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Commit 34ee2fea authored by Stefan Reck's avatar Stefan Reck
Browse files

Bin stats are now added to each h5 file.

parent 2b130099
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......@@ -2,13 +2,18 @@ import km3pipe as kp
import km3modules as km
import os
from orcasong_plag.modules import TimePreproc, ImageMaker, McInfoMaker, BinningPlotter, plot_hists
from orcasong_plag.modules import TimePreproc, ImageMaker, McInfoMaker, BinningStatsMaker
from orcasong_plag.mc_info_types import get_mc_info_extr
from orcasong_plag.util.bin_stats_plot import plot_hists, add_hists_to_h5file, plot_hist_of_files
class FileBinner:
For making binned images.
For making binned images and mc_infos, which can be used for conv. nets.
Can also add statistics of the binning to the h5 files, which can
be plotted to show the distribution of hits among the bins and how
many hits were cut off.
......@@ -54,10 +59,14 @@ class FileBinner:
but it increases the RAM usage as well.
def __init__(self, bin_edges_list, mc_info_extr=None):
def __init__(self, bin_edges_list, mc_info_extr=None, add_bin_stats=True):
self.bin_edges_list = bin_edges_list
self.mc_info_extr = mc_info_extr
self.bin_plot_freq = 20
if add_bin_stats:
self.bin_plot_freq = 1
self.bin_plot_freq = None
self.n_statusbar = 1000
self.n_memory_observer = 1000
......@@ -69,52 +78,70 @@ class FileBinner:
self.complevel = 1
self.flush_frequency = 1000
def run(self, infile, outfile):
def run(self, infile, outfile, save_plot=False):
Build the pipeline to make images for the given file.
Make images for a file.
infile : str
Path to the input file.
outfile : str
Path to the output file.
Path to the output file (will be created).
save_plot : bool
Save the binning hists as a pdf. Only possible if bin_plot_freq
is not None.
if save_plot and self.bin_plot_freq is None:
raise ValueError("Can not make plot when add_bin_stats is False")
name, shape = self.get_names_and_shape()
print("Generating {} images with shape {}".format(name, shape))
plot_hists = self.bin_plot_freq is not None
pipe = self.build_pipe(infile, outfile)
smry = pipe.drain()
if self.bin_plot_freq is not None:
hists = smry["BinningStatsMaker"]
add_hists_to_h5file(hists, outfile)
pipe = self.build_pipe(infile, outfile, plot_hists=plot_hists)
if save_plot:
save_as = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + "_hists.pdf"
plot_hists(hists, save_as)
def run_multi(self, infiles, outfolder):
def run_multi(self, infiles, outfolder, save_plot=False):
Bin multiple files into their own output files each.
Will also generate a summary binning plot for all of the files.
infiles : List
The path to infiles as str.
outfolder : str
The output folder to place them in.
The output folder to place them in. The output file name will
be generated automatically.
save_plot : bool
Save the binning hists as a pdf. Only possible if bin_plot_freq
is not None.
hists = None
if save_plot and self.bin_plot_freq is None:
raise ValueError("Can not make plot when add_bin_stats is False")
outfiles = []
for infile in infiles:
outfile_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] + "_hist.h5"
outfile_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] \
+ "_hist.h5"
outfile = outfolder + outfile_name
pipe = self.build_pipe(infile, outfile,
plot_hists=False, hists_start=hists)
smry = pipe.drain()
hists = smry["BinningPlotter"]
plot_hists(hists, pdf_path=outfolder + "binning_summary.pdf"), outfile, save_plot=False)
def build_pipe(self, infile, outfile, plot_hists=True, hists_start=None):
if save_plot:
plot_hist_of_files(outfiles, save_as=outfolder+"binning_hist.pdf")
def build_pipe(self, infile, outfile):
Build the pipe to generate images and mc_info for a file.
......@@ -138,15 +165,9 @@ class FileBinner:
# pipe.attach(EventSkipper, data_cuts=self.data_cuts)
if self.bin_plot_freq is not None:
if plot_hists:
pdf_name = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + "_hists.pdf"
pdf_name = None
......@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ Custom km3pipe modules for making nn input files.
import km3pipe as kp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
class McInfoMaker(kp.Module):
......@@ -119,17 +116,17 @@ class ImageMaker(kp.Module):
return blob
class BinningPlotter(kp.Module):
class BinningStatsMaker(kp.Module):
Save a histogram of the number of hits for each binning field name.
Generate a histogram of the number of hits for each binning field name.
