppi033h/Code/OrcaSong/utilities/low_e_prod_surviving_evts_elec-CC.npy')
        #     arr_list = arr.tolist()
        #     evt_id = event_track[0]
        #     run_id = event_track[9]
        #     if [run_id, evt_id] not in arr_list:
        #         continue

        # event_track: [event_id, particle_type, energy, isCC, bjorkeny, dir_x/y/z, time]

        if do2d:
            compute_4d_to_2d_histograms(event_hits, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges, n_bins, all_4d_to_2d_hists, timecut, event_track, do2d_pdf[0], pdf_2d_plots)

        if do3d:
            compute_4d_to_3d_histograms(event_hits, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges, n_bins, all_4d_to_3d_hists, timecut)

        if do4d[0]:
            compute_4d_to_4d_histograms(event_hits, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, z_bin_edges, n_bins, all_4d_to_4d_hists, timecut, do4d)

        if do2d_pdf[0] is True and i >= do2d_pdf[1]:

    if do2d:
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[0] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/xy/' + filename_output + '_xy.h5')
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[1] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/xz/' + filename_output + '_xz.h5')
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[2] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/yz/' + filename_output + '_yz.h5')
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[3] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/xt/' + filename_output + '_xt.h5')
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[4] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/yt/' + filename_output + '_yt.h5')
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[5] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_2d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo2d/h5/zt/' + filename_output + '_zt.h5')

    if do3d:
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[0] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_3d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo3d/h5/xyz/' + filename_output + '_xyz.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[1] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_3d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo3d/h5/xyt/' + filename_output + '_xyt.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[2] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_3d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo3d/h5/xzt/' + filename_output + '_xzt.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[3] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_3d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo3d/h5/yzt/' + filename_output + '_yzt.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))
        store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.stack([hist_tuple[4] for hist_tuple in all_4d_to_3d_hists]), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo3d/h5/rzt/' + filename_output + '_rzt.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))

    if do4d[0]:
        folder = ''
        if not os.path.exists('Results/4dTo4d/h5/xyzt/' + folder):
            os.makedirs('Results/4dTo4d/h5/xyzt/' + folder)
        if folder != '': folder += '/'

        if do4d[1] == 'channel_id':
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            store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.array(all_4d_to_4d_hists), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo4d/h5/xyzc/' + folder + filename_output + '_xyzc.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))
            store_histograms_as_hdf5(np.array(all_4d_to_4d_hists), np.array(mc_infos), 'Results/4dTo4d/h5/xyzt/' + folder + filename_output + '_xyzt.h5', compression=('gzip', 1))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # main(n_bins=(11,13,18,60), det_geo='Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v', do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'time'),
    #      timecut = ('trigger_cluster', 'tight_1'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=True,
    #      data_cuts = {'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0, 'energy_upper_limit': 200, 'throw_away_prob': 0})
    # 1-5GeV , info throw away: elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
    # main(n_bins=(11,13,18,60), det_geo='Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v', do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'time'),
    #      timecut = ('trigger_cluster', 'tight_1'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=True,
    #      data_cuts = {'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0, 'energy_upper_limit': 3, 'throw_away_prob': 0.00})

    # xyz-c
    # 3-100GeV
    # main(n_bins=(11,13,18,31), det_geo='Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v', do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'channel_id'),
    #      timecut = ('trigger_cluster', 'tight_1'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=True,
    #      data_cuts = {'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0, 'energy_upper_limit': 200, 'throw_away_prob': 0})

    # 1-5GeV , info throw away: elec-CC 0.25, muon-CC 0.25, elec-NC: 0.00
    main(n_bins=(11,13,18,31), det_geo='Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v', do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'channel_id'),
         timecut = ('trigger_cluster', 'tight_1'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=True,
         data_cuts = {'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0, 'energy_upper_limit': 3, 'throw_away_prob': 0.00})
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    # main(n_bins=(11,13,18,60), det_geo='Orca_115l_23m_h_9m_v', do2d=False, do2d_pdf=(False, 10), do3d=False, do4d=(True, 'channel_id'),
    #      timecut = ('trigger_cluster', 'all'), do_mc_hits=False, use_calibrated_file=True,
    #      data_cuts = {'triggered': False, 'energy_lower_limit': 0, 'energy_upper_limit': 200, 'throw_away_prob': 0})