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* changed the default maximal number of records read from CORSIKA files to 0
* corrected the nuclear mass formula in `GSeaCORSIKAFileFlux::CorsikaRestMass` to include nuclei with odd mass numbers, e.g. Helium-3

(from v7.1.2):
* added manual control of the maximal number of records read from CORSIKA files
* suppressed the unnecessary printout at the end of processing of a CORSIKA file

(from 7.1.1)
* added the CORSIKA-specific info about the penetration depth in g/cm^2
* minor fixes

(from 7.1.0)
* fixed muon propagation, so that now muons should not end up deeper than 5m inside the can.
* propagation step length and first (bigger) step length can now be defined by the user with `--propagation-step` and `--approach-dist` (although it is recommended to stick to the optimized default values)
* readout of the MUPROD option from CORSIKA was corrected
* a problem with wrong use of UnstableParticleDecayer was solved