E.g. if the bin_edges_list contains "pos_z", this will save a histogram
of #Hits vs. "pos_z" as a pdf, together with how many hits were outside
E.g. if the bin_edges_list contains "pos_z", this will make a histogram
of #Hits vs. "pos_z", together with how many hits were outside
of the bin edges in both directions.
Per default, the resolution of the histogram (width of bins) will be
higher then the given bin edges, and the edges will be plotted as horizontal
lines. The time is the exception: The plotted bins have exactly the
higher then the given bin edges, and the edges will be stored seperatly.
The time is the exception: The plotted bins have exactly the
given bin edges.
......@@ -137,48 +134,37 @@ class BinningPlotter(kp.Module):
bin_edges_list : List
List with the names of the fields to bin, and the respective bin edges,
including the left- and right-most bin edge.
pdf_path : str, optional
Where to save the hists to. This pdf will contain all the field names
on their own page each.
bin_plot_freq : int
Extract data for the hitograms only every given number of blobs
Extract data for the histograms only every given number of blobs
(reduces time the pipeline takes to complete).
res_increase : int
Increase the number of bins by this much in the plot (so that one
Increase the number of bins by this much in the hists (so that one
can see if the edges have been placed correctly). Is never used
for the time binning (field name "time").
plot_bin_edges : bool
If true, will plot the bin edges as horizontal lines. Is never used
for the time binning (field name "time").
hists_start : dict, optional
Starting values for the statistics.
def configure(self):
self.bin_edges_list = self.require('bin_edges_list')
self.pdf_path = self.get('pdf_path', default=None)
self.bin_plot_freq = self.get("bin_plot_freq", default=20)
self.bin_plot_freq = self.get("bin_plot_freq", default=1)
self.res_increase = self.get('res_increase', default=5)
self.plot_bin_edges = self.get('plot_bin_edges', default=True)
self.hists_start = self.get('hists_start', default=None)
if self.hists_start is None:
self.hists = {}
for bin_name, org_bin_edges in self.bin_edges_list:
if bin_name == "time":
bin_edges = org_bin_edges
bin_edges = self._space_bin_edges(org_bin_edges)
self.hists[bin_name] = {
"hist": np.zeros(len(bin_edges) - 1),
"hist_bin_edges": bin_edges,
"bin_edges": org_bin_edges,
"out_pos": 0,
"out_neg": 0,
self.hists = self.hists_start
self.hists = {}
for bin_name, org_bin_edges in self.bin_edges_list:
if bin_name == "time":
bin_edges = org_bin_edges
bin_edges = self._space_bin_edges(org_bin_edges)
self.hists[bin_name] = {
"hist": np.zeros(len(bin_edges) - 1),
"hist_bin_edges": bin_edges,
"bin_edges": org_bin_edges,
# below smallest edge, above largest edge:
"cut_off": np.zeros(2),
self.i = 0
......@@ -207,64 +193,24 @@ class BinningPlotter(kp.Module):
out_neg = data[data < np.min(hist_bin_edges)].size
self.hists[bin_name]["hist"] += hist
self.hists[bin_name]["out_pos"] += out_pos
self.hists[bin_name]["out_neg"] += out_neg
self.hists[bin_name]["cut_off"] += np.array([out_neg, out_pos])
self.i += 1
return blob
def finish(self):
Make and save the histograms to pdf.
if self.pdf_path is not None:
plot_hists(self.hists, self.pdf_path,
return self.hists
Get the hists, which are the stats of the binning.
Its a dict with each binning field name containing the following
def plot_hists(hists, pdf_path, plot_bin_edges=True):
Plot histograms made by the BinningPlotter to the given pdf path.
bin_edges : The actual bin edges.
cut_off : How many events were cut off in positive and negative
direction due to this binning.
hist_bin_edges : The bin edges for the plot in finer resolution then
the actual bin edges.
hist : The number of hist in each bin of the hist_bin_edges.
with PdfPages(pdf_path) as pdf_file:
for bin_name, hists_data in hists.items():
hist_bin_edges = hists_data["hist_bin_edges"]
bin_edges = hists_data["bin_edges"]
hist = hists_data["hist"]
out_pos = hists_data["out_pos"]
out_neg = hists_data["out_neg"]
hist_frac = hist / (np.sum(hist) + out_pos + out_neg)
bin_spacing = hist_bin_edges[1] - hist_bin_edges[0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()[:-1],
width=0.9 * bin_spacing,
if plot_bin_edges and bin_name != "time":
for bin_edge in bin_edges:
plt.axvline(x=bin_edge, color='grey', linestyle='-',
linewidth=1, alpha=0.9)
# place a text box in upper left in axes coords
out_pos_rel = out_pos / np.sum(hist)
out_neg_rel = out_neg / np.sum(hist)
textstr = "Hits cut off:\n Left: {:.1%}\n" \
" Right: {:.1%}".format(out_neg_rel, out_pos_rel)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.9)
ax.text(0.05, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax.transAxes,
verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
plt.ylabel("Fraction of hits")
print("Saved binning plot to " + pdf_path)
return self.hists
Functions for plotting the bin stats made by the BinningStatsMaker module.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import h5py
import numpy as np
def plot_hists(hists, save_to, plot_bin_edges=True):
Plot histograms made by the BinningStatsMaker to the given pdf path.
