@@ -64,6 +64,27 @@ This specific command runs all jobcards within the ``jobcards/examples`` folder
and stores the output inside the folder ``output``. The folder structure
is applied from the ``jobcards``\ folder.
In order to retrieve correct results and provide correct KM3NeT weights (w2)
the treatment of the GiBUU weights is an important step. A brief description
of the GiBUU weights and how to calculate actual cross sections is given on the
`GiBUU Homepage <https://gibuu.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/perWeight>`__ and
a more detailed description of the calculation can be found in the `PhD Thesis
of Tina Leitner <https://inspirehep.net/literature/849921>`__ in Chapter 8.3.
As it is mentioned in the description of the output flux file in the
`documentation <https://gibuu.hepforge.org/Documentation/code/init/neutrino/initNeutrino_f90.html#robo1685>`__ this is not taken somehow into account inside the weights.
Following the description the GiBUU event weight can be converted to a binned