* `Overview of daq files <#overview-of-daq-files>`__
* `Overview of online files <#overview-of-online-files>`__
* `Overview of offline files <#overview-of-offline-files>`__
* `Overview of offline files <#overview-of-offline-files>`__
* `DAQ files reader <#daq-files-reader>`__
* `Online files reader <#online-files-reader>`__
* `Reading Events <#reading-events>`__
* `Reading Events <#reading-events>`__
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Introduction
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Introduction
Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are either created with `Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ or `aanet <https://git.km3net.de/common/aanet>`__ software. A root file created with
Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are either created with `Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ or `aanet <https://git.km3net.de/common/aanet>`__ software. A root file created with
`Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ is often referred to as "a Jpp root file". Similarly, a root file created with `aanet <https://git.km3net.de/common/aanet>`__ is often referred to as "an aanet file". In km3io, an aanet root file will always be reffered to as an ``offline file``, while a Jpp root file will always be referred to as a ``daq file``.
`Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ is often referred to as "a Jpp root file". Similarly, a root file created with `aanet <https://git.km3net.de/common/aanet>`__ is often referred to as "an aanet file". In km3io, an aanet root file will always be reffered to as an ``offline file``, while a Jpp ROOT file will always be referred to as a ``online file``.
km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes (``DAQReader`` and ``OfflineReader``) to read both daq root files and offline root files without any dependency to aanet, Jpp or ROOT.
km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes (``OnlineReader`` and ``OfflineReader``) to read both online ROOT files and offline ROOT files without any dependency to aanet, Jpp or ROOT.
Data in km3io is often returned as a "lazyarray", a "jagged lazyarray" or a `Numpy <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy>`__ array. A lazyarray is an array-like object that reads data on demand! In a lazyarray, only the first and the last chunks of data are read in memory. A lazyarray can be used with all Numpy's universal `functions <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html>`__. Here is how a lazyarray looks like:
Data in km3io is often returned as a "lazyarray", a "jagged lazyarray" or a `Numpy <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy>`__ array. A lazyarray is an array-like object that reads data on demand! In a lazyarray, only the first and the last chunks of data are read in memory. A lazyarray can be used with all Numpy's universal `functions <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html>`__. Here is how a lazyarray looks like:
@@ -101,10 +101,9 @@ A jagged array, is a 2+ dimentional array with different arrays lengths. In othe
@@ -101,10 +101,9 @@ A jagged array, is a 2+ dimentional array with different arrays lengths. In othe