@@ -58,11 +58,21 @@ If you have a question about km3io, please proceed as follows:
Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are created using the `KM3NeT Dataformat library <https://git.km3net.de/common/km3net-dataformat>`__
A ROOT file created with
`Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ is an "online" file and all other software usually produces "offline" files.
km3io is a Python package that provides a set of classes: ``OnlineReader``, ``OfflineReader`` and a special class to read gSeaGen files. All of these ROOT files can be read installing any other software like Jpp, aanet or ROOT.
Most of km3net data is stored in root files. These root files are created using
the `KM3NeT Dataformat library
<https://git.km3net.de/common/km3net-dataformat>`__ A ROOT file created with
`Jpp <https://git.km3net.de/common/jpp>`__ is an "online" file and all other
software usually produces "offline" files.
km3io is a Python package that provides access to offline files with its
``OfflineReader`` class and a special one to read gSeaGen files. All of these
ROOT files can be read without installing any other software like Jpp, aanet or
ROOT. km3io v1.1 and earlier also support the access to online files (events,
summaryslices and timeslices). This feature has been dropped due to a lack of
mainteinance power and inf favour of the `KM3io.jl <https://git.km3net.de/common/KM3io.jl>`__` Julia Package, which
provides high-performances access to all ROOT files and should also be
prioritised over ``km3io`` when performance matters (which does, most of the
Data in km3io is returned as ``awkward.Array`` which is an advance Numpy-like container type to store
contiguous data for high performance computations.
@@ -254,61 +264,4 @@ to retrieve the energy of the very first reconstructed track for the first three
Online files reader
``km3io`` is able to read events and summary slices (reading of timeslices is
only available in ``km3io v1.1.0`` or older).
Let's have a look at some online data.
Reading online events
Now we use the ``OnlineReader`` to create our file object.
.. code-block:: python3
import km3io
f = km3io.OnlineReader(data_path("online/km3net_online.root"))
That's it, we created an object which gives access to all the events, but the
relevant data is still not loaded into the memory (lazy access)!
The structure is different compared to the ``OfflineReader``
because online files also contains summaryslices at the top level.