hists : dict or List
Dicts with the info about the binning, generated by the BinningStatsMaker.
Can also be a list of dicts (for multiple files), which will be
combined to one plot.
save_to : str
Where to save the plot to.
plot_bin_edges : bool
If true, will plot the bin edges as horizontal lines. Is never used
for the time binning (field name "time").
if isinstance(hists, list):
hists = combine_hists(hists)
with PdfPages(save_to) as pdf_file:
for bin_name, hists_data in hists.items():
hist_bin_edges = hists_data["hist_bin_edges"]
bin_edges = hists_data["bin_edges"]
hist = hists_data["hist"]
cut_off = hists_data["cut_off"]
total_hits = np.sum(hist) + np.sum(cut_off)
hist_frac = hist / total_hits
bin_spacing = hist_bin_edges[1] - hist_bin_edges[0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()[:-1],
width=0.9 * bin_spacing,
if plot_bin_edges and bin_name != "time":
for bin_edge in bin_edges:
plt.axvline(x=bin_edge, color='grey', linestyle='-',
linewidth=1, alpha=0.9)
# place a text box in upper left in axes coords
out_neg_rel = cut_off[0] / total_hits
out_pos_rel = cut_off[1] / total_hits
textstr = "Hits cut off:\n Left: {:.1%}\n" \
" Right: {:.1%}".format(out_neg_rel, out_pos_rel)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.9)
ax.text(0.05, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax.transAxes,
verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
plt.ylabel("Fraction of hits")
print("Saved binning plot to " + save_to)
def combine_hists(hists_list):
Combine the hists for multiple files into a single big one.
hists_list : List
A list of dicts (hists from the BinningStatsMaker for different files).
combined_hists : Dict
The combined hist.
# initialize combined dict according to first dict in list
combined_hists = {}
for bin_name, hists_data in hists_list[0].items():
hist_bin_edges = hists_data["hist_bin_edges"]
bin_edges = hists_data["bin_edges"]
bin_name = bin_name
combined_hists[bin_name] = {
"hist": np.zeros(len(hist_bin_edges) - 1),
"hist_bin_edges": hist_bin_edges,
"bin_edges": bin_edges,
# below smallest edge, above largest edge:
"cut_off": np.zeros(2),
# add them together
for hists in hists_list:
for bin_name, hists_data in hists.items():
# name and bin edges must be the same for all hists
if bin_name not in combined_hists:
raise NameError(
"Hists dont all have the same binning field name:"
bin_edges = hists_data["bin_edges"]
comb_edges = combined_hists[bin_name]["bin_edges"]
if len(bin_edges) != len(comb_edges):
raise ValueError("Hists have different hist bin edges: {} vs {}"
.format(bin_edges, comb_edges))
hist_bin_edges = hists_data["hist_bin_edges"]
comb_hist_edges = combined_hists[bin_name]["hist_bin_edges"]
if len(hist_bin_edges) != len(comb_hist_edges):
raise ValueError("Hists have different bin edges: {} vs {}"
.format(hist_bin_edges, comb_hist_edges))
combined_hists[bin_name]["hist"] += hists_data["hist"]
combined_hists[bin_name]["cut_off"] += hists_data["cut_off"]
return combined_hists
def add_hists_to_h5file(hists, file):
Add the binning stats as groups to a h5 file.
hists : dict
The histst from the BinningStatsMaker module.
file : str
Path to the h5 file.
base_name = "bin_stats/"
with h5py.File(file, "a") as f:
for bin_name, hists_data in hists.items():
for key, val in hists_data.items():
h5_folder = base_name + bin_name + "/" + key
f.create_dataset(h5_folder, data=val)
def plot_hist_of_files(files, save_as):
Plot the binning stats of a list of files.
files : List
Path of the files as str.
save_as : str
Where to save the plot to.
hists_list = []
opened_files = []
for file in files:
f = h5py.File(file, "r")
plot_hists(hists_list, save_as)
for file in opened_files:
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